- Did Nikola Tesla really exist?
- Was Nikola Tesla a person who consulted the technology of the old world (Tartaria) to create his inventions?
- Are Nikola Tesla's patents old or new?
- Is there a group of people who control the real history of Nikola Tesla?
- Many of Nikola Tesla's inventions were intended to exploit the Back EMF to create free energy. So why didn't Tesla himself develop this technology? And then after the 50s, many free energy inventions were born. Was Tesla completely a worker of the elite?
Many researchers of world history, that is, those who study Tartaria, still ask a very serious question: Did Nikola Tesla exist? That is a question that has been asked for many years.
Verifying whether Nikola Tesla existed or not is very serious and important in the search for the truth of world history. Therefore, I only give my opinion on the almost certain possibilities of real events about Nikola Tesla available on the internet.
I want to make a statement that there are at least 3 people who are Nikola Tesla.
Recently, on social networks Youtube and Facebook, there have been issues raised about Nikola Tesla looking very similar to the artist Frank Zappa. Here is a photo showing the resemblance:

Frank Zappa (1940 – 1993) was a musical artist who was noticed by researchers, and his death was also quite famous.
According to the comparison photos of Tesla and Zappa, it is clear that Zappa was not the second Tesla in the literal sense. There are other mysterious events that literally exist more than "1" Nikola Tesla. This I will present below.
# There is more than "1" Nikola Tesla
There is a man named Arthur H. Matthews who resembles Nikola Tesla as a clone, or as a father and son.

The man suspected to be Tesla's son, Arthur H. Matthews, he first appeared in the media in what year?
Arthur H. Matthews, often referred to as Tesla's son, became known to the public for his claims of advanced technology and Tesla's extraterrestrial connections in the early 1970s. His most notable media appearance was the publication of the book “The Wall of Light” in 1971, in which he described Tesla's work and alleged contact with Venusian beings. Additionally, a 1976 article in Pyramid Guide magazine highlighted his relationship with Tesla and his claims of advanced energy devices.
But did Arthur H. Matthews look like a clone of Nikola Tesla at the end of his life?
Let's compare a photo of Arthur H. Matthews with an old Nikola Tesla:

