Ether and "Ponderable Matter"


  • Rub-a-Dub-Dub. Seven Folks in a Hot Tub
  • Comparison to Other Sightings
  • The Ether and “Ponderable Matter”
  • Orbiting Planets and Satellites

With Tesla’s theory and the background of older research and theories held temporarily in abeyance, let’s look at what has been directly observed either by myself of by those closely associated with me. What I began observing in 1946, and have continued ever since, are man-made electro-propulsive flying machines which can hover, turn on a dime at high speed without flying apart, and accelerate almost instantaneously to at least 9,000 mph, without readily audible sound or sonic boom.

The ship I observed in 1953, in broad daylight, hovering at about 300 feet distance, about 250 feet above ground level, precessed at a high angle—about 45 degrees—and a low rate of about two precessions per second. Soon after I spotted it, it began to move away directly due west, quickly accelerating to about 800 mph, at which time it did two absolutely square turns—a right angle turn straight down and another right angle turn back to level flight—then accelerated to a point of infinity above the horizon in three seconds.

The ship was constructed as if it were two 50-foot diameter stainless steel woks joined together clamshell fashion. It had concentric “striations”—grooves in its surface which appeared to be about one inch wide all over its surface—which gave its bottom half the appearance of a giant “spun-metal” wok, as it precessed with the sun’s rays playing on its bright metallic surface. The sun was about ten degrees above the horizon at the time.

As it precessed, it gave off a sparkling, “rainbow-colored” electrical corona, like a metallic surface which was being electrified with high voltage Tesla currents. On the shadow side of the bottom away from the sun, as the ship precessed, there appeared a soft, ‘cloudy’, infra-red glow, which indicated the possible presence of microwaves, while the general “rainbow” corona was apparently of high voltage electricity.

As the ship began accelerating, the rainbow corona formed a sparkling, scintillating trail behind the ship, which also showed a “texture” of lines in the trail which appeared to indicate the frequency of the pulses. Since the lines appeared to be “about” five feet apart at “about” 200 mph, the frequency could have been 60 cycles per second—a frequency which is very low, with the approx. 5-foot-spaced pulses coming at the quarter wavelength. This rough guess is based on what “200 m.p.h.” looked like from our vantage point.

Note: In Tesla’s time, “microwaves” were those of only a few feet or inches, such as those he measured coming from the earth during his 1899 Colorado Springs Experiments. The “internal” frequency possibly used with this ship—the penetrating long waves, oriented along the direction of acceleration, to polarize the “tubes of force” necessary for the propulsive force to act on the ether—were apparent from the outside, as the pulsing effect graphically illustrated by five-foot spaces left in the scintillating ion trail.

Consistent with the observed behavior, the electro-propulsive system appeared to instantly synthesize in an internal atomic way, inertia and momentum, things which normally create problems in acceleration and turning, but which the system overcame as shown by the evidence of the square, right angle turns. The system appeared to have very little to do with “gravity”, even though it also revealed that gravity is apparently due to the same kinds of electromagnetic mechanisms. These observations were taken at face value, as proof of certain facts concerning the nature of the ether, gravity, inertia, momentum, and “electropulsion”.

I had observed whole squadrons of saucers at night, between 1947-53, during which time I slept outdoors in our back yard. The squadrons arrived over our town from the direction of New Mexico (about ten miles from the southern New Mexico border), and departed back in that direction after their night-time maneuvers.

(Note: The ship involved in the 1953 sighting flew due east, toward the northern tip of Ft. Bliss, near El Paso, Texas. Ft. Bliss was the location of Headquarters, U.S. Army Ordinance, where Weniher von Braun was appointed research director in the summer of 1945. The ordinance headquarters was subsequently moved, along with von Braun’s main base of operation, to Redstone Arsenal, Alabama, about 1951.)

The night squadron saucers turned in angles of 30 degrees or multiples (30, 60, 90,120, 180, etc. degrees). That meant they had the same navigation and control system as the 1943-vintage German saucers which my Peiltochterkompass was used on.

