Tesla's experiment shows the zero point energy
Radiant energy and Zero-Point Energy
- Radiant energy - Radiant Electricity
Zero-Point Energy
The theory of Zero-Point Energy and Some Ways of Exploitation
DC electrical pulse and Zero-Point Energy in Ether
Ether in the universe and The Zero-Point Energy Field
Introducing a few ways to exploit Zero-Point Energy of Nikola Tesla
How many ways are there to exploit Zero-Point Energy by Tesla?
Has Tesla created a free power generator - Zero-Point Energy yet?
- Introducing a few ways to exploit Zero-Point Energy of Nikola Tesla
- 3. Detailed instructions for creating Overunity Generator Blueprint
Summary of content for Zero-Point Energy Field and How to Exploit it
Tesla's experiment shows the zero point energy
- Radiant energy and Zero-Point Energy
- Zero-Point Energy
The theory of Zero-Point Energy and Some Ways of Exploitation
- DC electrical pulse and Zero-Point Energy in Ether
- Ether in the universe and The Zero-Point Energy Field
Introducing a few ways to exploit Zero-Point Energy of Nikola Tesla
- How many ways are there to exploit Zero-Point Energy by Tesla?
- Has Tesla created a free power generator - Zero-Point Energy yet?
- Introducing a few ways to exploit Zero-Point Energy of Nikola Tesla:
- Free energy generator by harnessing Zero-Point Energy from permanent magnets
- Free energy generator by extracting Zero-Point Energy from the negative charge of the Earth
- Detailed instructions for creating Overunity Generator Blueprint
Purpose of this article:
- Help you understand that exploiting Zero-Point Energy is possible.
- Guide you to create homemade generators. The blueprint will help you create a generator to supply your family or the purpose of generating electricity to mine Bitcoin: Easy Power Plan Will Change Our World Forever
- Help you access information concealed in science.
Tesla's experiment shows the zero point energy
Unexplained experiment always precedes theory. Now, I will present the fact that energy seems to be taken from nothing - Zero-Point Energy:
In 1889 Tesla began experimenting with capacitors charged to high voltages and discharged in very short time intervals. These very short pulses produced very sharp shockwaves which he felt across the front of his whole body. He was aware that closing a switch on a high-voltage dynamo often produced a stinging shock. This was believed to be static electricity and it occurred only at switch-on and only for a few milliseconds. However, in those few milliseconds, bluish needles of energy stand out from the electrical cables and they leak to ground, often through the bodies of any people standing nearby, causing immediate death if the installation is large. While the generators of that time were rated at some thousands of volts, these discharges were millions of volts in intensity. The generator problem was eliminated by the used of highly insulated switches which were provided with a very large ground connection.
Tesla was intrigued by this phenomenon which appeared to match the effect of his capacitor discharges. He calculated that the voltages produced were hundreds of times greater than could be supplied by the capacitor or generator. It was clear that the power supplied was being amplified or augmented in some way, but the question was, from where was the extra energy coming?
Radiant energy and Zero-Point Energy
Radiant energy - Radiant Electricity
Tesla was intrigued by this phenomenon which appeared to match the effect of his capacitor discharges. He calculated that the voltages produced were hundreds of times greater than could be supplied by the capacitor or generator. It was clear that the power supplied was being amplified or augmented in some way, but the question was, from where was the extra energy coming?
Tesla continued to investigate through experiments, taking precautions against the high voltages being produced. He was soon able to produce these shockwaves whenever he wanted to. The shockwaves produced a stinging sensation no matter where he stood in his laboratory, and hands and face were particularly sensitive to the wave. These waves radiated out and penetrated metal, glass and every other kind of material. This was clearly not an electromagnetic wave, so he called the new wave ‘Radiant Electricity’.
Other phenomena related:
Tesla searched the literature to find references to this radiant energy but he could not find much. In 1842, Dr. Joseph Henry had observed that steel needles were magnetised by a Leyden Jar spark discharge located on a different floor of the building. The magnetising wave had passed through brick walls, oak doors, heavy stone and iron flooring and tin ceilings to reach the needles located in a vault in the cellar.
In 1872, Elihu Thomson took a large Ruhmkorrf Spark Coil, attached one pole of the coil to a cold-water pipe and the other pole to a metal table top. This resulted in a series of massive sparks which electrified the metal door knob of the room and produced the stinging shockwaves which Tesla was investigating. He found that any insulated metal object anywhere in the building would produce long continuous white sparks discharging to ground. This discovery was written up briefly in the Scientific American journal later that year.
Tesla concluded that all of the phenomena which he had observed, implied the presence of “a medium of gaseous structure, that is, one consisting of independent carriers capable of free motion - besides the air, another medium is present”. This invisible medium is capable of carrying waves of energy through all substances, which suggests that, if physical, its basic structure is much smaller than the atoms which make up commonplace materials, allowing the stream of matter to pass freely through all solids. It appears that all of space is filled with this matter.
Thomas Henry Moray demonstrated this energy flow passing through glass and lighting standard electric light bulbs. Harold Aspden performed an experiment known as the “Aspden Effect” which also indicates the presence of this medium. Harold made this discovery when running tests not related to this subject. He started an electric motor which had a rotor mass of 800 grams and recorded the fact that it took an energy input of 300 joules to bring it up to its running speed of 3,250 revolutions per minute when it was driving no load.
The rotor having a mass of 800 grams and spinning at that speed, its kinetic energy together with that of the drive motor is no more than 15 joules, contrasting with the excessive energy of 300 joules needed to get it rotating at that speed. If the motor is left running for five minutes or more, and then switched off, it comes to rest after a few seconds. But, the motor can then be started again (in the same or opposite direction) and brought up to speed with only 30 joules provided that the time lapse between stopping and restarting is no more than a minute or so. If there is a delay of several minutes, then an energy input of 300 joules is needed to get the rotor spinning again.
This is not a transient heating phenomenon. At all times the bearing housings feel cool and any heating in the drive motor would imply an increase of resistance and a build-up of power to a higher steady state condition. The experimental evidence is that there is something unseen, which is put into motion by the machine rotor. That “something” has an effective mass density 20 times that of the rotor, but it is something that can move independently and take several minutes to decay, while the motor comes to rest in a few seconds.
Two machines of different rotor size and composition reveal the phenomenon and tests indicate variations with time of day and compass orientation of the spin axis. One machine, the one incorporating weaker magnets, showed evidence of gaining strength magnetically during the tests which were repeated over a period of several days.
This clearly shows that there is an unseen medium which interacts with everyday objects and actions, and confirms Tesla’s discovery. Tesla continued to experiment and determined that a very short uni-directional pulse is necessary to generate the radiant energy wave. In other words, an alternating voltage does not create the effect, it has to be a DC pulse. The shorter the pulse time and the higher the voltage, the greater the energy wave. He found that using a capacitor and an arc discharge mechanism with a very powerful permanent magnet placed at right angles to the spark, improved the performance of his equipment by a major factor.
Additional experiments showed that the effects were altered by adjusting the duration of the electrical pulse. In each instance, the power of the radiated energy appeared to be constant irrespective of the distance from his apparatus. The energy was in the form of individual longitudinal waves. Objects placed near the equipment became powerfully electrified, retaining their charge for many minutes after the equipment was switched off.
Tesla was using a charging dynamo as a power source and he found that if he moved his magnetic discharger to one side of the dynamo, the radiant wave was positive. If he moved the magnetic discharger towards the other side of the dynamo, the radiant wave became negative in sign. This was clearly a new electrical force which travelled as light-like rays, showing them to be different in nature to the electromagnetic waves of Maxwell.
