Radiant Energy Circuit by Edwin V. Gray

Edwin Gray worked as a US Air Force engineer and machine-shop technician. Having discussed the matter with an associate of Nikola Tesla, in 1958 Ed discovered that the magnetic field generated by the very fast discharge of a high voltage source could pick up additional energy. (This was not actually a new discovery as Nicola Tesla had already burnt out a power station when he tried this on a large scale). In the seventies, Edwin built a device to capture this extra energy. The rapid, abrupt discharge was produced by generating a spark, and the pick-up was achieved by two copper cylinders surrounding the conductor which carried the spark current.

He used the extra power to drive opposing electromagnets in an 80 horsepower electric pulse motor. His patents show the pulses passing through the driving coils of the motor, charging a second battery via a current- limiting capacitor. Running this powerful motor was essentially free as the battery used to generate the spark voltage was switched periodically with the battery under charge. The result is a powerful motor which needs no fuel to run. He received US Patent No 3,890,548 in June 1975 and Patent No 4,661,747 in April 1987. A full and detailed description of how Ed Gray’s system works is given in Peter Lindemann’s book “The Free Energy Secrets of Cold Electricity” which is available via www.free-energy.ws. I highly recommend that you read this book. Note: Decoding Gray's Patents by Peter A. Lindemann

Ed Gray’s circuit is:

Three of these circuits were used to drive each engine. The operation is as follows:

  1. The battery at ‘A’ provides the operating current for the circuit, powering the oscillator.
  2. The oscillator drives the transformer which steps the 12V pulses up to 3000V.
  3. The 4000 volt 2 Farad capacitor at ‘C’ builds up a high voltage in steps with each oscillator pulse (the synch switch being open)
  4. The motor synchronisation switch closes due to the rotation of the engine.
  5. This causes the pulse controller to switch the triode valve on for a very short time - probably 80 microseconds or so, completing the circuit from the battery, placing a high voltage across the spark gap at ‘B’
  6. The capacitor at ‘C’ starts to discharge, creating a spark in the tube at ‘B’. The pulse duration is kept exceptionally short by the electronic pulse timer circuit which cuts the path off very abruptly. To generate the Radiant Energy wave, it is essential to produce a very short, sharp positive DC pulse which never goes negative. The capacitor does not discharge fully as there is not enough time for it to do so.
  7. Some of the Radiant Energy wave caused by this pulse, is picked up by copper cylinders placed around the electrode rod. The copper cylinders act more effectively if they are drilled with a matrix of holes. The Radiant Energy is fed to the load coils at ‘D’ as shown by the blue current flow path. It should be noted that this electrical energy has been created by the Radiant Energy waves passing through the copper cylinders. This power is at least 100 times greater than the power taken from the battery to create the spark and this current can easily be 1,000 amps. It should be stressed that this power is not coming from the battery as the battery power is used solely to create the spark.
  8. The load coils power the motor forwards, or if the circuit is being used for other purposes, powers transformers, bulbs, etc. usually via an air-cored, heavy duty transformer.
  9. The patents show the load coil pulse being fed on to a second battery at ‘E’ via a current-limiting capacitor, thus charging that battery. However, Ed stopped doing this in favour of using a standard car charging system. The red by-pass link indicates that the capacitor and battery would normally be omitted. With the capacitor in place, the current pulses into the battery were in the 60 to 120 amps range, some six thousand times per second. Even with the capacitor in place, the current pulses are likely to damage the battery. Because the return current was fed to +12 volts rather than 0 volts, it was referred to as “splitting the positive” and it helped to ensure that the pulses never went negative. However, to save the battery under charge from being damaged, Ed switched to charging the spare battery using a conventional vehicle alternator.
  10. The spark-gap device at ‘D’ provides protection should the voltage at ‘B’ become excessive. It should be remarked that the graphite slab placed in the copper rod electrode has a low resistance and so is not there to limit the current. The choice of material is important as graphite is thought to be favoured by Radiant Energy flows, so its inclusion is probably to promote the generation of the Radiant Energy waves.

Ed used three of these power conversion tubes for each of his engines. Each tube provides one drive pulse during each rotation of the engine drive shaft. This proved to be a highly effective system, providing a large amount of engine power without any need for external charging of the batteries. The engine design includes an ingenious method of power control where the pulse-timing mechanism is physically moved by the throttle pedal of the vehicle. This retards or advances the driving pulses to the rotor, relative to its alignment with the stator magnets. This has a dramatic effect on the mechanical output power and is an effective throttle arrangement in spite of being such a simple mechanism.

There are almost no criticisms to be made of this motor, except perhaps, that because it uses rotating electromagnets, there have to be brushes to feed the current to those electromagnets.  A timer circuit can be used to swap the batteries over every few minutes without any manual intervention.