My observations, together with all the written information on the Peiltochterkompass, and an analysis of the device itself, revealed quite a lot about the German “Kreisel Teller- p2” and its propulsion system:

1. The ships were electrically propelled
2. The propulsion system created an electric field around the saucers which necessitated the development of an inertial guidance system and compass, since a magnetic compass would be useless due to the “Faraday cage” effect
3. The ships were circular, discus-shaped craft, which turned in twelve peripheral directions of the compass, plus “up” and “down”
4. The ships used a horizontally oriented master gyro-compass (“Meisterkreiselkompass”), calibrated prior to take-off to true north, as the frame of reference with which to navigate the ship using an electromagnetic slave compass, which was interconnected to stepping switches which also actuated the ship’s bi-polar propulsion electrodes
5. the system canceled the normal effects of gravity, inertia, and momentum, and instantly synthesized momentum in the chosen direction, without disturbing the operation of the master gyro, which continued to maintain its heading during flights, apparently because of an ‘internal’ inertia/momentum within the ship’s outer shell
6. the instant turns showed an incompressible ether which is integrally locked with mass in the phenomena of inertia, momentum, and gravity

Since the 1953 daylight sighting, I have seen many other electropulsive craft, but one of the best sightings I made was on a moonlit night while soaking in a hot tub.

Rub-a-Dub-Dub. Seven Folks in a Hot Tub

On a Wednesday evening, January 24, 1996, at approximately 7:00 PM, I sat in a hot tub with seven other people, at the Ten Thousand Waves Japanese Bath House, located on the western slopes of the Sangre de Christos Mountains, in the Hyde Park vicinity above Santa Fe, New Mexico. As I steamed in the tub, conversation between a couple from Denver and myself drifted from the dangers of fluoride to “What do you do?”, to which I answered, “I write some”. Asked what I had written, I answered “A book called Space Aliens from the Pentagon.”

A beautiful woman on my right exclaimed “I have your book. I’m a friend of Alex and Rex. I love your book so much, and so do they.” I thanked her and we exchanged introductions, and then I said,

“I see saucers up here almost every time I’m here after dark...and as a matter of fact, there’s one right there” (pointing out a flashing aircraft flying slowly easterly about 15 degrees to the lower left of the crescent moon, at a distance of about 10,000 feet from us).

A heckler across the tub said “Aww, that’s a plane”, to which I responded,

“There’s another one...and if they’re planes, why have they parked? The flashing lights mask an underlying glow. The eye recoils from a flash, and never has time to recover before another flash. When they move faster, they glow brighter, which is why they are going so slowly.”

No sooner had I spoken, than the stationary ship on the left quit flashing, and turned into a dark, glowing green shape like a football field surrounded by a track. Around the “track” was a dark strip, with a purple corona outside that, produced by the Tesla coils.

I could see the curvature of its bottom as it moved, flying in a large circle, as I followed it with my Outstretched arm and index finger, and my fellow hot-tubbers oggled in jaw-dropped amazement. The following is a black-and-white photo of a painting I did of the saucer, as seen from the bottom:

It returned to its starting point, skidded to a halt, and began flashing again. This took approximately ten seconds. Since the ship appeared about one-half to three-quarters of an inch at arm’s length (about 2 feet), at the 10,000-foot distance, it was around 400 feet long and 250 feet wide. Since the diameter of the circle from top to bottom was about 30 degrees, its speed was about 2,000 miles per hour (the speed didn’t surprise me, since I clocked the one I saw in 1953 over our back yard at minimum of 9,000 mph when it departed).

I almost missed it, because I didn’t have my glasses, and because it appeared to have been “stealth-ized”—designed to be concealed by the night sky, by controlling its emissions to be a dark green and purple, so as to more closely match the light value and blend into the night sky. The main ‘give-away’ was the color differences.

Others in the tub—most of whom didn’t need glasses—saw it more sharply than I, yet wouldn’t have seen it at all if I had not pointed it out to them. I probably would not have seen it myself, had I not been observing the flashing ships beforehand, with the moon so close above, creating some back-lighting which helped to define the darker silhouette when it developed. Moreover, the real reason I saw it, was my own preconscious mental self-conditioning.