Investigating the effects of adjusting the duration of the pulses, Tesla found that a pulse train which had individual pulses with durations exceeding 100 microseconds, produced pain and mechanical pressures. At this duration, objects in the field visibly vibrated and were even pushed along by the field. Thin wires subjected to sudden bursts of the radiant field, exploded into vapour. When the pulse duration was reduced to 100 microseconds or below, the painful effect was no longer felt and the waves are harmless.
With a pulse duration of 1 microsecond, strong physiological heat was felt. With even shorter pulse durations, spontaneous illuminations capable of filling rooms with white light, were produced. Even shorter pulses produced cool room penetrating breezes with an accompanying uplift in mood and awareness. These effects have been verified by Eric Dollard who has written about them in some detail.
In 1890, Tesla discovered that if he placed a two-foot long single-turn deep copper helix coil near his magnetic disrupter, the thin-walled coil developed a sheath of white sparks with long silvery white streamers rising from the top of the coil. These discharges appeared to have much higher voltages than the generating circuit. This effect was greatly increased if the coil was placed inside the disrupter wire circle. The discharge seemed to hug the surface of the coil with a strange affinity, and rode up its surface to the open end. The shockwave flowed over the coil at right angles to the windings and produced very long discharges from the top of the coil. With the disrupter charge jumping one inch in its magnetic housing, the coil streamers were more than two feet in length. This effect was generated at the moment when the magnetic field quenched the spark and it was wholly unknown at that time.
This train of very short uni-directional pulses causes a very strange field to expand outwards. This field resembles a stuttering electrostatic field but has a far more powerful effect than would be expected from an electrostatic charge. Tesla was unable to account for the enormous voltage multiplication of his apparatus using any of the electrical formula of his day. He therefore presumed that the effect was entirely due to radiant transformation rules which would have to be determined through experimental measurements. This he proceeded to do.
Tesla had discovered a new induction law where radiant shockwaves actually auto-intensified when encountering segmented objects. The segmentation was the key to releasing the action. Radiant shockwaves encountered a helix and “flashed over” the outer skin, from end to end. This shockwave did not pass through the windings of the coil but treated the surface of the coil as a transmission path. Measurements showed that the voltage increase along the surface of the coil was exactly proportional to the length travelled along the coil, with the voltage increase reaching values of 10,000 volts per inch of coil. The 10,000 volts which he was feeding to his 24 inch coil were being magnified to 240,000 volts at the end of his coil. This was unheard of for simple equipment like that. Tesla also discovered that the voltage increase was mathematically linked to the resistance of the coil winding, with higher resistance windings producing higher voltages.
Tesla then began to refer to his disrupter loop as his special “primary” and to the long helical coil as his special “secondary” but he never intended anyone to equate these terms to those referring to electromagnetic transformers which operate in a completely different way.
There was an attribute which baffled Tesla for a time. His measurements showed that there was no current flowing in the long copper ‘secondary’ coil. Voltage was rising with every inch of the coil, but there was no current flow in the coil itself. Tesla started to refer to his measured results as his “electrostatic induction laws”. He found that each coil had its own optimum pulse duration and that the circuit driving it needed to be ‘tuned’ to the coil by adjusting the length of the pulses to give the best performance.
Tesla then noticed that the results given by his experiments paralleled the equations for dynamic gas movements, so he began wondering if the white flame discharges might not be a gaseous manifestation of electrostatic force. He found that when a metal point was connected to the upper terminal of the ‘secondary’ coil, the streamers were directed very much like water flowing through a pipe. When the stream was directed at distant metal plates, it produced electronic charges which could be measured as current at the receiving site but in transit, no current existed. The current only appeared when the stream was intercepted. Eric Dollard has stated that this intercepted current can reach several hundred or even thousands of amps.
Tesla made another remarkable discovery. He connected a very heavy U-shaped copper bar directly across the primary of his disrupter, forming a dead short-circuit. He then connected several ordinary incandescent filament bulbs between the legs of the U-shaped bar. When the equipment was powered up, the lamps lit with a brilliant cold white light. This is quite impossible with conventional electricity, and it shows clearly that what Tesla was dealing with was something new. This new energy is sometimes called “cold electricity” and Edwin Gray snr. demonstrated how different it is by lighting incandescent-filament bulbs directly from his power tube, submerging them in water and putting his hand in the water. Cold electricity is generally considered to be harmless to humans. Ed Gray’s power tube operates by generating radiant electricity waves by using a spark gap, and collecting the energy using three encasing copper cylinders surrounding the spark gap. The cylinders are drilled with many holes as that enhances the pick-up and the load is driven directly from the current in the cylinders. When lighting bulbs, Ed used an air-cored transformer made of just a few turns of very heavy wire. I, personally, am aware of two people who have independently reproduced Ed’s power tube.
Zero-Point Energy
Tesla viewed the streamers coming off his coils as being wasted energy so he tried to suppress them. He tried a conical coil but found that this accentuated the problem. He then tried placing a copper sphere at the top of his coil. This stopped the streamers but electrons were dislodged from the copper sphere, creating really dangerous conditions. This implied that metals generate electron flows when struck by the coil streamers (as had been seen when the streamers had been aimed at remote metal plates and current was generated as a result).
Tesla designed, built and used large globe lamps which required only a single external plate for receiving the radiant energy. No matter how far away these lamps were from the radiant source, they became brilliantly lit, almost to the level of an arc lamp and far, far brighter than any of the conventional Edison filament lamps. By adjusting the voltage and the pulse duration of his apparatus, Tesla could also heat or cool a room.
Tesla’s experiments suggest that a method of extracting free-energy is to use a Tesla coil which has a metal spike instead of the more common metal sphere at the end of the ‘secondary’ coil. If the Tesla coil is fed with sufficiently short uni-directional pulses and the ‘secondary’ coil pointed at a metal plate, then it should be possible to draw off serious levels of power from the metal plate, just as Tesla discovered. This has been confirmed by Don Smith who uses two metal plates separated by a layer of plastic dielectric, forming a capacitor. He states that a well designed Tesla coil is capable of producing currents as high as the voltages and he demonstrates a hand-held 28 watt Tesla Coil played on the first plate producing a substantial continuous spark discharge between the second plate and ground. I estimate that the spark produced would have to be thousands of volts at a significant current, which puts it in the kilowatt range, like most of Don's other devices. Don's video Don's patent is at here is Don's pdf document in which he explains many of his high-power designs.
Don also points out that the positioning of the primary coil relative to the secondary coil of a Tesla Coil determines the amount of current which can be provided. Contrary to most opinion, it is possible to have Tesla Coil current as high as the voltage. Don always stresses that you have the option of picking the electrical component (as conventional science has done) which leads to "heat death" while the alternative option of selecting the magnetic component makes "the world your oyster". With a magnetic ripple imposed on the zero-point energy field, which Don prefers to call the 'ambient background energy', you can make as many electric conversions as you wish, without depleting the magnetic event in any way. In other words, you can draw off serious amounts of current from capacitor plates positioned at right angles to the magnetic flow, and every additional pair of plates gives you an additional source of major current without any need to increase the magnetic disturbance in any way. With his single metal plate, Tesla mentioned currents of a thousand amps being available. Please remember that a Tesla Coil produces seriously high voltages and is not a toy. Great care is needed around a Tesla Coil so, when it is running, keep well away from it.
Don also states that the collection and transfer of energy requires temporary storage which occurs as the capacitors and coils of a resonant circuit are cycled on and off. The frequency at which the capacitors and coils are pumped, determines the amount of electrical energy that moves onwards. The amount of Energy transferred relates directly to the density of lines of magnetic flux present. The Kinetic Energy formula is helpful in establishing the amount of energy present. This formula points to mass multiplied by the square of the velocity. In the case of electrical energy, intensity of voltage and amperes multiplied by cycles per second, replace velocity. Note that the "acceleration" of the Voltage and the Amperage, increases in a non-linear fashion as the Law of Squares applies, with each unit of increase causing a squaring of the flux lines present. In resonant air-core coil energy transfer, the increase in flux lines present disturbs more electrons than previously and this results in greater output energy than input energy being present and available.