An excellent web site for information on Ed Gray is: http://www.free-energy.cc/gray.html

At the time of writing, a very long but very informative video of a lecture by Dr Peter Lindemann on the secret of Cold Electricity with special reference to Ed Gray’s system can be found at: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6531378517026122577&q=Cold+Electricity

Also, Norman Wootan, Ed Gray’s close friend, has acquired several of Ed’s prototype motors. He displays them and their internal components in a lecture, a video of which, at this time, can be found at: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=5295639549070622452&q=Cold+Electricity

The construction of the pick-up tube is not particularly difficult. It is comprised of a teflon (plastic) cylinder of about 80mm diameter with teflon plates at each end, grooved to hold the pick-up cylinders in place. A pair of 12mm diameter copper rods are positioned down the centre of the cylinder and provided with a means to adjust

the gap between them where they meet. The rod ends form the spark gap and these ends are plated with silver. One rod has a graphite block inserted in it, using a push-fit connection into slots cut in the bar.

The two or three cylinder shells which pick up the Radiant Energy, are constructed from copper sheet. The gap between the outside of one cylinder and the inside of the surrounding cylinder is about 6mm. These cylinders are more effective if they have a matrix of holes drilled in them. They are connected together electrically and the connection is led out through the teflon casing to feed the load circuit. The cylinder contains air rather than a vacuum or an inert gas. The copper cylinders are held in place by push-fit supports, one set positioned between the outside of the smaller cylinder and the inside of the larger cylinder. The second set are placed between the outside of the larger cylinder and the inside of the housing tube:

The power tube is constructed this way because the Radiant Energy wave generated by the sharp pulse of current through the electrodes, radiates out at right angles to the electrodes.

These details were provided to John Bedini by Ed Gray during John’s visits in 1979, 1982 and 1984. John recorded them on his sketches of the system on each occasion. He kept them confidential for nineteen years, but then, when all of the people involved were dead, he passed the information to Peter Lindemann who had already deduced almost all of the details from the patent information and some unpublished photographs. Peter then published the exact details in the third edition of his book “The Free Energy Secrets of Cold Electricity”.

Peter points out that Ed Gray’s power conversion tube circuit is effectively a copy of Nikola Tesla’s circuit for doing the same thing:

This was disclosed by Tesla in his ‘Philadelphia and St Louis’ lecture in 1893 and shows how loads can be powered when a high voltage source is pulsed by a magnetically-quenched sparks - this creates DC pulses of very short duration. More details about this are given in the accompanying document in this set entitled.

The diagram above, illustrates the difference between the Magnetic field generated around a conductor fed with a pulse of Direct Current and the Radiant Energy waves created by that pulse. If a sharp current pulse is driven down a vertical wire, it causes two different types of field. The first field is magnetic, where the lines of magnetic force rotate around the wire. These lines are horizontal, and rotate clockwise when viewed from above. The magnetic field remains as long as the current flows down the wire.

The second field is the Radiant Energy wave. This wave will only occur if the current pulse is in one direction,

i.e. it will not occur if the wire is fed with alternating current. The wave radiates out horizontally from the vertical wire in every direction in the form of a shock wave. It is a one-off event and does not repeat if the current in the

wire is maintained. The Radiant Energy which can be picked up from this wave is in excess of 100 times more than the energy of the current in the vertical wire. This is the energy which Edwin Gray’s tube was designed to collect. Consequently, his tubes are fed with a train of high-intensity, short-duration, DC pulses to generate repeated waves of Radiant Energy. It is the pick-up of this excess energy which allows his motors to run without the need for the batteries to be charged by any conventional source of current.

The Radiant energy wave is not restricted to a single plane as shown in the diagram above, which is intended to indicate the difference between the electromagnetic field circling around the wire, and the Radiant Energy field which radiates away from the wire. Both of these fields occur at all points along the full length of the wire as shown here:

Radiant Energy, when converted to electrical power, produces a different kind of electrical power to that produced by batteries and by the mains supply. Power a motor with conventional electricity and it gets hot under load. Power the same motor by Radiant Energy electricity and under load the motor gets cold. Really overload it by stalling it and the motor housing is likely to be covered with frost. That is why this form of electricity is referred to as “cold electricity”.

If a lightbulb powered by conventional electricity is placed in water and you put your hand in the water, then you will almost certainly receive a severe electrical shock which may even kill you. Power the same lightbulb with Radiant Energy electricity and place it in water. The bulb will continue to shine and putting your hand in the water will have no ill effects at all, quite the reverse in fact, as that electricity has healing properties.

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