Tartaria - Radiant Energy - Tracing the Origin of Tesla Technology

Many Tartarian researchers believe that advanced technologies once existed in the Old World Order of Tartaria. Some other theories suggest that today's technologies are all exploited from the knowledge of the old Tartarian civilization.

As evidence for this, I recently raised the issue of flying saucer technology in Nazi Germany. If flying saucers are said to be from Nikola Tesla, then why did they appear in Nazi Germany during and before World War I?

And if flying saucer technology has many versions, then where did it really come from? If it is not technology from the old world of Tartaria, then what else could it be?

One hypothesis to note: The Quran says that there is a species of electric creatures, including many creatures, that have helped humanity and have betrayed humanity. This electric creature was bribed by a force called Satan, and worked for Satan.

Perhaps it was this electric creature that helped a mysterious force rule the world, aiming to establish a totalitarian world with the New World Order.

# Doubts

Nikola Tesla produced a device similar to Thomas H. Moray's (radiant energy) and also similar to Ed Gray's.

Thomas Henry Moray invented radiant energy in the 40s, and Edwin V. Gray invented "cold electricity" in the 50s. There is no real evidence from these two scientists themselves to say that they learned from Nikola Tesla's technology. Only other scholars have attributed the ideas of Edwin V. Gray and Thomas Henry Moray to Nikola Tesla.

Another interesting thing is that both scientists were persecuted for their plans to oppose the development of free energy - Thomas Henry Moray was assassinated and Edwin V. Gray died mysteriously.

Some people will ask: If Thomas Henry Moray and Edwin V. Gray did not learn from Nikola Tesla, then where did they learn electrical science to invent the same technology as Nikola Tesla?

In other words: Did Thomas Henry Moray and Edwin V. Gray learn from Nikola Tesla? Why is the technological identity of these two people similar to Tesla's?

If Thomas Henry Moray and Edwin V. Gray did not know anything about Tesla's technology, then were Nikola Tesla's inventions released recently?

If it is true that Nikola Tesla's inventions were released only in the last 30 years, then Tesla's life would be very fictional.

# Preliminary investigation

When did Nikola Tesla become famous?

In “Nikola Tesla in popular culture” Tesla was known in comic books and novels in the 80s and 90s, with a few novels mentioning Nikola Tesla. You can check at “Nikola Tesla in popular culture” on Wikipedia.

Excerpt from Wikipedia:

"In The Light and Darkness War (1988–89) by Tom Veitch and Cam Kennedy, Tesla appears as a supporting character who has been transported, upon death, to another dimension where other deceased human warriors and scientists, such as Leonardo da Vinci, are engaged in a never-ending battle against the forces of Outer Darkness. A biography of Tesla featured in the second issue in order to introduce Tesla to contemporary readers unfamiliar with the scientist."

Nikola Tesla was mentioned in 2007 on the Overunity.com forum (website is now gone).

Since 2003, there have been novels and science fiction films about Nikola Tesla.

It can be said that Nikola Tesla became famous after 2000.

So Nikola Tesla has only been famous for about 24 years.

However, what if Nikola Tesla's archives are real? Who controls Tesla's records? If Nikola Tesla has been kept as a secret, not listed in textbooks, then why has Tesla been revealed in the last 20 years?

Let's look at Nikola Tesla's patents that are believed to be from the late 19th and early 20th centuries:

Consider the patent "Commutator for dynamo-electric machines" No. 834,823. Patented Jan. 19, 2014. 26, 1886.

r/plasma_pi - Tesla's Patent Reprinted in 1886
Tesla's Patent Reprinted in 1886

It bears Tesla’s signature, and is typewritten over Nikola Tesla’s handwritten drawings, meaning Tesla first hand-drawn the technical elements of the patent, then signed it, and then someone typed his name and date. This is consistent with typewriters that were invented and operated after 1868.

At the end of the patent, it says “N.Peters. Photo-Lithographer, Washington, D.C”, meaning they used “Photo-Lithographer” technology to reprint the original patent after typing.

Why did they reprint it? Probably to store several copies, and send them to various academic institutions in the US and around the world. Patents can be sent to universities and research institutes around the world, or as a copyright so that any company that uses it has to pay a royalty fee. This seems very reasonable.

However, according to the investigation, the “Photo-Lithographer” technology has existed for a long time, in the 1820s, Nicephore Niepce invented a photographic process using Bitumen of Judea, a natural asphalt, as the first photoresist. But it mainly produced sculptures.

Today, Photo-Lithographer is known mainly for its use in the fabrication of semiconductors of integrated circuits (“IC” or “chips”), such as solid-state memory and microprocessors.

It could have been used in printing, but it was not popular, because the photocopy machine replaced it.

The question: Was Photo-Lithographer technology used to print on paper in 1886?

Information on the internet about the development of technology shows that it was not possible. And AI (artificial intelligence) has synthesized the information to give the following statement:

“No, photolithography was not printed on paper in 1886. Photolithography as a technique was primarily used in the development of semiconductor and microcircuit production, which came much later in the 20th century.”

r/plasma_pi - Chatgpt answers the question: Was Photo-Lithographer technology used to print on paper in 1886?
Chatgpt answers the question: Was Photo-Lithographer technology used to print on paper in 1886?

