J J Thomson Never Liked The Electron Concept

- by Partha Sarathi Mishra

It was forced up on him to accept it and compromise to start settling electrical science against its rampant innovations at the beginning of 19th century.

J J Thomson Never Liked The Electron Concept

His work contradicts the so-called modern conceptualization of electricity as corpuscles, which totally voids field theory. He and Tesla were working in similar direction, as to find the true nature of aether. Thomson was the only one who conceptualize it to a very practical and engineerable way with the concepts of Faraday Tubes.

Studying his best work "Notes of Recent Researches in Electricity and Magnetism" once can visualize Tesla's longitudinal system is a much better manner.

Learn more: Notes on recent researches in electricity and magnetism, intended as a sequel to Professor Clerk-Maxwell's 'Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism'

Most electrical pioneers were mostly mathematical with very hotchpotch physical theory. He made quantized electricity in to "physical" entity with once single concept called Faraday Tubes, which itself extends from the actual works of Faraday.

He rejected Maxwell's mathematical theory and took a physical approach, through empirically same as that of Maxwell. But different physical meaning.

He was the first to reject magnetic field, making it as a side effect of electric field in motion. In other words he brought physical unification of electricity and magnetism, unlike Maxwell's mathematical unification.

His visualization of mass and momentum is different than that of Newtonian. For example, it's assumed that mass is something resides inside an object. But according to Thomson, the mass is not just inside a charged object but rather extends throughout the space. Hence its motion leads to resistance hence appears like increase in apparent mass. This so-called relativistic mass increase has it's roots in Thomson, and Not Einstein. Einstein was just an avid plagiarist who copy past other's work and add his irrational claims. Denial of aether is one such thing, perhaps the biggest mistake of 19th century. It was a mafia act.

Thomson considered electricity as discreate tubes of induction aka Faraday Tubes which has physical existence, not some imaginary mathematical lines of force. Hence fractional change is impossible. These things went corrupted in to fields like Quantum theories with no physical reality.

So for both relativity and quantum, Thomson is the central figure.

Academia is always about authoritarianism, settlement and business. They won't tolerate any wisdom which is far fetch and can make non-academicians distrust on them.

Using physical visualization of electrical quantity can lead to other possibilities also. Hence he needs to be watered down.

His Nobel Prize acted more like a bribe to compromise his conceptualization than any real achievement. The name and fame of Nobel prize can make anyone lustful.

But he still not happy which is obvious from his quotes. The famous famous quote he used to give in his Cavendish laboratory which is recorder in the Proceedings of the Royal Institution of Great Britain, Volume 35 (1951), page 251, says "The electron: may it never be of any use to anybody".

And he was right. Till today the concept of electron play no role in electrical engineering design. Just an unnecessary theoretical entity to explain electricity.

After reading original works of electrical pioneers and history form various sources, I can say that the electron concept itself worked as a mind virus which limits out thought process in visualization of electricity. Even modern electrical transmission line analysis and network analysis contradicts the concept of electron rendering it unnecessary. Any sane electrical engineer knows that current flows in the space between the wires, and NOT inside the wires. But these academic scumbags want us to believe the opposite. That's why modern physicists have almost zero contribution in establishing the modern electrical engineering. It was all established and standardized by natural philosophers like Faraday, Maxwell, Tesla, Heaviside, Steinmetz, Thomson, etc.

Studying the real work on Thomson changes my perception of electricity. I am trying to improve it to include things which he skipped, as his work was unfinished.

Till today there is no physical model of electricity in academic teachings, and all electromagnetic theory books take mathematical approach which failed to give any clear understanding of nature of electricity.

Will come up with more on his work in due course of time.

Related: Electron - A Mathematical Fiction

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