I was amazed at its large size, since, when flashing, it appeared much smaller. When I finally looked back to the other side of the tub, the heckler was gone, the on-cue saucer demo being apparently too much for him. If the saucer crew had been listening to my words, their performance couldn’t have been more perfectly timed. Bravo!

Do they also have some computer software that reads lips? It is my theory that the government jerks have chosen that particular location to do some “testing”, because of the titillating availability of the numerous private hot tubs open to the night sky, occupied by private nude couples of all sexual persuasions, ready to be video taped by them. I can just see them trading the tapes among themselves, another good reason to “...keep the secret”, to avoid prosecution.

It was the first time I had seen the green-glowing type reported years ago by astronomer Clyde Tombaugh, discoverer of the planet Pluto. It was the second most graphic demonstration of saucer technology I have witnessed. If I had not spotted it, none of us would have seen anything extraordinary, excluding the beautiful lady next to me who liked my book, and was a strong competition to the saucers. Incidentally, the female breast shape may be “natures most nearly-perfect shape for a flying saucer design”.

Hmmm... maybe the “cigar-shaped” ships were dreamed up by a woman. The “green-glowing” type was apparently the result of research designed to make the ships less visible in the night sky, since the early models—such as the “foo-fighters” (“Fliegende Schildkrote” [”Flying Turtle”] and “Kugelblitz” [”Ball Lightning”]) glowed brightly. The oblong design (as distinguished from the circular or ‘peripheral’ saucers) comports with what I call the “linear type” in my book. According to a friend who is an expert spectrographer, the green corona indicated atomic absorption, which I presume to be ‘stealth’ technology used to suppress the white light spectrum.

He seemed to think sodium based coating, while I think maybe chromium, because it appeared to be a veridian (“chrome”) green. The soft, ‘cloudy’ green also indicated positive corona, as distinguished from the ‘hairy’ negative (purple) corona around the outer periphery.

Comparison to Other Sightings

The hot tub sighting was not a clear, “daylight”, “close-range” sighting, like the first good sighting which I had personally made on a bright, late summer afternoon in West Texas, in 1953, within 300 feet, right over our back yard, in Kermit, Texas, as our family and friends were having an ice cream party. I had been the last in my family and neighborhood to see a saucer in a close-up daylight sighting, since three had appeared on two consecutive days, June 1st and 2nd 1950, while I was unfortunately in the Davis Mountains about 120 miles to the west.

My father has seen more of them than I, and was once held in his car for 15-30 minutes, on the night of Nov. 2, 1957, just south of Levelland, Texas, by one of the 200-foot-long, egg-shaped chingas, which had scared the livin’ daylights out of him. The thing hovered within ten feet of his car top, killed his engine, and burned out all his lights, yet failed to burn out a single fuse in any of the car’s circuits.

The saucer’s electric field was so strong that it arrested current flow, and was strong enough to cancel the magnetic fields in the generator and circuits. The white-hot tungsten filaments were the weakest points in the circuits, and the saucer’s pulse currents apparently subjected them to magnetic and electric shear forces which broke them apart.

My father had to drive back to Levelland in the dark, spend the night in a motel, then drive home to Odessa, Texas at dawn’s first light. He arrived home about 7:00 AM, had a quick breakfast, and left for Sewell Ford to have his lights fixed, saying nothing about the saucer. I turned on the TV for the morning news as he left, and realized that he had been one of the several drivers held by the ship (or ships) that night.

I drove to Sewell Ford, and questioned him about it as the mechanic fixed the lights. He asked how I knew about it, and I told him it was on the news. He said he didn’t want to be called “crazy”. This was what I call “anti-paranoia”. It was reasonable to fear ridicule created by government propaganda.

Later, in 1963, I had the opportunity to discuss the matter more fully with the sheriff of Hockley County, while working in Brownfield, Texas, as a graphic artist, doing advertising art for a manufacturing and publishing operation which had contact with the soil conservation district with which the sheriff was affiliated.