To be fair, Arthur H. Matthews and Nikola Tesla, both in their youth (when he was Tesla's assistant) and in their old age, are not considered clones of Nikola Tesla. Clone here means cloned person, meaning that Arthur H. Matthews' DNA is actually Nikola Tesla's using cloning techniques.
If we consider Arthur H. Matthews a clone because we exclude the possibility that the two people are father and son, then there exists a cloning technology with DNA editing. Today's mainstream science has not yet announced the technology of "cloning with DNA editing". We are very vague about this technology. Cloning in general is possible in secret files and in-depth investigations!
So I will turn the investigation to see what they are lying about, or what their real plot is?
“The Wall of Light” is a book written by two people: Matthews and Tesla.
Was “The Wall of Light” actually published in 1971? This cannot be verified on the internet. However, we do know: The earliest online appearance of Arthur H. Matthews’ book The Wall of Light is unclear in terms of exact publication on the internet, but records show that the book was first published in 1971 by Health Research. Mentions and details of the book appeared online as early as December 15, 2009, in the Open Library catalog, which could indicate a significant digital recording date.
That fits with Arthur H. Matthews’ appearance on the internet in 2008, with a video featuring Jean Casault’s account of meeting Arthur H. Matthews, and him presenting information about Venus, aliens. Accordingly, Jean met Arthur H. Matthews when he was 17 years old through Father Paul Brenier and a second time when he was 31 years old.
Video showing Jean Casault telling the story: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6675e_arthur-mathews-et-le-teslascope-tes_news
Who met Arthur H. Matthews and Nikola Tesla to determine that Arthur H. Matthews was Nikola Tesla's assistant?
That person is Margaret Storm.
Margaret Storm is the central character in the story revolving around Arthur H. Matthews, who had controversial connections to Nikola Tesla. Storm is the author best known for the book "Return of the Dove", published in 1959, which explores Tesla's spiritual and technological work, interwoven with mystical elements and extraterrestrial contact. In this book, she introduces Arthur H. Matthews as one of Tesla's close friends and claims that Matthews was commissioned by Tesla to continue his work, including the construction of interplanetary communications devices.
Margaret Storm also delves into speculative and esoteric ideas, asserting Tesla's connections to advanced extraterrestrial civilizations and viewing Matthews as the guardian of Tesla's vision of humanity's ascension into a new era of free energy and enlightenment. These claims have made both Storm and Matthews central to alternative and conspiracies theories about Tesla's legacy
Thus, it is impossible to verify whether Arthur H. Matthews ever existed! Because Margaret Storm was not a historian, she wrote as she wished. There is no guarantee that she is telling the truth.
In addition, there is no authentic photograph of Margaret Storm. Finding an authentic image of Margaret Storm, author of Return of the Dove , is a challenge, as there appear to be no verified photos of her available online. Most references to Margaret Storm focus on her work and biographical details rather than images. Her book discusses the life of Nikola Tesla and his alleged connections to metaphysical and extraterrestrial subjects, but there is little documentation of her personal life and images.
The websites I reviewed, including the Internet Archive and sites dedicated to her work, do not provide verified images. Some speculative images may exist on sites that discuss fringe or esoteric topics, but they are not verified as authentic images of Margaret Storm
Thus, the history of Arthur H. Matthews and Tesla is nothing more than esoteric fiction. It seems that today's students still prefer to read historical fiction.
Remember, Margaret Storm was anonymous, invisible, and her works are not considered historical. This suggests that some secret plan was in place.
Efforts to verify Arthur H. Matthews have included alternative history researchers like Tray Caladan, and enthusiasts in the Tesla community. For example, the tapes that were revealed were conversations with some “mysterious anonymous person” whose identity has yet to be verified: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UY219ummqXo
However, what is the purpose of these information creation plans and works?
What if in the future, historical events include aliens appearing on the X-12 as mentioned in the work “The Wall of Light”? If so, the X-12 flying saucer was planned from the work “The Wall of Light”.
This is clearly a plan or conspiracy.
Many people will investigate this conspiracy. Just based on the available information and thinking, it will be seen that Margaret Storm is giving uncertain or false information!
Here is the important information they created: in 1959, Margaret Storm once said in an interview revealing the relationship between Nikola Tesla and Matthews.
From an interview with Margaret Storm from 1959:
‘There again was a strange… relationship because when…Mr. Tesla first, at the request of Lord Kelvin…went to England…to consult with Lord Kelvin about what they called a wireless at that time, radio. There he met a Mr. Matthews…father and son. Now, Arthur H. Matthews is now I guess a man in his seventies in Canada. Was at that time…just a boy…and his father was an electrical engineer…working with Lord Kelvin. Tesla…took such an interest in this boy…that he taught Arthur everything that he knows…about electrical engineering. Now Arthur Matthews…today…is a professional electrical engineer. But, he has had…no training…’
Margaret Storm deliberately revealed that there was a first Tesla, meaning there was a second Tesla. This implies that Matthews was the son or clone of Nikola Tesla. However, we see from the photo that Matthews was not a clone of Nikola Tesla’s DNA.
The purpose of this plot is twofold:
to show investigators that Matthews was not a clone of Nikola Tesla's DNA.
and also to show that Margaret Storm is giving out uncertain or false information!
That would stop investigators from finding out the truth.
But the goal of the plotters is to keep others from knowing something, which means they are covering it up.
They want more people to know that if there is no human cloning technology, then there is a high chance that they are covering it up.
That means they are covering up human cloning technology. As mentioned, there are two types of human cloning technology, one that keeps the DNA intact, and one that edits the DNA.
But how do you know they are doing it?
Margaret Storm was the bridge that kept “The Wall of Light” from collapsing, meaning that Margaret Storm provided information to confirm that Arthur H. Matthews was Tesla’s assistant.
The content of “The Wall of Light” suggests that they had a conspiracy. This is seen right on the cover of the book with the oldest version.