Energy stored, multiplied by the cycles per second, is the energy being pumped by the system. Capacitors and inductors (coils) temporarily store electrons.
Capacitor formula: W = 0.5 x C x V2 x Hz where:
W is the energy in Joules (Joules = Volts x Amps x seconds)
C is the capacitance in Farads
V is the voltage
Hz is the cycles per second
Inductor formula: W = 0.5 x L x A2 x Hz where:
W is the energy in Joules
L is the inductance in Henrys
A is the current in amps
Hz is the frequency in cycles per second
Both one Henry and one Farad equal one volt. The higher the frequency, including the squaring of the flux lines, causes a large increase in the amount of energy being produced. This, combined with the use of a resonant energy induction system (all electrons moving in the same direction at the same time), make the move into COP>1 practical.
The damping process of conventional electrical power generation, has all of the available electrons bouncing randomly, mostly cancelling out each other, and so the useful energy available is only a very small percentage of the energy which is present. In a resonant induction system, a very high percentage of the energy present is useful. When resonant, (ohms-impedance-Z) becomes zero and all of the energy present becomes available, undegraded. Ohms is load or wasted energy and amperes is the rate of that wasting.
Now, apply this information to an air-core coil resonant transformer energy system. L-1 and L-2 coils are now present. L-1 has fewer turns and is several times the diameter of L-2. Input from a 12-volt 'gelcel' high-voltage laser module, produces 8,000 volts with low (wasted energy) amperage into 4 turns of coil L-1. Each turn of L-1 then acquires 2,000 volts of resonant potential. Each turn of L-2 is then exposed to an electric flux of 2,000 volts. Each turn at the bottom end of L-2 acquires 2,000 volts. The flux lines are squared and are additive as the voltage and amperage progress towards the top end of L-2's many turns.
A huge number of flux lines which were not previously present, occur at the top end of L-2. These flux lines excite the electrons nearby in it's earth and air and groundings. This high level of excitement above the ambient, causes a large number of electrons to become available, electrons which previously, were not part of the energy present. At this point, large amounts of excess energy is present. This COP>1 device produces energy at radio frequencies in the megahertz range and this allows it to be small in size and yet produce large amounts of energy. A megawatt sized unit will sit comfortably on a breakfast table. The energy is changed to direct current, and then, to the desired working frequency.
The energy powering these devices is drawn from the surrounding energy field and is not conventional electricity and it does not flow through the wire of the ‘secondary’ coil, but instead, it runs along the outside of the coil and through space to strike the surface of the metal plate, where it generates conventional electric current. Thomas Henry Moray demonstrated that this energy flowing along the outside of the wire can pass through glass without being affected in any way.
In his 1995 paper Don Smith presents the following diagram:
While Tesla’s experiment used a metal plate, he patented (US 512,340) a coil type which he said is very effective in picking up this radiant energy. This "pancake" coil type goes by the rather impressive name of “bi-filar serial-connected coil”, which, despite it's impressive name is not difficult to wind using two separate strands of wire as shown here:
If a strong magnetic field is positioned across the spark gap as shown above, it sharpens the cut-off of the spark and enhances the uni-directional character of the pulse of current. It should be remembered that if a very short sharp pulse of uni-directional current such as is produced by a spark jumping across a spark gap as in the arrangement shown above, occurs in a conductor, then a strong wave of radiant energy radiates out in a plane at right angles to the pulse of current.
This radiant energy wave is quite different from the electromagnetic field generated around the wire carrying the pulse of current. In the Tesla coil arrangement shown above, it should be possible to gather additional free energy through one or more co-axial (like layers of an onion) cylindrical coils around the spark gap leads. These coils will work better if they are wound as bi-filar, serially-connected coils. The reason for this is that the self induction of the coils can be zero at any particular frequency because a Tesla pancake (or cylindrical) coil can act as a resonant coil at one particular frequency. This effect is because the capacitance between adjacent turns of the coil is dramatically altered by the raised voltage difference produced by the winding method, and as a result, the combined capacitance of all the turns along with the coils self inductance, gives a result where the coil appears to have just magnetic and resistance characteristics and no self-inductance at all, as pointed out in Tesla’s US 512,340 patent.
Tesla was granted US Patent 685, 957 “Apparatus for the Utilisation of Radiant Energy” in which he shows various ways of handling the energy collected by the metal plate. It is likely that the pick-up techniques shown in the patent of Hermann Plauston, which is in the Appendix, would also work very effectively with this collected energy. Old patents sometimes mention a “condenser” which is the original term for what is nowadays called a “capacitor”.
After careful consideration and many experiments, Tesla concluded that the radiant rays which he was utilising, radiated out so rapidly that electrons were unable to keep up with them. The rays were being carried via a medium consisting of extremely mobile, almost mass-less particles, very much smaller than electrons and which, because of their size and speed, could pass easily through most materials. In spite of their small size, their extreme speed caused them to have considerable momentum. A fact which is very difficult to come to terms with is that these rays seem to propagate outwards instantly, with no time delay at all, as if transmitted through matter which is wholly incompressible. It is sometimes called “Radiant Energy” or “RE” for short and appears to have no net charge in conventional terms. This is a unique feature of the universe, with unique characteristics, which if utilised, provides a whole host of new applications and capabilities.
Tesla considered that this newly discovered field acted like a fluid. A hundred and fifteen years later, the cover story of the December 2005 edition of the ‘Scientific American’ journal states that experimental models hint that space-time could be a kind of fluid. It has taken a long time for modern science to start catching up with Tesla. In actual fact, it was Michael Faraday (1781 - 1867) who came up with the idea in the first place.
The theory of Zero-Point Energy and Some Ways of Exploitation
Above, the Zero-Point Energy can be imagined from experiment. Now we learn about the theory for it, and how to exploit Zero-Point Energy?
DC electrical pulse and Zero-Point Energy in Ether
First, to get Zero-Point Energy, the theory of Ether is needed.
Ether is something that fills the universe, when an electrical pulse occurs, Radiant energy (RD) energy appears, and energy is extracted from here. In other words, electric power is harnessed from RD
Tesla in his ‘Philadelphia and St Louis’ lecture in 1893 and shows how loads can be powered when a high voltage source is pulsed by a magnetically-quenched sparks - this creates DC pulses of very short duration.
The diagram above, illustrates the difference between the Magnetic field generated around a conductor fed with a pulse of Direct Current and the Radiant Energy waves created by that pulse. If a sharp current pulse is driven down a vertical wire, it causes two different types of field. The first field is magnetic, where the lines of magnetic force rotate around the wire. These lines are horizontal, and rotate clockwise when viewed from above. The magnetic field remains as long as the current flows down the wire.
The second field is the Radiant Energy wave. This wave will only occur if the current pulse is in one direction, i.e. it will not occur if the wire is fed with alternating current. The wave radiates out horizontally from the vertical wire in every direction in the form of a shock wave. It is a one-off event and does not repeat if the current in the wire is maintained. The Radiant Energy briefly unbalances the zero-point energy field and that causes an energy flow as the field moves back into equilibrium again. A tiny fraction of this massive, brief energy flow can be picked up and that collected energy is more than 100 times greater than the energy needed to generate the spark which triggered the energy flow in the first place. This is the energy which the tube was designed to collect. Consequently, the tubes are fed with a train of high-intensity, short-duration, DC pulses to generate repeated waves of Radiant Energy. It is the pick-up of the resulting excess energy which allows the motors run without the need for the batteries to be charged by any conventional source of current.
