Some Thoughts on Nazi Disc Shaped Flying Machines

My view on gravity, the true structure of matter is different from that of scholars who write books on Nazi hidden technology. However, I still present important information from scholars who study flying saucers.

Flying saucers are an electrical system, including circuits that operate on it, creating an unusual state of metal. These metals are oriented to reach an altitude of 12,400 meters in 3 minutes and a speed of 2,200 km/h. If it is "anti-gravity", which is equivalent to a force in Newtonian mechanics, then the air is not enough of a medium for the jet to accelerate the flying saucers so much. Flying saucers are Ether technology, its operation is related to space, "counter-space", light, matter is frozen light, etc.

With such a speed of flying saucers, it seems that it is an improved (or applied) teleportation technology. Of all historical documents, the Quran is the most reliable. The Quran mentions teleportation technology, including the movement of large masses of matter (such as rocks) over long distances in a short time. The historical research of David Ewing Jr and Anatoly T. Fomenko with the method of historical science actually shows that the Quran is the most reliable document that survived the fall of Tartaria

The Nazis used the technology of the old world (Tartaria). That is the suspicion after investigating Tesla's technology. Research on Tartaria, the true history shows that Tartaria once had very advanced science and civilization. They collapsed due to Satan, the antichrist, who bribed the evil electric creatures. The good electric creatures that help humans still exist.

Researchers do not really understand the structure of matter (atoms) and gravity, so they accept the "anti-gravity" thinking to talk about flying saucers. However, even if such efforts are funded by a conspiracy to discredit another conspiracy or mislead investigators, they still have documentary value.

Basically, the secret file on flying saucers was originally secret, but it seems to have been intentionally revealed. It is a conspiracy about conspiracies. Another hypothesis as good news is that there are opposing factions in the ranks of world rulers, they are the ones who stand for the conscience of humanity, and they are the ones who leaked the documents. They are the traitorous professors! That is good news. This is also seen in the Quran when it refers to humans fighting against the forces of "electric beings", and extraterrestrials can also be understood as electric beings.

If there is a full study of flying saucers, their real technology, I will present it in the following article. Below are the documents that I have collected for everyone to refer to and research to find the truth.

The Nazi Secret Project Die Glocke and UFOs

Die Glocke means “the bell” in German and was the name of a secret Nazi project. The level of secrecy was so high that for many years after the end of World War II, few people knew about its significance. Two books have revealed the mystery: “The Hunt for Zero Point” by Nick Cook and “The Truth About the Wunderwaffe” by Igor Witkowski. There was and is a lot of speculation about the Germans possessing extraterrestrial technology. Apparently, Adolf Hitler himself believed in it. in supernatural phenomena and it was he who ordered the search for the Holy Grail in Languedoc and sent his scientists to Tibet to explore phenomena such as reincarnation, space travel and crossing into other dimensions, which could be called UFOs.

Supposedly, in 1937 or 1938, a saucer-like object crashed near Czernica. It fell onto the nearby property of Ewa Braun's relatives. SS troops arrived from the Jelenia Góra garrison, surrounded the crash site, and transported the object to Jelenia Góra. Witnesses were supposed to be silenced or killed.

Returning to the Die Glocke project, the work of Polish journalist, air defense, and military historian Igor Witkowski has once again raised a wave of doubts on this subject. In his book, he mentions Hitler's secret weapon, the Wunderwaffe. He learned about the Dzwon project from his Polish intelligence officer colleague, who had access to German secret documents from the war.

"The officer described Die Glocke to Witkowski as a large bell-shaped jar with a semicircular closure, topped with a device of unknown function"

Die Glocke was a pilot project conducted by Third Reich scientists who worked at a German plant called Giant Der Riesse or near the Wacław mine site. The mine is located 50 km from Wrocław, slightly north of the town of Ludwikowice Kłodzkie (also known as Ludwigsdorf). It is said that a metal plane was seen there, which was about 9 meters wide and 12 to 15 meters high, in the shape of a bell. Known as Xerum 525.

The Dzwon project was very important to the Nazis, so important that they had to kill 60 scientists working on it. But what happened to this mysterious plane? Perhaps it was secretly evacuated to Antarctica. Why there? Because in 1938 the Germans carried out the so-called Antarktis. It was an undertaking undertaken on the orders of Hermann Gering. Its aim was to conquer certain areas in Antarctica. The expedition was successful, the Germans occupied about 6,000 square kilometers there, which were called "New Swabia". It is also speculated that the plane was sent to South America, and their technology was taken over by the Americans, which is why recently more and more photos of saucers have appeared on the internet, and people believe that it is a UFO.

  • I Vertikaler Magnetring (Vertikal Magnetic Ring) 
  • II Energiespeicher (Energy Reservoir) 
  • III Dreiphasenspulen (3-phase Coil) 
  • IV Erregerspule (Exciter Coil) 
  • V Drei Kondensatoren (Three Condensators) 
  • VI Ausgangspule (Exit Coil) 
  • VII Ferritring (Ferrite Ring) 
  • VIII Barium-Strontium-Titanate Ring 

1 Glocke (Bell) 
1a YX - Pol (YX Pole) 
1b XY - Pol (XY Pole) 
2 Haupt u. Anlaß Generator (Main and Startup Generator) 
3 Glockenmantel (Bell Casing) 
4 Schwingungseinschluß (Swinging Closure) 
5 Rahmen (Frame) 
6 Drehkörper (Rotary Body) 
7 Elektromagnete (Elektromagnet) 
8 Stromspeiser (Streamsupply and Receiver) 
9 Vakuum (Vacuum) 
10 Schwingungspanzer (Swinging Tank) Triebwerk (Engine) 

Levitator #1

There are two ways to overcome the effect of gravity using electromagnetic forces:

1/ Using a rotating magnetic field and a radial current flow. The force is in the direction of
qv × B , so out of the page for the configuration shown in Fig. 1.

Electron flow (or the negative current) can be realized using a conducting disk, or a donut shaped container that holds a conductive fluid or gas. Transverse magnetic field can be realized using windings around the donut container.

2/ Using a radial magnetic field and a rotating current. Current can be realized using a metallic disk or a conductive fluid /gas inside a donut shaped container. A metallic disk can be rotated as in the case of Arago’s disk.

2 Levitator #2 

Vril Triebwerk is shown in Fig. 3. Positive top attracts free-electrons and pump them into the vortex chamber. The chamber is where the Drehkörper rotates. By controlling the vortex speed, velocity of up lift can be controlled. Electromagnets (EMs) have perpendicular magnetic fields (to the – plates) so the plates move in CW direction. Rotation of ionized particles form a vortex in Aether. A secondary steerable vortex is used for steering. I assume this is provided by the Glocke.

Some Thoughts on Nazi Disc Shaped Flying Machines

 Revealed At Last: Ancient Invention Generates Energy-On-Demand

✔ Nikola Tesla’s method of magnifying electric power by neutralizing the magnetic counter-forces in an electric generator

✔ Combination of induction motor and alternator 
✔ Combine generators with induction motors - self-powered generators with rotary motion
✔ Various methods of generating high power immobile generators

✔ Or maybe called Overunity for the system. Mother Nature doesn't care about people calling or naming phenomena. Overunity or Free Energy, or Zero Point Energy (ZPE) are just a few different words

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