- Zero Point Energy The Alien Technology that will change everything
- The Zero Point Energy Field
- Zero Point Energy Generator For Sale
- The Zero Point Energy Generator
- It Is Time To Embrace The Tremendous Power And Potential Of Zero Point Energy
For the most people that are interested in producing free energy, the zero point energy field is a hot topic. There are more than a few energy producing machines out there and more people looking to cut down or eliminate their energy expenses are actively looking for the best of the best.
Most of the machines available these days are not able to produce sustainable energy for a long period of time. Of course, these energy efficient devices can still provide a homeowner with a huge amount of benefits when it comes to creating free energy for their home. However, if you really want to eliminate your energy costs for a long period of time you need to harness sustainable energy for years to come.
One of the most notable solutions to sustainable long term energy involves the zero point energy field. The idea is to use a magnetic generator that is based on the zero point energy field theory.
The zero point energy field can be described as the quantum mechanical system that encloses the lowest possible energy. The truth is that the generators that utilize this type energy field have been in use for many years. However, there has been no proof any machine that has been introduced to the public that uses this unique energy field.
However, these days there are magnetic energy generators available that anyone can put together themselves with the right blueprint. With the right blueprint you can construct one of these generators that use the zero point energy field without having to spend a lot of money or waste a lot of time.
All that you need is a small amount of space within your home to install the generator. The materials you need for the project are fairly cheap when compared to other energy efficient systems like solar panel systems and wind generators.
With a generator that works on the concept of the zero point energy field you will be able to reduce your energy bill by at lease 30% each month. The best part about using these generators is the fact that it doesn't need any fuel source to maintain it like other devices.
This energy system is a lot cleaner than any other type of free energy solution since it doesn't use any fuel whatsoever. All it utilizes is the power of the zero point energy field to spin a turbine and produce power. It is no surprise that this energy efficient machine is very popular among those who wish to produce sustainable energy for years to come.
While only recently have we given this ‘alien’ tech its proper attention, thinking about Nikola Tesla and everything he achieved in his life tells me that over one hundred years ago, this ‘mad scientist’ was very close at figuring out what we today call Zero Point Energy.
“Dear John, Because the War in Space race is heating up, I felt you should be aware of several factors as you and I schedule our Skype talk.
Remember, our nonviolent ETI from the contiguous universe are helping us bring zero point energy to Earth.
They will not tolerate any forms of military violence on Earth or in space.
The following information in italics was shared with me by my colleague Carol Rosin, who worked closely for several years with Wernher von Braun before his death.
Carol and I have worked on the Treaty on the Prevention of the Placement of Weapons in Outer Space, attached for your convenience.”
The above email sent by former Nasa astronaut Edgar Mitchell says a LOT.
First of all, we have to understand that now is the time for disclosure.
In the last couple of years, countless individuals have come forward speaking about alien life, UFOs, and advanced alien technology.
From former astronauts to military officials, every once in a while someone comes forward speaking about alien life and alien tech.
A great step towards disclosure was made when Wikileaks decided to post a back of emails from John Podesta and Edgar Mitchell.
Most of the machines available these days are not able to produce sustainable energy for a long period of time. Of course, these energy efficient devices can still provide a homeowner with a huge amount of benefits when it comes to creating free energy for their home. However, if you really want to eliminate your energy costs for a long period of time you need to harness sustainable energy for years to come.
One of the most notable solutions to sustainable long term energy involves the zero point energy field. The idea is to use a magnetic generator that is based on the zero point energy field theory.
The zero point energy field can be described as the quantum mechanical system that encloses the lowest possible energy. The truth is that the generators that utilize this type energy field have been in use for many years. However, there has been no proof any machine that has been introduced to the public that uses this unique energy field.
However, these days there are magnetic energy generators available that anyone can put together themselves with the right blueprint. With the right blueprint you can construct one of these generators that use the zero point energy field without having to spend a lot of money or waste a lot of time.
All that you need is a small amount of space within your home to install the generator. The materials you need for the project are fairly cheap when compared to other energy efficient systems like solar panel systems and wind generators.
With a generator that works on the concept of the zero point energy field you will be able to reduce your energy bill by at lease 30% each month. The best part about using these generators is the fact that it doesn't need any fuel source to maintain it like other devices.
This energy system is a lot cleaner than any other type of free energy solution since it doesn't use any fuel whatsoever. All it utilizes is the power of the zero point energy field to spin a turbine and produce power. It is no surprise that this energy efficient machine is very popular among those who wish to produce sustainable energy for years to come.
