Tartaria - Electric Creature - Cold Electricity Man

In the search for historical truth, after Dr. Anatoly T. Fomenko mentioned Tartaria, historical research is to research and search for the truth about Tartaria.

Many studies by experts show that the life expectancy of humans during the Kingdom of God period (Tartaria era), humans had a much longer life expectancy than now.

The Tartaria era is the era of the Old World Order, it has collapsed, been hidden, and established by the new world order.

Recently, a lot of information due to the agenda of building the new world order has been revealed about the implantation of Chips into the human body in the near future. This Chip implantation was probably done as a contract to increase the life expectancy of some people.

If the life expectancy of humans during the Kingdom of God period was much higher than now, it would be several hundred years. So we should not need to implant a chip to increase life expectancy. But the great powers have destroyed the life expectancy and the wonderful abilities of humans.

They have forced humanity to depend on the banking and financial system, which is equivalent to tricking humans into a game of slavery.

Because of this suspicion, the writer Susan Ertz said: “Millions long for immortality who don’t know what to do on a rainy Sunday afternoon”

The new world order plot: They will make human health decline, while reducing the population. Then require a compromise to implant a chip to survive, and at the same time use that chip to control behavior and digital currency.

This is a truly creepy and horrifying plot when you know that humans are in the process of being injected with drugs and vaccines, and receiving radio waves higher than 5G to edit genes.

That is why we need to search for the truth of history, that is, to search for Tartaria.

Reviewing the old content about Nikola Tesla's technology, I discovered something new: Human nature is "Electricity". There is a book titled "We are Electricity" worth referring to for this issue.

The video in the old article, there is an experiment about Cold Electricity that will show that humans have the ability to conduct a special type of electricity: Developing the Tesla coil - What is its use in this day and age?

Tartaria - Electric Creature - Cold Electricity Man

At first, many people did not believe in the chip, but if you know that humans can allow a type of electricity to pass through, then this chip can be a part of life. Then humans will be a composition of half human and half machine.

Searching for the truth about Tartaria will take a lot of time, like a detective investigation, if you cannot find a clue, it will be difficult to find the truth. So I recommend two reliable authors who work as scientists in search of the truth, Anatoly T. Fomenko and David Ewing Jr.

Books by Anatoly T. Fomenko: History: Fiction or Science? (30 books)

There are quite a few books by David Ewing Jr., but I recommend two highly rated books he has written recently:

David Ewing Jr.’s books do not directly reveal much about the technology of altering biological factors, but will provide a lot of information for many people who seek based on what I suggest. Whoever is lucky, will solve the difficult problem: “Millions long for immortality who don’t know what to do on a rainy Sunday afternoon”

If not, at least we get back some of what we lost!

Good luck to you!


Appendix and notes for the article:

1/ This article was created after posting the video "Tartaria - Clues to Human Origins - Electric Creature - Cold Electricity Man | Tartaria - 33 Degrees". I reposted this video on archive.org to avoid censorship:

2/ The link mentioned at the end of the video, related to the homemade generator: The Magnet Motor and Free Energy AC Generator = https://easy-power-plan-dcp.blogspot.com/p/permanent-magnet-generator.html

3/ A small temporary solution to improve health through the application of Tesla's electric technology:

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