The Radiant energy wave is not restricted to a single plane as shown in the diagram above, which is intended to indicate the difference between the electromagnetic field circling around the wire, and the Radiant Energy field which radiates away from the wire. Both of these fields occur at all points along the full length of the wire as shown here:
Radiant Energy, when converted to electrical power, produces a different kind of electrical power to that produced by batteries and by the mains supply. Power a motor with conventional electricity and it gets hot under load. Power the same motor by Radiant Energy electricity and under load the motor gets cold. Really overload it by stalling it and the motor housing is likely to be covered with frost. That is why this form of electricity is referred to as “cold” electricity.
In his book “Cold War Secrets - HAARP and Beyond”, Gerry Vassilatos quotes research work done in this area by Tesla and others.
Ether in the universe and The Zero-Point Energy Field
We will clarify: the fill of Ether in the universe, and the factor Zero-Point Energy Field in Ether.
The Unified Field Theory is being searched for by scientists who want to come up with a theory which encompasses the force of gravity with the electromagnetic force. In my opinion, they would have more chance of success in trying to find a needle in a haystack which does not contain a needle since when the entire haystack has been disassembled, it becomes clear that there never was a needle in it. In my opinion, there is no such thing as a “force of gravity”, in fact, there is no such thing as gravity. Find that hard to believe? Well, let me explain.
If when standing, you hold an object a waist level and let it go, it “falls” and lands near your feet. Yes agreed, and yet I suggest that there is no such thing as gravity. If you suspend a pendulum close to a mountain, the pendulum does not hang down vertically but moves slightly towards the mountain. This is said to be because the mountain attracts the pendulum. Sorry Chief, but that just ain’t true - the mountain does not attract the pendulum.
The reason why “the force of gravity” is so tiny compared to electromagnetism is because there is no such force at all. Yes, indeed, all of the observed phenomena which are supposed to be gravitational, do exist exactly as seen, but I suggest that there is no such thing as “the force of gravity” and the Unified Field Theory is not needed. Let me explain:
The Zero-Point Energy field exists everywhere in the universe and it flows in every direction equally. It acts like a flow of particles thousands of times more tiny than electrons, and so, it flows through matter. No matter can shield completely from the flow of this energy field. But, a tiny percentage of the flow does happen to collide with the electrons, atoms and molecules of matter as the energy flow moves through matter. The bigger the chunk of matter, the more of the energy flow collides with it. The collisions convert the energy into additional mass, which is why our Sun is not losing mass as rapidly as theory would predict. The situation is like this:
The force of the Zero-Point Energy field is slightly reduced having passed through (and interacted with) the large mass of the Earth. This reduced strength in indicated in the diagram by the light-blue arrows. The incoming Zero-Point Energy field is not reduced in strength in any significant way as the molecules in the atmosphere are not nearly as tightly packed as those in the matter which makes up the Earth itself. The imbalance of these two thrusts causes a net push towards the surface of the Earth.
For clarity, the diagram only shows the field acting in one direction, while in reality, the same situation applies in every possible direction around the planet. When you let an object go and it moves towards the surface of the planet, it is not being pulled down by “the force of gravity”, but instead, the downward push of the Zero-Point Energy field is greater than the upward push of the Zero-Point Energy field which has just passed through the planet. The object moves “downwards” because the push from above is greater than the push from below.
Exactly the same thing applies to cause the effect that a mountain appears to have on a pendulum. In reality, the mountain has no effect on the pendulum, apart perhaps from a minor electrostatic influence. The main effect is caused by the flow of the Zero-Point Energy field:
Here, the (very roughly drawn) mountain, reduces the push of the Zero-Point Energy field which passes through it, due to its interaction with the matter with which it collides on its trip through the mountain. The push of the Zero-Point Energy field on the side of the pendulum is not diminished, so there is a net push towards the mountain and that makes the pendulum move in the direction of the mountain. The effect is not very large, so the pendulum does not move much out of the vertical as the downward push towards the surface of the planet is quite marked, so the pendulum needs to be very near the mountain for this effect to be observed.
This can also be seen in the Casimir Effect where two non-magnetic metal plates, which are not carrying an electrostatic charge, are suspended very close to each other. The plates do not hang straight down but move towards each other. This is the same effect as is caused by a mountain near a stationary pendulum, or plumb-line. Each plate screens out a little of the Zero-Point Energy field which passes directly through both plates, so the second plate gets slightly less of a push:
The result is that between the plates, the horizontal force pushing them is unbalanced. Hang just one plate up and the horizontal Zero-Point Energy (“ZPE”) forces coming from the right exactly balance the ZPE forces coming from the left, and the plate hangs vertically below its point of suspension with the supporting cord (shown in red in the diagram above) hangs vertically. But with two plates as shown, the push from the left is reduced very slightly as it passes through the left hand metal plate. This means that there is a lesser push from left to right on the right hand plate. This causes the plate to move very slightly to the left, until the horizontal pull caused by the red cord not being vertical, just balances the difference in the ZPE thrusts on that plate. So, the right hand plate moves slightly to the left.
The same thing happens with the left hand plate. The ZPE thrust coming from the right is slightly reduced as it passes through the right hand plate, and the left hand plate moves slightly to the right until the angled pull of its supporting cord balances the net thrust on that plate. The overall effect is that the gap at point “A” in the diagram is very slightly larger than the gap at point “B”, though the amount is not nearly as great as suggested by the diagram, which has been deliberately exaggerated to show the effect clearly. There is nothing complicated about this, it is just simple common sense. Remember that the pull of the supporting cord “C” is the exact equivalent of a vertical force “D” along with a horizontal force “E”. Here, the vertical force D exactly matches the weight of the plate, and the horizontal force E exactly matches the unbalanced ZPE force (if they did not match exactly, then the plate would move until they did). The further away from the vertical that the plate moves, the greater the resulting horizontal force caused by the pull of the supporting cord.
Tesla expressed this in a very slightly different way in his Dynamic Theory of Gravity (1897) which states that all bodies emit microwaves whose voltage and frequency are determined by their electrical contents and relative motion. He measured the microwave radiation of the earth as being only a few centimetres in wavelength. He said that the frequency and voltage were influenced by the velocity and mass of the earth, and that its “gravitational” interaction with other bodies, such as the sun, was determined by the interaction of the microwaves between the two bodies.
If you find the concept of producing a driving force through pushing against the space-time continuum to be difficult to accept, then perhaps you should consider the US Patent granted to Boris Volfson on 1st November 2005. The important thing about this patent (which is crammed full of long words) is not whether or not it presents a realistic mechanism for a practical space drive, but the fact that the US Patent Office in the year 2005, granted the patent after what presumably was careful consideration. With that in view, it is hardly possible to consider Tesla to have been totally confused when he designed (and built) his “electric flying machine” which operated by pulling on the space-time field.
Tesla used high voltage at gigahertz frequencies for his electropulsion system. The propulsion of a vehicle powered by a Tesla drive is by the use of an additional AC generator at the back (which stiffens the space-time continuum behind the vehicle) and a DC ‘brush’ generator at the front (which weakens the space-time continuum in front, causing the vehicle to be pulled forwards).
Tesla was very astute. He deduced that ‘empty space’ actually contained:
Independent carriers which permeate all space and all matter and from which all matter is made. These carry momentum, magnetism, electricity or electromagnetic force, and can be manipulated artificially or by nature.
‘Primary Solar Rays’ (starlight) which travel at the speed of light, having frequencies far above X-rays, gamma and UV radiation.
‘Cosmic Rays’, particles in space propelled by the Primary Solar Rays.
X-rays, Gamma rays and UV electromagnetic waves, all of which travel at the speed of light.
Ordinary visible and Infra-Red electromagnetic waves which travel at the speed of light.
Rapidly varying electrostatic force of enormous potential, emanating from the earth and other gravitational bodies in space.
