Levitation Apparatus - Aviation Ballistic Radio

Radio Technology Generates Free Energy

There is a new technology out there that is generating free energy and it doesn't require any fossil fuels to do so! This technology is called radio technology and it works by resonating high frequency electrical oscillations. These oscillations create radiant energy, which can be harnessed to power our homes and vehicles. The best part is that this technology is clean and environmentally friendly, so it doesn't produce any harmful emissions.

Tesla technology is a term used to describe a variety of different technological concepts developed by Nikola Tesla. These concepts include wireless energy transfer, alternating current (AC), and x-rays. Tesla's technology has been adapted and developed in various ways over the years. One of the most notable adaptations is Dr. Moray's version of free energy or radiant energy.

Dr. Moray's version of Tesla's technology is super effective. He was able to generate free electrical energy using a special radio receiver called the Moray Valve. The Moray Valve captures energy from the environment and converts it into usable electrical power. This technology could provide a solution to the world's energy problems and help us move away from fossil fuels.

Practical guide - in just one box - engineer Moray's way
✰* Revealed At LastAncient Invention Generates Energy-On-Demand
The design includes:
  • Harnessing electricity from the Earth: Neither is Schumann Resonance, nor is it known by Electromagnetism. It's Energy from Ether in Which the Earth Floats
  • Extracted from ordinary electricity by the method called “fractionation.”
  • Reverse Tesla coil - "Back to Back" mechanism
  • Combination of radiant energy and negative resistance to amplify electricity 
  • And many other plans for Free Energy.

        Note. Ether technology creates UFO flying saucers: Flying Saucer and Ether Technology

        Levitation Apparatus

        Currently residing in our town an Italian Engineer has made an astounding discovery and that has resolved the problem of holding, absolutely immobile, a body in space.

        Professor Louis Rota --- that is his name --- has invented an apparatus which triumphs over the law of gravitation and is able to hold immobile in the air at a height of five hundred, six hundred, indeed 1000 metres, a considerable weight.

        It is possible to move this apparatus at a prodigious velocity in any direction and it may be stopped at any point all that, it is understood, without a mechanical motor of any sort, simply by using Hertzian waves.

        The principle of this invention rests on the special partitioning of electrostatic and magnetic forces enabling forces of attraction and repulsion sufficient to maintain the apparatus suspended , immobile at a variable height of 400 to 1000 metres for many hours, forty or more. If the wind speed is less than 14 Km/second, the apparatus remains at the same point. In the case that the wind is stronger, the apparatus can rise higher above the wind and remain immobile.

        Experiments have already been made which have already given results. The other has been made at Marseille with an apparatus in the form of a cigar 4 metres long and 75 cm diameter weighing 95 kilos. It can lift 45 Kilos and remain 24 hours in the air. It moved 200 Kilometres from its point of departure, and could go from Marseille to Paris (653 kilometres in a direct line) in 3 hours and Paris to Turin (585 Kilometres) in two and a quarter hours.

        Radio technology creates flying equipment and free energy
        Radio technology creates flying equipment and free energy

        Radio technology creates flying equipment and free energy

        Radio technology creates flying equipment and free energy


        Levitation Apparatus - Aviation Ballistic Radio

        Levitation Apparatus - Aviation Ballistic Radio

        Levitation Apparatus - Aviation Ballistic Radio

        Levitation Apparatus - Aviation Ballistic Radio

        Rota’s Note on the Construction “The Aero Radio Ballistique Type C”

        In a previous note I have indicated that metals enclose a latent energy which can, with the aid of certain natural forces, be awakened and utilized.

        I make it known furthermore, that the attraction of the earth is due to the action of a certain natural force which it has been possible equally to control and utilize.

        This is the force that keeps in equilibrium the molecules of different bodies. Its action along with that of many other natural forces assures their cohesion.

        If therefore a metallic mass is treated in a suitable manner with the aid of the natural force which we will call “attraction of the earth”, it is possible to neutralize the above mentioned action which the metallic mass experiences, in such a manner that the mass rests in equilibrium in the air. If one applies to said mass a force greater than the attraction of the earth in the opposite direction, the mass will rise in the air. If by means of a special apparatus one diminishes the intensity of said force, the mass will descend more or less rapidly.

        Such are the principles which allow the realization of a flying device insensible to the action of the earth and also presents certain number of other advantages.