Zero Point Energy The Alien Technology that will change everything
Zero Point Energy could help us reach interstellar space in no time. According to a batch of recently published emails between John Podesta and Former NASA astronaut Edgar Mitchell, This ALIEN technology could be at our fingertips. But are we ready for it?While only recently have we given this ‘alien’ tech its proper attention, thinking about Nikola Tesla and everything he achieved in his life tells me that over one hundred years ago, this ‘mad scientist’ was very close at figuring out what we today call Zero Point Energy.
“Dear John, Because the War in Space race is heating up, I felt you should be aware of several factors as you and I schedule our Skype talk.
Remember, our nonviolent ETI from the contiguous universe are helping us bring zero point energy to Earth.
They will not tolerate any forms of military violence on Earth or in space.
The following information in italics was shared with me by my colleague Carol Rosin, who worked closely for several years with Wernher von Braun before his death.
Carol and I have worked on the Treaty on the Prevention of the Placement of Weapons in Outer Space, attached for your convenience.”
The above email sent by former Nasa astronaut Edgar Mitchell says a LOT.
First of all, we have to understand that now is the time for disclosure.
In the last couple of years, countless individuals have come forward speaking about alien life, UFOs, and advanced alien technology.
From former astronauts to military officials, every once in a while someone comes forward speaking about alien life and alien tech.
A great step towards disclosure was made when Wikileaks decided to post a back of emails from John Podesta and Edgar Mitchell.
The Zero Point Energy Field
Is this the ultimate technology that would allow us interstellar travel? And.. could this technology explain how UFO’s travel around the universe? According to many people YES.
There is another way, whether it’s wormholes or warping space, there’s got to be a way to generate energy so that you can pull it out of the vacuum, and the fact that they’re here shows us that they found a way. – Jack Kasher, Ph.D, Professor Emeritus of Physics, University of Nebraska. (Likelihood of UFOs – Jack Kasher THRIVE Movement)
Zero point Energy is the so-called ‘force’ that resides within the fabric of ’empty space’. The best part is that… it can be accessed.
It’s truly an otherworldly technology and people like Edgar Mitchell knew about it.
In modern time, the closest thing to explain it is the Casimir Effect; a phenomenon said to best illustrate zero points or vacuum state energy.
Vacuums generally are thought to be voids, but Hendrik Casimir believed these pockets of nothing do indeed contain fluctuations of electromagnetic waves. He suggested that two metal plates held apart in a vacuum could trap the waves, creating vacuum energy that could attract or repel the plates. As the boundaries of a region move, the variation in vacuum energy (zero-point energy) leads to the Casimir effect. Recent research done at Harvard University, and Vrije University in Amsterdam and elsewhere has proved the Casimir effect correct (DARPA Tries to Tap Elusive Casimir Effect for Breakthrough Technology).
Physicist Harold E. Puthoff is perhaps one of the few that can shed some light into this mysterious technology.
“These are not just fringe scientists with science fiction ideas. They are mainstream ideas being published in mainstream physics journals and being taken seriously by mainstream military and NASA type funders. I’ve been taken out on aircraft carriers by the Navy and shown what it is we have to replace if we have new energy sources to provide new fuel methods.” – Dr. Harold E. Puthoff
Zero Point Energy Generator For Sale
The zero point energy generator concept and zero point technology generally are shrouded in much secrecy. There's a reason why you never hear about this technology through the mainstream media. In this article, I'll tell you all about the zero point energy generator, the technology and how you can take advantage of it for yourself to generate almost unlimited electricity.
The Zero Point Energy Generator
The most practical application of zero point is as an energy generator.
It consists of several metal discs that can rotate around a central shaft. Around the perimeter of the discs are a series of magnets.
The system needs an initial input of energy. You can do this by simply pushing the discs. A few seconds later, the motion becomes self-sustaining and the motor continues to run on its own without any input. One of the pioneers of this technology, John Bedini, has a prototype that he has been running continuously for 15 years!
It Is Time To Embrace The Tremendous Power And Potential Of Zero Point Energy
Our top scientific researchers believe that if we are able to harness the large amount of energy available at the zero point, then we will be able to accomplish amazing things, like fully power an entire building for hardly any cost at all. It wasn't until quite recently that they found an easy method to control this energy for powering a home.
Free energy devices, like permanent magnetic generators, are finally allowing us to appreciate the dream of tapping into, and controlling, this magnificent power.
Once completed, you will possess the ability to harness zero point energy and entirely power your household. For anyone looking for a complete free energy product to power their households or business which has no emissions and calls for tiny to no upkeep, then the newest technology in zero point magnetic is for you.
Within the next decade, this technology may just be a lot more routine compared to what solar and wind power is today. The reason behind this would be that the power created by these magnetic devices exceeds the energy needed in order to maintain them, and in the end it is free and clean.
Zero Point Energy Generator For Sale: Ancient Invention Generates Energy-On-Demand
Zero Point Energy