When we grasp the actual nature of the universe, it becomes clear that we have a much larger range of opportunities for producing usable energy in large quantities and at minimal cost.
Additional information can be found in Boris Volfson’s US Patent 6,960,975 of November 2005 “Space Vehicle Propelled by the Pressure of Inflationary Vacuum State” which is reproduced in the Appendix.
If you find the thought of generating a gravitational field, difficult to come to terms with, then consider the work of Henry Wallace who was an engineer at General Electric about 25 years ago, and who developed some incredible inventions relating to the underlying physics of the gravitational field. Few people have heard of him or his work. Wallace discovered that a force field, similar or related to the gravitational field, results from the interaction of relatively moving masses. He built machines which demonstrated that this field could be generated by spinning masses of elemental material having an odd number of nucleons -- i.e. a nucleus having a multiple half-integral value of h-bar, the quantum of angular momentum. Wallace used bismuth or copper material for his rotating bodies and "kinnemassic" field concentrators.
Aside from the immense benefits to humanity which could result from a better understanding of the physical nature of gravity, and other fundamental forces, Wallace's inventions could have enormous practical value in countering gravity or converting gravitational force fields into energy for doing useful work. So, why has no one heard of him? One might think that the discoverer of important knowledge such as this would be heralded as a great scientist and nominated for dynamite prizes. Could it be that his invention does not work? Anyone can get the patents. Study them -- Wallace -- General Electric -- detailed descriptions of operations -- measurements of effects -- drawings and models -- it is authentic. If you are handy with tools, then you can even build it yourself. It does work.
Henry was granted two patents in this field: US Patent 3,626,605 -- "Method and Apparatus for Generating a Secondary Gravitational Force Field", Dec 14, 1971 and US Patent 3,626,606 -- "Method and Apparatus for Generating a Dynamic Force Field", Dec 14, 1971. He was also granted US Patent 3,823,570 -- "Heat Pump" (based on technology similar to the above two inventions), July 16, 1973.
Dr Peter Lindemann gave a lecture at the TeslaTech conference which is very informative and which I would highly recommend. It is available on DVD from here under the title of "Tesla's Radiant Energy". He makes a number of important points, some of which are repeated here.
We tend to think of the battle for industrial electricity to have been between Thomas Edison's DC system and Tesla's AC system, with Tesla winning. Unfortunately, while true, that is not the full story as Tesla moved on from AC to more powerful systems, and Tesla lost out on those systems, leaving us today, with a workable, but much inferior system. We need to see the overall picture clearly. James Clerk Maxwell produced his famous equations, relating electricity and magnetism (which are actually two faces of a single entity called "electromagnetism"). Subsequently, H.A. Lorentz damaged those equations, throwing away the parts which showed that free-energy was available for use if we knew how to access it.
Out present day position has grown up where, while we realise that "gravity" is 1039 times less powerful than electromagnetism, we see "static electricity" as a weak and useless thing which needs to be avoided. The reality is quite different as Tesla points out and demonstrates. Tesla describes "static" and "radiant" energy as being a force which appears to have no ultimate limits at all. That is, it is capable of providing unlimited power. Our knowledge of this power is so inadequate that we believe that power can only flow in a circuit which is a closed-loop and the power flow has to be a stream of electrons. This is most definitely not the case.
The more powerful radiant energy flows like an electrically charged sound wave passing through incompressible air and which can be fed down a single wire without the slightest difficulty. In fact, you can even skip that one wire and use the earth instead, transmitting power with what appears to be no wires at all. The actual, final and most important contest was between closed-loop electricity and single-wire power transmission, and that contest was one which Tesla lost.
The nature of this radiant energy is so different to what we think of as conventional electricity that it is perfectly possible to light a filament light bulb held in one hand, while grasping a single wire in the other hand.
In his lecture, Dr Lindemann remarks that his understanding of the subject has been helped considerably by the book "The Inventions, Researches and Writings of Nikola Tesla" and the book "The Secrets of Cold War Technology - HAARP and Beyond" which describes some of the early work done by Tesla. He also praises the book "Tesla's Vocabulary for Dummies" which is unobtainable, though he does show some quotations from it in his DVD lecture.
One feature of radiant energy which becomes clear from Tesla's description of it, is that the most useful effects which can be gained from it, start at a DC pulse frequency of 1 MHz which is far higher than experimenters use today. He stresses that we do not actually know the exact nature of electricity and that all of our present day measuring instruments are based on electron theory and so just do not measure radiant energy. In a way, it is a bit like the difference between AM radio and FM radio. Both are perfectly valid and work well, but an AM radio will not receive an FM radio signal and an FM radio will not receive an AM radio signal. Unfortunately, radiant energy is much more powerful than conventional electricity and it is not dangerous like electricity is. It should be noted that Hermann Plauston's very detailed patent US 1,540,988 is on methods of capturing and using this radiant energy, and he describes a systems which produces a net output of 100 kilowatts as being a "small" system. I don't know about you, but I would settle for a system which produced less than 10% of that fuel-less output.
The best information on radiant energy comes from the writing of Tesla and Dr Lindemann draws attention to one of Tesla's patents US 685,957 which explains how this radiant energy can be captured and used. Tesla also used a motor design which is effective with this type of energy. The motor has two windings, the first being fed directly and the second one receiving a 90 degree delayed pulse through a capacitor.
One thing that Tesla points out is that there is an incompressible gaseous medium filling the universe and which is composed of particles which are much smaller than hydrogen atoms. Mendeleev who constructed the table of elements indicates quite clearly that there should be two gaseous elements which are lighter than hydrogen, but he did not put them in his table because he did not know what they are.
Introducing a few ways to exploit Zero-Point Energy of Nikola Tesla
How many ways are there to exploit Zero-Point Energy by Tesla?
Here is the classification:
- Free energy generator by extracting Zero-Point Energy from The Air (Ether)
- Free energy generator by extracting Zero-Point Energy from the negative charge of the earth (Ether)
- Free energy generator by harnessing Zero-Point Energy from permanent magnets (Ether)
- Free energy generator by extracting Zero-Point Energy from the negative charge of the earth and positive charge from outside the atmosphere - providing free electricity to all mankind (The program has been banned by the "elite") - Ether
Has Tesla created a free power generator - Zero-Point Energy yet?
Tesla's free energy generator, which aims to provide cheap (free) electricity to the whole world, has failed. Failure in practical application and commercialization. The complete blueprint for wireless power, global power supply, may be complete. But then stolen after he died.
Generator from Zero-Point Energy, was successful on a small scale. That is, powering small motors, or powering homes.
Evidence for this statement:
Proof 1: Flying saucers
The design for the flying saucer was successful (complete). Tesla kept that blueprint. The power supplied to Tesla's flying saucer is the energy derived from Zero-Point Energy. Flying saucers work according to the theory of Ether, which means there is no gravity in Ether. So no need for jet engines.
The energy supplied to the flying saucer is a self-sustaining generator, the energy is taken in nothingness - Zero-Point Energy
The government fabricated UFOs - aliens, to conceal Tesla's flying saucer technology. Germany and the United States are the two countries that own Tesla disk technology.
For more clarity, see this article: Occult Ether Physics - Electropuls
Proof 2: Descendant of Tesla
Evidence 2: Scientists who admire Tesla have successfully developed a way of extracting electricity from Zero-Point Energy, even though the document about Zero-Point Energy has been greatly lost.
Here, we look at some types of generators that exploit electricity from Zero-Point Energy
Introducing a few ways to exploit Zero-Point Energy of Nikola Tesla
1. Free energy generator by harnessing Zero-Point Energy from permanent magnets
The “MEG” Motionless Electricity Generator. Tom Bearden, Stephen Patrick, James Hayes, Kenneth Moore and James Kenny were granted US Patent 6,362,718 on 26th March 2002.