There are signs, symbols of the Masons, and the Illuminati there. But importantly, there is the symbol of the 33rd degree of Masonry there. The picture above shows the “Order from Chaos” and many other symbols of the 33rd degree of Masonry, for example: Cross and Crown: The symbol represents the highest achievement in Freemasonry, combining the spiritual (cross) and royal (crown) aspects of the craft.
The 33rd degree has many other secrets of history. The book “Tartaria - 33 degrees” talks about the secrets of level 33 and many other secrets. I have not read that book, but I heard the author say that the book contains many secrets that the author (David Ewing Jr) researched for many years to find. In which the author once mentioned about level 33 related to the origin of humanity.
I myself know that level 33 is related to fetuses, and even asexual reproduction of organisms. Level 33 is the expression of traits after DNA does not have traits. Because 33 is the number right after number 32.
When the cell nucleus has been fertilized, it only has “1” nucleus. Then it continues to duplicate to 32 nuclei, and if it continues to duplicate again, the DNA begins to express the shape (characteristics) of the organism's body.
The process of cell development after fertilization is: 1, 1x2, 2x2, 4x2, 8x2, 16x2 (x is multiplication).
That is, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32. The cell nucleus starts here to create the characteristics of the body (shape, skin color, hair, bones, etc.)
The level after 32 is 33, which is the level of manifestation of existential consciousness.
So, this is a book that leaves the code of the Freemasonry there at level 33 and the technology of human cloning.
That means this book is not a scientific book about history. The writer must have some purpose. On the other hand, the Freemasonry is famous for manipulating human education and awareness by esoteric black magic embedded in the education system and the media - they are famous for conspiracy. So the purpose of the book and the people who support the credibility of this book is a conspiracy.
Another possibility is that there is no conspiracy at all. That is, the Freemasons invested in staging, investing in putting it in the media just to spread the fictional literary work and make some money. What do you think about this? For me, this possibility is possible, but almost zero.
In addition, the content of “The Wall of Light” mentions the Bible and considers it a divine revelation. However, the Bible is a forgery that has been proven by David Ewing. You can see here my proof based on their other research: The Dead Sea Scrolls are a Forgery because Hebrew is a newly invented language. The Bible is not a divine revelation, so there is a lie here.
By establishing that a conspiracy exists, and by suggesting that a conspiracy tells us the lies that go along with the plan to create the esoteric history of Tesla, it becomes easy to deny that cloning is taking place. It is a conspiracy to make us know so that we don’t know. But if we continue, we will see that there is a conspiracy to cover up (deny) cloning technology. Whoever is carrying out a conspiracy to cover up a conspiracy, what they want to cover up is usually part of a larger conspiracy!
# Nikola Tesla 2
With the conspiracy identified as above, there must have been cloning technology while NIkola Tesla was still alive. This technology existed no later than 1893 - the year Arthur H. Matthews was born.
Nikola Tesla had another cloned version in 1893, this person is called Nikola Tesla 2. However, the Arthur H. Matthews we saw from the beginning is not necessarily Nikola Tesla 2.

There was another Nikola Tesla after Nikola Tesla died in 1943, this person may have worn a human skin mask, or he may have been Arthur H. Matthews. And if Nikola Tesla 2 is Arthur H. Matthews, then there is DNA-edited cloning technology.
# Nikola Tesla 3
There are not many photos of Nikola Tesla. There are no videos of Nikola Tesla. After reviewing the photos of Nikola Tesla, I found that there was another Nikola Tesla who was the same age as Nikola Tesla.
First, we must determine the exact year the photo below was taken:

The above photo is taken from a very reputable website called “Tesla Memorial Society of New York Website”. They do not specify the year the photo was taken. After checking many information, I know that this photo was taken by Napoleon Sarony (1821 - 1896). You can see the word Sarony in the corner of the photo.
Some other websites claim that the photo was taken in 1899, 1915, 1819, etc.
This photograph was taken in 1890, by Sarony, and was published on the cover of the Electrical Experimenter in 1919
We will see a contradiction, that many photographs show Nikola Tesla after 1890 as younger than Nikola Tesla in 1890. For example, Nikola Tesla in 1915 looks younger than Nikola Tesla in 1890.

The above photos show the paradox of age that comes with the aging process. However, that perception is only emotional, of a "qualitative" nature from perception. It is important to be more certain to incorporate both quantitative and qualitative factors, such as testing software, forensic science in investigations, etc.
I will use qualitative further:

Qualitatively, the oldest person's ear would be number 3 in the ear comparison photo above. However, this is only a qualitative method. To quantify accurately, an investigative science is needed, which is ear forensics in cases. I myself am not an expert in this field. Ear forensics is real, you can see it here: https://ejfs.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s41935-019-0111-0
One more "qualitative" statement to finish:

Anyone who knows about Tesla knows that there was an old man named Nikola Tesla who died in a hotel on the 33rd floor in New York. That is the old man in the middle of the photo above. My perception and qualitative assessment shows that Arthur H. Matthews (who is said to be Tesla's son) tends to age to become the old man Nikola Tesla on the 33rd floor of the New York hotel more than the people who are said to be Tesla when he was young.
This shows that there was a third Nikola Tesla who lived at the same time as the Nikola Tesla we know died in the hotel on the 33rd floor. This is considered Nikola Tesla 1, this person is also the one who was photographed with King Peter of Yugoslavia and the ministers Milos Trifunovic, Franc Snoja, Sava Kosanovic, Radoj Knezevic and Ivan Subasic.