        The apparatus is composed essentially of a closed metallic capsule containing a motor and passengers. The capsule can have any convenient shape, according to the use for which it is required. The form does not have to be aerodynamic, this is of no importance. This capsule is neutral, that is to say the metallic parts of it are not subject to particular treatment. It rests on the ground by means of four wheels and has on the lower part a type of multi-metallic platform carrying four feet which can enter into the ground. The platform is made of metallic strips, specially treated. The capsule is equipped, at its lower part with a treated multi-metallic block B, which has connections to the pilot’s controls which can be made or broken as required. Similarly in the upper part of the capsule is placed another block B’, which has a different composition to the other, but is treated with the same energies. It is connected to the pilot’s controls which can be made or broken as required. The conjugate action of the platform connected to earth and the block B in contact with the capsule cause the apparatus to lift-off . This operation is assisted by rolling a few metres along the ground. It is slow or rapid depending on the choice of the pilot.

        When the apparatus has risen some metres the platform is pulled up against the capsule, the contact with the block B is cut and remade to block B’. From this moment the apparatus rises vertically rapidly or not depending on the pilot balancing the action of block B against block B’ because the action of B’ makes the apparatus rise while that of B brakes the descent as well as the speed of the apparatus.

        The capsule can rise or fall, but it still requires a means of producing forward motion. This is done by a motor. A petrol engine and airscrew as in an ordinary aircraft can be used. In this case the aircraft will be weightless but the risk of fire is the same as in ordinary aircraft.

        Nevertheless the energy liberated by blocks B and B’ create about the apparatus a zone in which the air is rarefied, such that the apparatus will not have to act against air resistance. It will be equally insensitive to wind or storms so that the petrol engine used can be of very much reduced power.

        It is equally possible to utilize a special motor, which is without combustion, and does not use known energy. Its principle is extremely simple and is applied in the establishment of the apparatus which at the Station (at Mt St. Aignan) serves to control the currents.

        If in a cylinder of copper treated in a special way and enclosing another cylinder of zinc, treated in a special way and mounted on the same axis, the latter cylinder will be caused to revolve more or less rapidly depending on the depth of penetration of one cylinder within the other. The rotation movement furthermore will serve to assure the movement of the apparatus by means of ……….. [this part is missing from the originals text]

        The treatment of the metallic pieces of the motor is renewed in proportion to the travel of the apparatus, the speed could be as much as 1000Km per hour.

        French Patent # 508,472
        Process and Apparatus to Maintain a Body in Suspension in the Air, Based on the Electric and Magnetic Forces
        Louis ROTA & Georges MILIENNE
        13 October 1920

        Process and Apparatus to Maintain a Body in Suspension in the Air, Based on the Electric and Magnetic Forces

        Process and Apparatus to Maintain a Body in Suspension in the Air, Based on the Electric and Magnetic Forces

        In principle, the invention has for its object an apparatus in which the electric and magnetic forces are distributed under conditions that respond to electrical and magnetic forces of the atmosphere and the earth and the effect of these reactions (repulsions) maintains the unit suspended in the atmosphere or ensure the apparatus falls very slowly.

        In the construction of the apparatus, active or active part is performed through metal conductors good of electricity such as silver, copper, iron soft, and so on. while the other pieces are made of wood, aluminum or other lightweight materials.

        Drawings in the annex, gave the apparatus cylindrical shape, but it might give any other suitable shape with the purpose of the apparatus.

        On this drawing, Fig. 1 shows a elevation of the device with parties cutting and Fig. 2 VUW shows a plan of the aircraft cut by XX in Fig. 1.

        The body of the apparatus consists of a vertical closed cylinder with two funds 1, with bells  overhead, each of which holds a central rod 2.

        The cylinder, at his height, is divided into three sections 3, 4, 5, isolated from one another by insulating rings 6, 7, tip to follow the ends of Part 4, Parts 3 and 5 being similar and arranged symmetrically around the other of Part 4.

        The cylinder is constituted by amounts 8, variable number following the magnitude of the device, which support envelopes metallic circles 9, 10, 11 constituted by thin sheet metal disks. These discs are represented in 12, 13, 14.

        Concentrically in parts 3 and 5 of the central cylinder and discs 12 and 14, are metallic envelopes 15, 16 in thin sheets of metal maintained by reinforcements 17, 18 linked by 19 to central tie rods 2. Led armatures 17, 18 ties and 19 are led by the son of rolled copper manner has constituent solenoids, which are powered by a current source of electricity 20, battery or other generators inside the central part 4 of the central cylinder. The current could also come by electrical waves on a wire.

        The frames 17 and 18 and central pole 2 are external magnetic masses 21 forming electro-magnets.

        In operation, the disc 13 will be the seat of a positive field and discs 12 and 14 will be the seat of a negative field.

        Since the electric state of the atmosphere is not stable and can vary, a possibility of change led connections solenoids inducers 17, 18, 19 if necessary, the legal 12 and 14 can be the seat of fields and contrary polarities so that the camera always tells magnetic fields that it is still subject to an attraction from the forces of the electric atmosphere and has a repulsion from the terrestrial magnetism.


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