This device is said be self-powered and is described and illustrated on JL Naudin’s web site at where test results are shown. While this device has been claimed to have a greater output than its input and an output five times higher than the input has been mentioned, I am not aware of anyone who has attempted to replicate this device and achieved a COP>1 performance, and so, for that reason, it is described in this section describing devices which are unlikely to be worthwhile for the home-constructor to attempt to replicate.
The “Motionless Electromagnetic Generator” or “MEG” consists of a magnetic ring with output coils wound on it. Inside the ring is a permanent magnet to provide a steady magnetic flux around the ring. Superimposed on the ring are two electromagnets which are activated one after the other to make the magnetic flux oscillate.
This device is said be self-powered and is described and illustrated on JL Naudin’s web site at where test results are shown. While this device has been claimed to have a greater output than its input and an output five times higher than the input has been mentioned, I am not aware of anyone who has attempted to replicate this device and achieved a COP>1 performance, and so, for that reason, it is described in this section describing devices which are unlikely to be worthwhile for the home-constructor to attempt to replicate.
The “Motionless Electromagnetic Generator” or “MEG” consists of a magnetic ring with output coils wound on it. Inside the ring is a permanent magnet to provide a steady magnetic flux around the ring. Superimposed on the ring are two electromagnets which are activated one after the other to make the magnetic flux oscillate.
The external power source shown above is intended to be disconnected when the circuit starts operating, at which time, part of the output from one of the pick-up coils is fed back to power the circuit driving the oscillator coils. The circuit then becomes self-sustaining, with no external input but with a continuous electrical output.
A re-worded excerpt from the patent for this system, is in the Appendix and it gives the construction details of the prototype: dimensions, number of turns, materials used, drive frequency, monostable pulse durations, etc.
This device is essentially, a custom-built transformer with two primary windings (the oscillator coils) and two secondary windings (the pick-up coils), with a permanent magnet inserted to create a standing magnetic field through the yoke (frame) of the transformer. However, a permanent magnet has two separate energy streams coming from it. The main field is the magnetic field which is very well known. It normally flows out in every direction, but in the MEG, a very good conducting path is provided by the frame of the device. This traps the magnetic energy flow and channels it around inside the frame. This prevents it masking the second energy field which is the Electrical energy field.
The MEG looks like a very simple device, but in actual fact, it is not. To act as a successful device with a Coefficient of Performance (COP) over 1, where the input power which is provided is less than the useful power output of the device, then Tom Bearden says that the frame needs to be made from a nanocrystalline material. This material has special properties which is supposed to give the MEG exceptional output.
The output power is controlled by the waveform being sent to the oscillator coils. The power is controlled by the exact shape of the “square wave” drive:
A re-worded excerpt from the patent for this system, is in the Appendix and it gives the construction details of the prototype: dimensions, number of turns, materials used, drive frequency, monostable pulse durations, etc.
This device is essentially, a custom-built transformer with two primary windings (the oscillator coils) and two secondary windings (the pick-up coils), with a permanent magnet inserted to create a standing magnetic field through the yoke (frame) of the transformer. However, a permanent magnet has two separate energy streams coming from it. The main field is the magnetic field which is very well known. It normally flows out in every direction, but in the MEG, a very good conducting path is provided by the frame of the device. This traps the magnetic energy flow and channels it around inside the frame. This prevents it masking the second energy field which is the Electrical energy field.
The MEG looks like a very simple device, but in actual fact, it is not. To act as a successful device with a Coefficient of Performance (COP) over 1, where the input power which is provided is less than the useful power output of the device, then Tom Bearden says that the frame needs to be made from a nanocrystalline material. This material has special properties which is supposed to give the MEG exceptional output.
The output power is controlled by the waveform being sent to the oscillator coils. The power is controlled by the exact shape of the “square wave” drive:
If a standard laminated iron yoke is used for the MEG, it will never have a COP>1 as input power will be needed to make it operate. The magnetic flux from a permanent magnet consists of two components. One component is rotary and it spreads out in every direction. The second component is linear and it gets swamped and hidden by the rotary field. If a torroidal yoke wound with an input winding over its whole length is used, then that traps all of the rotating magnetic field inside the torroid. The snag is that this requires considerable input power to energise the torroidal winding. The big advance with the MEG is that the inventors have discovered some standard off-the-shelf nanocrystalline materials which have the property of trapping the rotational magnetic field inside a torroid formed from them, without the need for any energising coil. This is a major boost to the functioning of the device.
Now, with the rotational magnetic field trapped inside the torroid, the liner field becomes accessible, and it is a very useful field indeed. It is electrical in nature. In actual fact, magnetism and electricity are not two separate things, but instead, they are different aspects of the same thing, so both should really be referred to as “electromagnetism”. Anyway, the linear field is easy to access once the rotational field has been removed. All that is necessary is to pulse it sharply. When that is done, real electricity is introduced into the MEG from the surrounding environment. The sharper the waveform, the greater the additional electrical input becomes.
Dave Lawton has experimented with the MEG arrangement, using a professionally constructed custom laminated iron yoke. He found that using the standard arrangement, he found no difference when he removed the permanent magnet. Testing various configurations, he found that the most effective set-up for his components is:
Now, with the rotational magnetic field trapped inside the torroid, the liner field becomes accessible, and it is a very useful field indeed. It is electrical in nature. In actual fact, magnetism and electricity are not two separate things, but instead, they are different aspects of the same thing, so both should really be referred to as “electromagnetism”. Anyway, the linear field is easy to access once the rotational field has been removed. All that is necessary is to pulse it sharply. When that is done, real electricity is introduced into the MEG from the surrounding environment. The sharper the waveform, the greater the additional electrical input becomes.
Dave Lawton has experimented with the MEG arrangement, using a professionally constructed custom laminated iron yoke. He found that using the standard arrangement, he found no difference when he removed the permanent magnet. Testing various configurations, he found that the most effective set-up for his components is:
Here, the drive coils are both put asymmetrically on one side of the frame and wired so that their pulses complement each other. Then two pairs of button magnets are placed on the other side of the centreline, each side of the yoke, and bridged together with two straight vertical sections of laminated iron bar. This arrangement is sensitive to the exact position of these magnets and tuning is achieved by moving the group of four magnets and two bars (effectively two “horseshoe” magnets) slightly left or right to find the optimum position. Introducing or removing these magnets then made a considerable difference to the operation of the device.
2. Free energy generator by extracting Zero-Point Energy from the negative charge of the Earth
With alternating electrical current, electrons do not move from point "A" to point "B" as commonly envisioned! Electrical potential (oscillating electrons) at point "A", results in harmonic electron activity at point "B", when the grounding switch (circuit) is closed. That is to say, point "B" supplies it's own electrons and mirrors the activity of point "A". Impulsing (turbulence) by magnetic induction causes electrons to be pulled into the system, which then oscillates. When the magnetic field collapses (becomes absent) the electrical potential returns to it's natural background level.
Several major flaws are present in the conventional 60 cycles per second method of electrical power generation and it's iron core transformer system. This system is handcuffed by the inverse relationship of volts to amperes. This represents a stodgy, inflexible inheritance, courtesy of Mr. T.A. Edison and his concept of electrical power generation.
Nikola Tesla stood, almost alone, against Edison and managed to prevail with his Alternating Current system. Without the alternating current system, electronic things in the modern sense would not exist.
This report will be concerned with some of the extensions and benefits of the alternating current electrical system. This study will limit it's scope to air core coil transformers at radio frequency and upwards. The electrical power produced by this method is inverted to Direct Current and then to Alternating Current as required for popular usage. There are several important advantages of this system over conventional power generation.