Now let us ask the question: Who was Nikola Tesla 1 when he was young? And who was Nikola Tesla 3?
We have already raised the possibility that Arthur H. Matthews was Nikola Tesla 2. Based on the above information, I conclude that Nikola Tesla 3 was the one photographed by photographer Sarony in 1890.
Nikola Tesla 1 is the man who died on the 33rd floor of the hotel, and as a young man he was present at the second meeting of the Institute of Radio Engineers (now part of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) at Luchow in New York City, April 24, 1915.
So who is the blurry photo of young Arthur H. Matthews? This person could be a young Nikola Tesla 2, or a software-generated image derived from Nikola Tesla 1.
So Nikola Tesla 3 is older than Nikola Tesla 1. So the question is: When did Nikola Tesla 3 die?
I don't know for sure. But there is official information that says: Nikola Tesla was supposed to die in 1937. The information is as follows:
In 1937, Tesla was hit by a car and injured while taking a routine walk in New York City. Soon after, he contracted pneumonia and never fully recovered. However, Tesla did not see a doctor or use any public medical measures. So it is possible that the person was Nikola Tesla 3 who was in the accident in 1937.
The next question is: Are there any other Nikolas besides the 3 Nikola Teslas mentioned above?
# There are more than “3” Nikola Tesla
If you look at the young Nikola Tesla and Frank Zappa, you will see that there is a phenomenon (sign) of falsifying the history of Nikola Tesla 1.

We will move on to another aspect of the signs of falsifying history and manipulating history on documents based on the names of historical figures.
The Gematria tool will show that the history of Frank Zappa and Tesla is manipulated by the Matrix.
The Gematria Calculator tool will show the following:

frank zappa in English Gematria equals 660
frank zappa in Simple Gematria equals 110
nikola tesla in English Gematria equals 714
nikola tesla in Simple Gematria equals 119
But Nicola Tesla gives a clearer result:
nicola tesla in English Gematria equals 666
nicola tesla in Simple Gematria equals 111
Nicola Tesla and Frank Zappa differ by only 1 unit.
Frank Zappa = Nicola Tesla - 1
However, it needs to be clarified whether Nicola Tesla or Nikola Tesla is the correct way to write?
In the investigation of Nikola Tesla and popular culture, it was found that Nikola Tesla appeared in the 70s and 80s of the last century. This is also mentioned in the article “ Tartaria - Radiant Energy - Tracing the Origin of Tesla Technology”
On the other hand, as mentioned above, the establishment of the profile of Nikola Tesla happened in the 70s and 80s of the 20th century in the work “The Wall of Light”, related to the verification support from the anonymous person Margaret Storm along with the works “The Return of the Dove”, “Flying Saucers Have Landed”.
This establishment in “The Wall of Light” mentioned Tesla and the Venus Spacecraft, Tesla's name is sometimes written as 'Nicola Tesla' rather than 'Nikola Tesla.'
The name "Nicola" is an alternative spelling of "Nikola" in some languages, particularly in Western Europe, whereas "Nikola" is the common spelling in Tesla's native Serbia and the Slavic linguistic tradition.
In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Tesla was sometimes referred to as "Nicola Tesla" in English-speaking countries, possibly due to unfamiliarity with the Slavic spelling of his name.
We base on the original record and recognize that it is a conspiracy to create an information profile of Tesla, then the way Nicola Tesla is written is equal to Nikola Tesla.
Thus, we can determine that:
nicola tesla in English Gematria equals 666
nicola tesla in Simple Gematria equals 111
frank zappa in English Gematria equals 660
frank zappa in Simple Gematria equals 110
Frank Zappa = Nicola Tesla - 1
So there are 2 signs that the history of Nikola Tesla 1 is falsified. The purpose of the conspiracy throughout the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries is to make historical investigators realize this so that they stop their investigation because of confusion.
The conspiracy to make people know something is to make them not know something else.
The conspiracy to make people know something is to hide something.
The purpose of this conspiracy is to make people not really understand Nikola Tesla 1, Nikola Tesla 2, Nikola Tesla 3.
But we already know that there is a very strong possibility that Nikola Tesla 1, Nikola Tesla 2, Nikola Tesla 3, all 3 are cloned versions of humans with or without DNA editing.
Frank Zappa = Nicola Tesla - 1, does that mean that Nicola Tesla's DNA had the 1 cut off and replaced with a 0?
There are 4 Bases that are molecules to build DNA which are A, T, C, G. If you assign the Base pairs A-T and C-G to 1 and 0 respectively, then human DNA is completely represented by a series of 0 and 1 numbers. On the other hand, computer operations are all based on the logic state of 0 and 1. And the Matrix operates on the power of logic circuits with the state of 0 and 1 as the basis.
The assertion that Frank Zappa is a clone of Nikola Tesla is not 100% certain. Because we need to assert that the Matrix of History Manipulation and the DNA-modified clone really exist. However, the theory of the Matrix of History Manipulation and cloning technology belongs to the "conspiracy theory" that has not been accepted by mainstream science, but has an important status with many researchers of the history of the Tartaria world. Therefore, logical deduction can still continue, as long as the chance occurs with a probability greater than 0 and is a reasonable deduction.

