Report Results for Hendershot-Generator - Resonance Problem

This document summarizes the design guidelines, measurement and test results for magnetic resonators of different periods.

The so-called resonator is another special component of the Hendershot Generator. Its function in the device has yet to be satisfactorily clarified. It is often incorrectly called a buzzer (buzzer, beeper). Since the resonator has no moving parts, the noise it causes during operation is probably due to tolerances between its parts.

1. Shape of the Resonator

There are some poor resolution figures in the Hendershot transmitter documentation. What they all have in common is permanent magnets. In front of the open end of the horseshoe magnet are coils and spokes in different configurations. The distance between the wall and the coils relative to the magnet can be adjusted using an adjusting screw.

Shape of the Resonator

Figure 4: Hendershot “Magnetronic” generator in action, outline (1)

2. Hypothetical mode of operation

As mentioned, the resonator has no mechanical oscillating element. There are also no trip contacts like on the doorbell. The special feature lies in the coupling of a U-shaped permanent magnet with two coils arranged in front. A soft iron bridge in front of the magnetic poles ensures partial closure of the magnetic field lines. In the shunt, part of the magnetic flux passes through the coil cores of the upstream windings. The magnetic flux through the coils can be adjusted by varying the distance between the coils and the U magnet, resulting in a change in the inductance of the coils. The table below shows the self-generated resonator data. The term resonator does not apply insofar as the part does not oscillate independently in the sense of resonance. Initially, in preparation for a circuit simulation, I assumed that the resonator itself should be described as an oscillating circuit. Not like that. Together with the circuit, the resonator is a variable element whose right side of the circuit is tuned to the left (see Fuchs' circuit (3)). The resonator oscillates with the whole circuit when it is tuned optimally.

This document summarizes the design guidelines, measurement and test results for magnetic resonators of different periods.

Fuchs' modified circuit also shows that there is some symmetry between the two sides. Not quite symmetrical, as the Hendershot winding path consists of the low winding of the transformer on one side and the high on the other. The sum of the inductances on the left and right is the same (apart from the junctions). The resonator takes care of the tuning with the load side. It should be noted that there is another strong symmetry, that of the capacitors of the PCUs (suitable for <= 2%). So it seems that by tuning with the resonator, the symmetry of both sides is established.

3. Actual implementation of the resonator

After a translation from English, of a previously unknown document (2), a "resonator" can be fabricated. It says, "By adjusting the distance of the magnet from the bell coil, you can affect the inductance, which will cause the whole thing to resonate."

The fabricated resonator consists of an AlNiCo U magnet (W 70, H 58, D 40 mm, 15 x 58 mm^2) each with 2 x 14 mm^2 short-circuit bars, 70 mm long and two coils wires, placed opposite each other, the magnet consisting of a movable short-circuit rod.

The coils consist of two coil bodies, each with 4x 260 turns of 0.5 mm copper wire, connected in steps of 260 turns. Core: Fe, 76 mm long, 9 mmâ. By shifting the coils in relation to the magnet, the inductance can be varied within a limited range (see measured values ​​below).

Shape of the Resonator

Praktische Ausführung meines Resonators

From the archives of Lester J. Hendershot (The Motionless Electricity Generator: Hendershot Generator): 
From archive of Lester J.Hendershot

Figure 7: Circuit used in test setup

Shape of the Resonator
Figure 8: Experimental setup (3rd replication) with resonator

Initially, specific wattages of 40 watts were used. Unsuccessful. Then all resonant circuits, made up with four capacitance and inductance, are tuned to 50Hz. This process is empirical. The experimental procedure resulted in a smaller capacity than stated in the literature.

The transformer is a simple power supply transformer with a turn ratio of about 1:3.4.
Electrical characteristics of the resonator, measurements:
Report Results for Hendershot-Generato
So this is just a generator that produces small power, not a generator that produces high power by resonance.

Nikola Tesla's Impulse Technology is really resonance technology: Radiant Energy with Bifilar coil - Impulse Technology

Other versions of the Hendershot generator generate free energy, but the problem of resonance to generate Energy at will, requires further consideration for development.

The source:

1) aus, “Encyclopedia of Free Energy, volume 3“, Link ist nicht mehr aktiv 2) „Der Hendershot–Generator“, Äbersetzt von Hans Weber, Jupiter-Verlag 
3) Fuchs in, „Hendershot_doku_v1.0.doc

 Revealed At Last: Ancient Invention Generates Energy-On-Demand

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