Start with two coils (separate-apart), one being a reactor coil (L-1) and a second coil (L-2), being the reactant coil. Magnetic field fluxing (off-on of the electrical source) causes inductive reactance of L-1 which replicates by induction in L-2. Pulsing of the magnetic field (from L-1) in the presence of L-2, generates electrical potential. For example, should the L-1 coil have ten turns, with an imposed AC. potential of 1,200 volts. This results in each turn of L-1 acquiring 120 volts of potential. This induced magnetic field, then replicates itself in each turn of the L-2 coil. The L-2 coil may have one or many hundreds of turns. Modern encapsulation techniques makes high frequency and high energy controllable.
Let's take another important step in this air-core transformer process. For purpose of discussion, let the value of inductive reactance at 60 cycles per second, equal one. Each time the frequency is doubled, the effectiveness of induction is squared. At about 20,000 Hz, when radio frequency is achieved, the electrons begin spinning free, outside of the inductor and they become increasingly free of the inverse relationship of volt-amperes. From this point on, they replicate by the inductive process as V.A.R.. That is to say, volts and amperes are equal, until resistance (work) is introduced. Therefore, additional, not previously available electrons become incorporated for a very large net gain in potential. This gain is real !
The quality of the grounding system determines the effectiveness of this method of producing electricity. A handy reference to locate the negative grounding areas for power generation can be found in the Aeromagnetic Map Studies of the US Geological Survey. They provide an excellent method for locating the best sites for optimum negative grounding areas.
When this method is combined with the induction coil system, already described, it provides an electrical power generating system millions of times more efficient than any known conventional method.
1. Inverts to direct current (D C.)
2. Inverts to alternating current (A C ), as desired.
3. Provides customized output of electrical power ready for designated usage
Useful electrical energy is obtained by grounding into the Earth's non-metal crust and into it's atmosphere as a natural source of electrons. These electrons have accumulated from the solar plasma during the aging of the Earth for more than 4.5 billion years, at a rate exceeding 3.9 exajoules per year. This indicates that the Earth's electrical field contains in excess of 17.6 x 1018 power of cumulative exajoules of energy. One exajoule is the approximate energy equivalent of 125 million barrels of oil. The electrical energy in one display of lightning is approximately ten trillion joules. During each 24 hour period, the land portions of the Earth's surface yields in excess of 200,000 emissions, which involves more than 2,000 quadrillion watt-seconds of active energy on display.
This physical phenomenon indicates that the Earth's crust is an unending source of electrical energy. The surface area involved is a very small portion of the Earth's crust.
I. M. Solovey, Candidate Ph.D.
Several major flaws are present in the conventional 60 cycles per second method of electrical power generation and it's iron core transformer system. This system is handcuffed by the inverse relationship of volts to amperes. This represents a stodgy, inflexible inheritance, courtesy of Mr. T.A. Edison and his concept of electrical power generation.
Nikola Tesla stood, almost alone, against Edison and managed to prevail with his Alternating Current system. Without the alternating current system, electronic things in the modern sense would not exist.
This report will be concerned with some of the extensions and benefits of the alternating current electrical system. This study will limit it's scope to air core coil transformers at radio frequency and upwards. The electrical power produced by this method is inverted to Direct Current and then to Alternating Current as required for popular usage. There are several important advantages of this system over conventional power generation.
Start with two coils (separate-apart), one being a reactor coil (L-1) and a second coil (L-2), being the reactant coil. Magnetic field fluxing (off-on of the electrical source) causes inductive reactance of L-1 which replicates by induction in L-2. Pulsing of the magnetic field (from L-1) in the presence of L-2, generates electrical potential. For example, should the L-1 coil have ten turns, with an imposed AC. potential of 1,200 volts. This results in each turn of L-1 acquiring 120 volts of potential. This induced magnetic field, then replicates itself in each turn of the L-2 coil. The L-2 coil may have one or many hundreds of turns. Modern encapsulation techniques makes high frequency and high energy controllable.
Let's take another important step in this air-core transformer process. For purpose of discussion, let the value of inductive reactance at 60 cycles per second, equal one. Each time the frequency is doubled, the effectiveness of induction is squared. At about 20,000 Hz, when radio frequency is achieved, the electrons begin spinning free, outside of the inductor and they become increasingly free of the inverse relationship of volt-amperes. From this point on, they replicate by the inductive process as V.A.R.. That is to say, volts and amperes are equal, until resistance (work) is introduced. Therefore, additional, not previously available electrons become incorporated for a very large net gain in potential. This gain is real !
The quality of the grounding system determines the effectiveness of this method of producing electricity. A handy reference to locate the negative grounding areas for power generation can be found in the Aeromagnetic Map Studies of the US Geological Survey. They provide an excellent method for locating the best sites for optimum negative grounding areas.
When this method is combined with the induction coil system, already described, it provides an electrical power generating system millions of times more efficient than any known conventional method.
1. Inverts to direct current (D C.)
2. Inverts to alternating current (A C ), as desired.
3. Provides customized output of electrical power ready for designated usage
Useful electrical energy is obtained by grounding into the Earth's non-metal crust and into it's atmosphere as a natural source of electrons. These electrons have accumulated from the solar plasma during the aging of the Earth for more than 4.5 billion years, at a rate exceeding 3.9 exajoules per year. This indicates that the Earth's electrical field contains in excess of 17.6 x 1018 power of cumulative exajoules of energy. One exajoule is the approximate energy equivalent of 125 million barrels of oil. The electrical energy in one display of lightning is approximately ten trillion joules. During each 24 hour period, the land portions of the Earth's surface yields in excess of 200,000 emissions, which involves more than 2,000 quadrillion watt-seconds of active energy on display.
This physical phenomenon indicates that the Earth's crust is an unending source of electrical energy. The surface area involved is a very small portion of the Earth's crust.
I. M. Solovey, Candidate Ph.D.
I.M. Solovey, LS Chervinsky, N. Semenov, 2011
Fig.1. Schematic of electricity generator of Don Smith (according to his patent from 1994)
Placing of coil windings - as a Tesla transformer: primary on the base of the secondary.
Measurement of current was carried out by a DC ammeter on the PSU. Current consumption in the above schematic is 0.3 A. The value of voltage U2 at the output ends of the winding L2 is calculated by the formula: U2 = Um/N1.N2 = 14/8.463 = 810.25 V
Um is the voltage, 14 V;
N1 is the number of primary turns and
N2 is the number of secondary turns
Note: The formula does not take into account the resistance of the transistor’s base-emitter pn junction nor that of the connecting conductors.
Experimentally determined values of voltage - largest breakdown in the air gap between the initial winding ends at L2 point of discharge. The magnitude of the voltage was 500-700 Volts. Frequency: 1.1 MHz measured experimentally by the use of a frequency generator.
When connecting the circuit (see. Fig. 2) to the constant power supply, power consumption was 0.3 x 14 = 4.2 W and this power can be called a complete network power consumption of 4.7VA. On output of the L2 winding we obtain (at the base of the coil) current of about 0.3 A and a voltage between the two ends of the coil of 700 V which calculates to 0.3 x 700 = 210 VAR. The study of high-energy parameters of the generator power circuit was conducted in Figs. 3 - 6 where a bulb was used as an active load. The magnitude/intensity of lamp brightness determined the output power measurement. Lamps used were various capacities from 0.3 watts to 21 watts.
Under the schematic of Fig. 3 switching in various incandescent lamps, for example 0.3 W, did not lead to lighting, although consumption of the circuit energy was 14 x 0.3 = 4.2 watts.
Um is the voltage, 14 V;
N1 is the number of primary turns and
N2 is the number of secondary turns
Note: The formula does not take into account the resistance of the transistor’s base-emitter pn junction nor that of the connecting conductors.