In the above image, one might ask whether there is any family relationship between Einstein and Frank Zappa?
Or does Frank Zappa’s DNA have a segment that determines the eye and beard traits similar to Einstein’s?
The equivalent question in molecular biology: Are Frank Zappa and Einstein’s DNA just differences in “Alleles”? However, Frank Zappa resembles Nikola Tesla. So we have to think of the simplest possibility: Frank Zappa’s DNA is a combination of Nikola Tesla’s DNA and Einstein’s!

Although Nikola Tesla was against Albert Einstein's theory according to recorded history, it is very possible that the DNA of these two people is present in Frank Zappa's DNA. And it is possible that there are many other historical similarities between Nikola Tesla and Frank Zappa.
Above, I have presented a possibility that many world history researchers are questioning and investigating, it is just a possibility, an option to consider when investigating, meaning that I do not affirm that Frank Zappa is definitely a combination of Nikola Tesla and Albert Einstein. And if that happens, then Frank Zappa is considered the 4th Nicola Tesla.
# So who is the 5th Nikola Tesla?
There is a person on social media with the nickname "Thomas Dougherty" who found the Fibonacci sequence in the history of Nikola Tesla and Edison. This once again shows that history is manipulated by the computer "Matrix".

According to the above discovery, we can suspect that there was a 5th Nikola Tesla born in 1743 corresponding to Tesla's death date of 1/7/1943.
There is a recent book about Tartaria called “Tesla & The Cabbage Patch Kids: Exploring the lost Empire of Tartaria and the Reset of 1776” by Mr Guy Peter Anderson that also mentions cloning and Nikola Tesla. The author of the book is also an investigator on Nikola Tesla for many years.
The introduction of the book mentions the fall of Tartaria, then The Cabbage Patch Babies created thousands of human clones. Then Nikola Tesla appeared, with inventions that reflected Tartarian technology, his death will remain a mystery forever.
It is strange that Nikola Tesla was born in 1743 at the age of 33 in 1776! Again the number 33 appears.
The question arises: Did Nikola Tesla 1743 really exist? And if so, there must have been a mysterious force of great power and intelligence from the Renaissance! If the "God" version is a flesh and blood person - but in some special form - then was this "God" defeated by this mysterious force? How many "God" are there?
The true history of God and the investigation of the Bible are once again important here. Investigations by experts show that the Bible is a forgery. The Koran was suppressed and is a threat to the Bible and orthodox history; and the Koran, although no longer the "original", is still a threat to the New World Order; The contents of the ancient Arabic Koran are historical documents that contain the truth of Tartaria.
The question is: If the 5th Nikola Tesla exists, is he still alive or dead? I do not know this. But perhaps this mystery will be solved when you know the secret of level 33. I am not an expert in the field of history. David Ewing Jr. is the one who really knows about level 33 and the secrets of humanity. This is in the book “Tartaria - 33 degrees”.
# Final words
The different Nikola Teslas that I have presented are based on the reasoning for investigation, they are hypothetical Nikola Teslas based on the possibility, considered as an option to consider for world history investigators who need more hints for investigation.
According to my estimate, Nikola Tesla 3 and Nikola Tesla 2 exist with a higher probability. The remaining two Nikola Teslas exist with a lower chance. However, if the existence of a 5th Nikola Tesla is confirmed, this is a real surprise, and shows that the chance of the existence of Nikola Tesla 2, 3, 4 increases extremely high.
Many researchers ask: Did Nikola Tesla exist? The answer is that at least one Nikola Tesla existed!
The conspiracy of the world rulers after the fall of Tartaria is a series of levels of conspiracy to control the course of the world. Therefore, Tartarian researchers to find the truth are facing the most insane or the most bizarre layers of conspiracy, like art paintings created by AI (artificial intelligence). Tartarian world history researchers are facing world-class conspiracies in the worlds inside the Universe.
