Magnetic fields and Faraday tubes: Correct understanding of magnetic fields produced by electricity

Old but important question to find the truth: A changing electric field create a magnetic field and also the other way around. What is meant by changing and does the changing electric field become a magnetic field or does it create an another magnetic field? Explain with some pictures.


In short, magnetic force is exerted due to the motion of the electric lines of forces (faraday tubes) across a conductor.

Magnetic force CANNOT be originated from space by just varying electric field, irrespective of what Maxwell’s equation says. Also Maxwell never gave such statement. I would be happy if somebody can quote Maxwell directly instead of third party physicists as interpreters.

Now following is a simple representation of electric field between two oppositely charged conductors at rest.

One faraday tube is one tube of electrostatic induction in the aether

One faraday tube is one tube of electrostatic induction in the aether.

Physicists think these lines of forces are just mathematical abstraction, but Maxwell, Poynting, Heaviside, J J Thomson all gave them physical meaning. Faraday used tubes as a language to explain the phenomena of electric and magnetic.

Here are some quotes.

By Maxwell

We should thus obtain a geometrical model of physical phenomena, which would tell us the direction of the force, but we should still require some method of indicating the intensity of the force at any point. If we consider these curves not as mere lines, but a fine tubes of variable sections carrying an incompressible fluid, then, since the velocity of the fluid is inversely as the section of the tube, we may make the velocity vary accordingly to any given law, by regulating the section of the tube, and in this way we might represent the intensity of the force as well as its direction by the motion of the fluid in these tubes.

On Faraday’s Lines of Force, J C Maxwell, pg 158–159

By J H Poynting

If we symbolise the electric and magnetic conditions of the field by induction tubes running in the directions of the intensities, the tubes being supposed drawn in each case so that the total induction over a cross section is unity, then we have reason to suppose that the electric tubes are continuous except where there are electric charges, while the magnetic tubes are probably in all cases continuous and re-entrant.

On the connexion between electric current and the electric and magnetic inductions in the surrounding field, J H Poynting, pg. 279

By Oliver Heaviside

It is by observation of these forces in the first place, followed by the induction of the laws they obey, and then by deductive work, that the carving out Of space into tubes of force follows; and now, further, we see that the localisation of the stored energies, according to the square of the electric and magnetic force respectively, combined with the two circuital laws, leads definitely to a stress existing in the electromagnetic field, which is the natural concomitant of the stored energy, and which is the immediate cause of the mechanical forces observed in certain cases.

Electromagnetic Theory, Vol I, Oliver Heaviside, pg. 86

By J J Thomson

In the mathematical theory of electricity there is nothing to indicate that there is any limit to the extent to which a field of electric force can be subdivided up into tubes of continually diminishing strength, the case is however different if we regard these tubes of force as being no longer merely a form of mathematical expression, but as real physical quantities having definite sizes and shapes. If we take this view, we naturally regard the tubes as being all of the same strength, and we shall see reasons for believing that this strength is such that when they terminate on a conductor there is at the end of the tube a charge of negative electricity equal to that which in the theory of electrolysis we associate with an atom of a monovalent element such as chlorine.

Notes on Recent Researches in Electricity and Magnetism, J J Thomson, pg 2–3

J J Thomson rejected the independent existence of magnetic field and deduced that magnetic force can be derived from motion of electric tubes. Hence magnetism is a secondary effect.

An electric line of force or a tube can be visualized as a vortex filament in a fluid like shown below.

Two like (same vortex rotation direction) parallel Faraday tubes repel each other whereas unlike parallel tubes attract.

The tubes may terminate on conductors of opposite charge or form closed loop during electromagnetic radiation as shown below.

The Faraday tubes either form closed circuits or else begin and end on atoms, all tubes that are not closed being tubes that stretch in the ether along lines either straight or curved from one atom to another. When the length of the tube connecting two atoms is comparable with the distance between the atoms in a molecule, the atoms are said to be in chemical combination (bonding); when the tube connecting the atoms is very much longer than this, the atoms are said to be chemically free.

The property of the Faraday tubes of always forming closed circuits or else having their ends on atoms may be illustrated by the similar property possessed by tubes of vortex motion in a frictionless fluid, these tubes either form closed circuits or have their ends on the boundary of the liquid in which the vortex motion takes place.

A faraday tube can never terminate of space.

Following diagram mentions the direction of magnetic force by a faraday tube in motion.

D is the electric displacement due to electric force E, and v is the direction of propagation of tube, the direction of magnetic force H exerted is:

Hence you can see that the direction of magnetic force is perpendicular to both the direction of electric displacement and to that of the propagation.

Following is the electric field diagram of conductor.

The magnetic lines of force are in the form of concentric circles. The number of magnetic lines of force is termed as magnetic flux.

The electric lines of force are radial to the surface of the conductor. The number of dielectric lines of force is called electric flux (aka charge in modern term).

Between two conductors, the line of force are crowded together and form arcs of circles, passing from conductor to return conductor.

Now lets see the electric and magnetic field of the following simple circuit.

You can see that the electric tubes of induction flows perpendicularly across the circuit, and the magnetic field encircles the conductor as devised by right hand cork screw rule.

v is the velocity of faraday tube, which is the speed of electric current.

Using the above thesis, lets see a detailed cross section diagram showing why magnetic field encircles as per the cork screw rule.

I hope you can see now clearly that magnetic force is due to the motion of the faraday tubes.

Electric current is the flow of fields, not electrons. There is no such thing called electron, neither any electrical pioneer has used such absurd concept. J J Thomson’s aether work was totally thrown out and his name was connected with electron which he himself never believed. J J Thomson considered the electron as the terminal end of one unit line of dielectric induction.

The poynting theorem clearly states that the power flow is given by ExH which exists in the space surrounding the circuit. Hence current exists in the space surrounding the conductor, NOT inside the conductor. The tubes in the preceding case move radially in towards the wire, so that the energy which is converted into heat in the circuit comes from the dielectric sideways into the wire and is not transmitted longitudinally along it. Electric field intensity inside a conductor is zero. Since conductors are not perfect, the tubes scrub through the conductor and breaks down and generate heat.

Unfortunately all genuine research of electricity were stopped since 1930. All our modern electrical and electronics technologies are based on inventions till 19th century. No significant invention happened since 1930. The problem started with the pushing forward of relativity and abandonment of aether, as aether was a dangerous concept for oil barons, as the possibilities are enormous.

Every electrical pioneer needed aether hypothesis, because it’s local. If electrical power is transmitter from point A to point B in space, there has to be something between connecting the tow. It cannot be just magic, which modern physicists want us to believe. Even in law of continuity of energy if energy flows from A to B, it must pass through all intermediate values.

Modernistic electromagnetic radio theory considers space to be empty and distorted. Propagation is effected by a forced spray of photonic particles, traveling at the aforementioned effective velocity of light. Magnetic and dielectric actions are ignored, and instead the actions of physical particles like electrons serve to store and transfer energy. Distance and velocity are the principal factors, and the continuous consumption of energy is required, supplied by an artifice such as a battery or engine driven generator.

It’s no surprise that death of aether is the death of electrical science. Today no electrical engineering work involves anything related to relativity, quantum mechanics and particle physics. Science is hijacked into a religious cult where authority overrides experimentation, observation and logical deduction.

I hope real scientific seekers will carry forward the work of Faraday, Maxwell, Heaviside, Tesla, Steinmetz, Thomson etc in a productive way.

Revealed At Last... Must watch!
Free Energy Magnetic Generator and synthesizes many other technologies imbued with Nikola Tesla's technological identity

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