Experimentally determined values of voltage - largest breakdown in the air gap between the initial winding ends at L2 point of discharge. The magnitude of the voltage was 500-700 Volts. Frequency: 1.1 MHz measured experimentally by the use of a frequency generator.
When connecting the circuit (see. Fig. 2) to the constant power supply, power consumption was 0.3 x 14 = 4.2 W and this power can be called a complete network power consumption of 4.7VA. On output of the L2 winding we obtain (at the base of the coil) current of about 0.3 A and a voltage between the two ends of the coil of 700 V which calculates to 0.3 x 700 = 210 VAR. The study of high-energy parameters of the generator power circuit was conducted in Figs. 3 - 6 where a bulb was used as an active load. The magnitude/intensity of lamp brightness determined the output power measurement. Lamps used were various capacities from 0.3 watts to 21 watts.
Under the schematic of Fig. 3 switching in various incandescent lamps, for example 0.3 W, did not lead to lighting, although consumption of the circuit energy was 14 x 0.3 = 4.2 watts.
Fig.3. Circuit of the experiment to determine the active power output of the L2 coil
We placed an extra coil L3, as in Smith's schematic (Fig. 4). Coil L3 was placed in the upper third of the L2 coil. A 6 volt, 3 watt lamp was connected to the additional coil L3 (see Table) and it showed a subtle glow.
When we inserted a capacitor C2 in series with the winding L2 (Fig. 5) We inserted a 12 volt 21 watt lamp to the L3 coil output. The lamp became brightly lit and in 4 to 5 seconds it burned out. The current consumption was a net 1.2 amps.
Fig.5. Switching incandescent bulb(s) through the additional winding L3 when creating L2-C2 path.
An analogous result was obtained when we switched in a tungsten lamp using the schematic in Fig. 6 in a series circuit L2 / C2. A 12 volt 21 watt lamp also burns out in 4 to 5 seconds. The current in the lamp in this configuration was 1.8 - 2.3 Amps.
Fig.6. Schematic: inserting an incandescent lamp in series through L2 and C2.
The results of exploratory studies confirm the existing scientific thought that the processes of input and output routing/transmission of electricity using high-voltage high-frequency electromagnetic field (radiation) phenomena require further deep theoretical and experimental studies.
1. Kanarev FM Beginning Phys chemistry microcosm / Kanarev FM [8th ed.].
Krasnodar, 2007. - 750 s.
2. Fominsky LP Rotary generators of free heat. DIY
Fominsky LP - Cherkasy: "OKO-Plus". 2003. - 342 s.
3. US Patent No. 08/100074
The two typical examples above are The High-power Motionless Generator. If you want to build a The High-power Motionless Generator, here I introduce a guide, which helps you to create Zero-Point Energy generators.
Since currents are 180 out of phase with each other, lenz's law naturally is broken. Magnetic field in conjunction with each other, no more repulsive field, magnetic attraction maxed. Induced emf no longer drop just because current increases as net changing magnetic flux decreases. Faraday's law is absolute but lenz's law isn't. The induced emf may increase as current increases as back emf adds with induced emf. However, there is also the chance of back emf does nothing and induced emf stays the same even after current draw increases.
If even after both of the coils are overexcited and induced emf still drop as current draw increases, Plan B is executed. This will ultimately prove leading current and lagging current doesn't exist! Our electrical engineering will be exposed to be full of lies, which it is anyway.
Revealed At Last: Ancient Invention Generates Energy-On-Demand
✔ Nikola Tesla’s method of magnifying electric power by neutralizing the magnetic counter-forces in an electric generator
✔ Currents are 180 out of phase with each other, Lenz's law naturally is broken
✔ Principle of Resonance to achieve Overunity
Fig.4. Inserting various incandescent bulbs through additional winding L3.
When we inserted a capacitor C2 in series with the winding L2 (Fig. 5) We inserted a 12 volt 21 watt lamp to the L3 coil output. The lamp became brightly lit and in 4 to 5 seconds it burned out. The current consumption was a net 1.2 amps.
Fig.5. Switching incandescent bulb(s) through the additional winding L3 when creating L2-C2 path.
An analogous result was obtained when we switched in a tungsten lamp using the schematic in Fig. 6 in a series circuit L2 / C2. A 12 volt 21 watt lamp also burns out in 4 to 5 seconds. The current in the lamp in this configuration was 1.8 - 2.3 Amps.
Fig.6. Schematic: inserting an incandescent lamp in series through L2 and C2.
The results of exploratory studies confirm the existing scientific thought that the processes of input and output routing/transmission of electricity using high-voltage high-frequency electromagnetic field (radiation) phenomena require further deep theoretical and experimental studies.
1. Kanarev FM Beginning Phys chemistry microcosm / Kanarev FM [8th ed.].
Krasnodar, 2007. - 750 s.
2. Fominsky LP Rotary generators of free heat. DIY
Fominsky LP - Cherkasy: "OKO-Plus". 2003. - 342 s.
3. US Patent No. 08/100074
The two typical examples above are The High-power Motionless Generator. If you want to build a The High-power Motionless Generator, here I introduce a guide, which helps you to create Zero-Point Energy generators.
3. Detailed instructions for creating Overunity Generator Blueprint
In principle, this system is similar to Tesla Overexcited Asymmetrical Synchronous Transformer.Since currents are 180 out of phase with each other, lenz's law naturally is broken. Magnetic field in conjunction with each other, no more repulsive field, magnetic attraction maxed. Induced emf no longer drop just because current increases as net changing magnetic flux decreases. Faraday's law is absolute but lenz's law isn't. The induced emf may increase as current increases as back emf adds with induced emf. However, there is also the chance of back emf does nothing and induced emf stays the same even after current draw increases.
If even after both of the coils are overexcited and induced emf still drop as current draw increases, Plan B is executed. This will ultimately prove leading current and lagging current doesn't exist! Our electrical engineering will be exposed to be full of lies, which it is anyway.
Revealed At Last: Ancient Invention Generates Energy-On-Demand
✔ Nikola Tesla’s method of magnifying electric power by neutralizing the magnetic counter-forces in an electric generator
Generates Energy-On-Demand: Easy Power Plan Will Change Our World Forever
✔ Currents are 180 out of phase with each other, Lenz's law naturally is broken
✔ Principle of Resonance to achieve Overunity
✔ Generate generators without rotating motion, but based on the principle of rotating magnets. Because magnetism varies based on electronic circuit design: coils, capacitors, Negative resistance, etc.The change of magnetism does not require the rotation of the magnet.
Bonjour,dans l'analyse du circuit des enroulements bobine L1 et L2 du (F.2) vous avec dit que le courant dans la bobine L2 au nouveau de la base du transistor est 0,3A,mais ce n'est pas le cas puisque dans ce point c'est le courant de base obtenu en fonction du potentiel du pont diviseur entre R1 et R2, alors que 0,3A est le courant de sortie IC. Salutations
ReplyDeletePri tých posledných schémach neni písané, aký prúd berie zapojenie zo 14 V zdroja. Keď berie tiež okolo 2 A neviem, čo chcel autor povedať.
ReplyDeleteWhy do these overunity designs always involve magnets and transformers? There is nothing magic about them, all you are doing is pretending that you are examining something completely new (preferably something that Nicola Tesla mentioned in his later life when he was going mad) that you don't understand and you conclude that the fact that you cannot explain it means that you're on to something.
ReplyDeleteBasically; you insist that overunity must be possible using devices you don't understand, *because* you don't understand, and the fact that nobody has ever actually created an overunity machine is because every time they do, the oil companies silence them, right?
You don't understand anything, just ask me.
DeleteThe free power transformer, as noted, is tom bearden's, as noted above. It's not by Tesla.
What else are you asking?
Why do you know I do not understand?
Very interesting. Thanks for posting this.
ReplyDeleteVery interesting I will try to do something with that.