This is a problem that seems to be world news, but the explanation is actually an investigation of world history. Because the phenomenon of similar famous people has been observed for more than 100 years. Moreover, world history is divided into the Old World and the New World. Researchers and investigators seeking the truth found that the old world had a government in a kingdom, and the new world also had One government ruling over humanity. The old world was called Tartaria, the kingdom had a world government, with one language. But later, Tartaria was fragmented (divided) into countries with many languages, but still had One government ruling. The new world today is the same: it seems to have One shadow government ruling over humanity. Therefore, the investigation of world history is also called Tartaria.
Two very important books related:
Tartaria - 33 degrees by David Ewing Jr
“Tesla & The Cabbage Patch Kids: Exploring the lost Empire of Tartaria and the Reset of 1776” by Mr Guy Peter Anderson
The author of this book was a Mason, at the Grand Lodge of Great Britain in Great Queen Street, London. However, Anderson says that it is corrupt and used by many for the wrong reasons. In addition, the possibility of gaining divine knowledge is very low.
The question arises: Has Guy Peter Anderson left Freemasonry completely? Is he at the 33rd degree of Freemasonry? Is there a conspiracy when Anderson pretends that he is not at the 33rd degree of Freemasonry?
That is a matter of concern. And his book at least gives a warning note about the cycle of historical resets that will bring about major changes in the structure and order of the world. This has implications for many people even if they do not study world history (Tartaria). If anyone is in business or is involved in financial games, his book should be read. There is a book that is similar to what I am talking about called “Tartaria - New World Order”.
One can imagine an extremely terrible conspiracy at level 33 as follows: There is a secret place somewhere in or outside this world that is storing a lot of DNA at level 32, meaning DNA that has not yet formed biological characteristics. These are latent creatures that have not yet manifested in the outside world, they are at level 32. Next to the DNA storage and nurturing warehouse at this level is a digital program that uses computers and high technology to manage. This can be imagined quite similar to the latent creatures in the 1999 movie The Matrix. The dreams of these creatures that are cultured on electronic circuits and exploited are dreaming about the physical reality that humanity is living in, those are dreams in the Matrix but are our real lives.
We can compare this DNA database along with the digital program like the Akashic Records, but not Akashic, just an analogy. According to this conspiracy, all world order including humanity can be wiped out in a flash. Then they reset the world with a different structure. But why are we not destroyed? Why are we still alive and present here? Perhaps this depends on the beings who are dreaming inside the Matrix, NEO awakened is a hope. Moreover, we are still alive probably because of some fair game rules managed by a higher power being. In a game with rules, there are ways to ensure that history does not repeat itself in cycles! So, the effort to find the truth Tartaria will find a solution to this game.
Note that the person who wrote the Matrix 1999 is not sure to belong to the side of humanity in this game. So this game requires the effort of the players. Who actually wrote the Matrix will be revealed in the important link below.
Good luck to you!
Some important related links:
Two examples of Nikola Tesla reverse-engineered Tartarian technology - consider "Tesla & The Cabbage Patch Babies” by Guy Anderson =
https://www.reddit.com/r/plasma_pi/comments/1g69jwa/two_examples_of_nikola_tesla_reverseengineered/Tartaria - Radiant Energy - Tracing the Origin of Tesla Technology =
https://www.reddit.com/r/plasma_pi/comments/1g0feyx/tartaria_radiant_energy_tracing_the_origin_of/Microchip implantation Conspiracy in NWO - Proactive Health Control Solution =
https://www.reddit.com/r/Ultimate_Energizer/comments/1fpqxc1/microchip_implantation_conspiracy_in_nwo/The problem of free energy and the search for hidden technology in the context of establishing a totalitarian world (New World Order) =
https://www.reddit.com/r/Ultimate_Energizer/comments/1fi1zpq/the_problem_of_free_energy_and_the_search_for/The Dead Sea Scrolls are a Forgery because Hebrew is a newly invented language =
https://www.reddit.com/r/Tartaria_KJ/comments/1gxv4zz/the_dead_sea_scrolls_are_a_forgery_because_hebrew/A sign that the Bible is a plagiarism from Islam and the Koran =