That was Chatgpt's answer when it had not yet spied on all my investigative activities on the computer. About 6 hours later I came back to Chatgpt and asked again, and it replied that photolithography could create prints in 1886. It seems that Chatgpt is commanded by another program to impose its judgments after a spy program on the computer has finished checking. That means every activity on your computer or phone is spied on and sent to another data collection program, which then reports to Chatgpt.

That's why I investigated more about photolithography, it is true that it can create prints with words in 1886, but with technical drawings, it will take a lot of time. Because Nikola Tesla's original drawings will be engraved on limestone, or aluminum, or zinc, then oil and water with the standard ratio will be added to that aluminum plate. Next, there is a roller to take ink from the engraving on the aluminum. And finally, using the roller that recorded this inverted image to roll on paper, will create an image that is not inverted.

There is much more to say about this ancient printing technology. This is just a preliminary investigation that shows the absurdity of the attempt to print Tesla's patents in 1886.

It should be noted that: If it were printing letters, it would be faster, but if it were printing technical drawings using photolithography, it would take a lot of time. On the other hand, Nikola Tesla had more than 700 patents, some official information said there were about 300 public patents. So it would take a lot of time to print these patents.

Preliminary research shows that NIkola Tesla's patents seem to have been created since the advent of digital printing, around the 80s and 90s of the last century. If the patent office did not provide the original of the invention, then it is very likely that it was recently remade or renewed.

If possible, I will do a deeper dive into the true origins of the patents of Tesla and other scientists published since the advent of the internet, with the patent google section launched in December 2006.

# Tesla-like technology: Thomas Henry Moray and Edwin V. Gray's “cold electricity” radiant energy

With doubts aside, let us now compare the technologies that bear the identity of NIkola Tesla and their applications.

1/ Thomas Henry Moray's radiant energy

Moray's radiant energy is also “cold electricity”, but not as cold as Edwin V. Gray's (literally, the load is cold when consuming electricity).

r/plasma_pi - Thomas Henry Moray's radiant energy vs. Tesla technology
Thomas Henry Moray's radiant energy vs. Tesla technology

2/ Edwin V. Gray's “Cold Electricity”.

r/plasma_pi - Tesla's Radiant Energy vs. Edwin V. Gray's “Cold Electricity”
Tesla's Radiant Energy vs. Edwin V. Gray's “Cold Electricity”

The radiation from high voltage through spark gap ignition is exploited by a grid or antenna, which is fed back to the circuit. This energy is called radiant energy from the electric circuit, it is converted according to the inventions with different ideas, but of the same nature.

3/ Radiant Energy Collection Tube - Cold Electricity

r/plasma_pi - Radiant Energy Collection Tube by Tesla and Edwin Gray
Radiant Energy Collection Tube by Tesla and Edwin Gray

Tesla has a sketch collected by some scholar about the invention of collecting electric radiation in the tube. However, this is not listed in the patent. It is only collected by scholars. The real origin of this invention is unknown.

The invention shows the similarity in the way Tesla and Gray exploit radiant energy. All the technical details about the 3 types of radiant energy are presented here: Three Radiant Energy Inventions by Nikola Tesla

# Final words

It is true that Nikola Tesla has only recently become famous, about 20 years ago, and in the last 10 years he has been “notorious” in the scientific topics of “free energy” and scientific revisionism. The review of Tesla’s patents requires more evidence. There is a reason why many people doubt that Nikola Tesla’s technologies and inventions are actually a simulation of the old world of Tartaria.

I am not working for any force, just an objective assessment like a judge who is not bribed. You may think that I am defaming Tesla, but in fact I have not defamed him, all the presentation is just an objective review and investigation. It is important that history is a lie with stories like novels. This has been proven by many historical researchers, typically David Ewing Jr and Anatoly T. Fomenko.

So does natural science lie about the origin of patents? That is a natural question to ask.

In my preliminary investigations of Nikola Tesla, I have 2 videos showing Tesla's technologies that existed more than 200 years ago in Tartaria: Video 1Video 2.

After all, patents need to benefit humanity. Almost all of Tesla's important patents need to be explained by the science of Ether electricity. However, modern science has ignored Ether, and eliminated this science long ago. But on the other hand, Tesla is the man whose inventions created the 20th century. It is clear that the big powers are monopolizing technology, and they create educational programs that do not reveal the truth, in order to monopolize technology.

Practical application of Edwin V. Gray's invention to create Cold Electricity: Modern Cold Electricity - Radiant Energy by Edwin V. Gray

The construction of a generator according to Edwin V. Gray's invention is very difficult, requires someone with knowledge of Ether electricity to develop, and has the potential risk of high voltage during the construction process. Therefore, I recommend a set of books to make the construction of a generator easier:

⭐ Book series containing easy methods to create free energy generators, and this series also contains other technologies, including Tesla technology.
Here is the book: 👉 Easy Power Plan Will Change Our World Forever

📖 That book may contain more advanced cold electricity technology in the modern version. Because the author regularly updates and adds to that book.

We are always propagated by the media and education that: Science and technology are always progressing every minute, and we are benefiting from the development of science. But is that true? Are we benefiting or losing? If the old world of Tartaria was a world of unity with a single language, then we are actually losing, not benefiting. What is supposed to benefit from technology is a signal from the mind in the Matrix telling us so, in fact it is an illusion from the wrong definition as a black magic embedded in the mathematical codes belonging to the secret of Tartaria - Secret of Kabbalah.

Good luck to you!

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