The ship seen by my father matched in shape, appearance, and performance, the type observed by deputy Lonnie Zamora, near Soccorro, New Mexico. Zamora had at first described the crew of the ships as typical G.Ls in grey-green Air Force jump suits, but later altered his story, saying they were “...about the size of children”.

This was after the security spooks ‘leaned’ on him. Saucers can be seen almost any night in the area where I live, and are very profuse in an even more obvious way around the Cheyenne Mountain area to the south of Colorado Springs, where the underground NORAD complex is located. With the several direct observations, or reports from those in my family or from my close friends as “proof of the pudding” kept firmly in mind, let’s see what more can be found in ether theory history to reflect on them.

The Ether and “Ponderable Matter”

In 1879, James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879) said that the velocity of the solar system relative to the ether could be determined by observing the retardation of the eclipses of Jupiter’s satellites. The observed behavior—in which the light of a star can be viewed with a steady image as the earth moves through space—indicates a stationary ether relative to a moving earth, solar system, and other bodies.

The ether is ultrafine, yet very dense, and composed of positive and negative electric matter, which pervades all so-called “free space”, as well as the space “occupied” by “mass”—which the old ether physicists called “ponderable matter”—because it is mostly “space”. Since the ether is stationary, it is the ponderable bodies’ which move through it, just as Fresnel said, rather than vice-versa.

The ether is transparent, because of its ultra fine, high frequency structure, which does not refract or reflect visible light, because its ultrafine size is too tiny to react to such low frequency radiation. To momentively “access” the ether in a propulsive way, high voltage pulses are required. This is in accord with J.J. Thomson’s “electromagnetic momentum” theory, and was confirmed by the tests conducted by Nikola Tesla by 1891 (later detailed in his 1891 lecture before the A.I.E.E., Columbia College, N.Y.).

Tesla’s tests confirmed a reaction which was more than the feeble ionic reaction of light gases such as the misinformational 1950’s “patents” of T.Townsend Brown later attempted to induce the gullible public to believe was the correct technology. After his tests, Tesla stated that the ether became a ‘solid state’ medium to “light and heat” (visible and infrared light), and could be accessed by subjecting it to “sufficiently high voltage and frequency”. The ether becomes more apparent when there is a sudden change in the direction of motion, rate of acceleration, or velocity of a body.

The movement of a charged body, equivalent to a current, creates a new degree of electrical displacement of the ether through which it moves, and influences the resistance to changes in velocity through the affected ether by the protons and electrons composing the body itself.

The increased work required to move the sphere—caused by an increased “resistance” called “inertia”, must be reflected by the increase in its tendency to remain in motion which is called “momentum”, which demonstrates a rearrangement of the manner of movement of or displacement of the positive and negative charges which correspond to the motion.

Therefore, once in motion at a constant velocity, though a charged body requires more conventional work to set it in that motion, its momentum would be increased by the increased charges, consistent with an increase of its “virtual mass”. It is clear that both inertia and momentum are caused by the same thing, which is a persistence by the configuration of reaction patterns in the atomic and electric structure of mass to maintain their present states. Just as changing magnetic fields or electric fields are required for inductance, the creation of such changing fields by changing motion are the basis for inertia and momentum.

All bodies are in motion, and within all bodies, protons and electrons are also in motion, because “elasticity” and vibratory motion occurs in “ponderable matter” and in the ether. The ether sets up certain patterns of motion in the electrons and protons (and atoms and molecules) in ponderable matter passing through it.

As the earth passes through the ether, its rapidly varying electrostatic forces reach out for some distance and polarize the negative electrical components of the ether, and affects bodies within its reach, creating what we call “gravity”.

The stationary ether, appearing to move through an earth-bound body, due to the earth’s motion through it, undergoes a change in electrical displacement, due to the difference in dielectric constant between the space outside the body and the space within the body.

The electrical displacement in the ether outside the body prior to entry, and the electrical displacement as it enters and passes through the body, changes due to the change in dielectric constant, and affects the “electric content” (protons and electrons, electric charges and fields, and magnetic fields) within the body. These changes in turn cause the changes in electric displacement of the ether—a downward thrust on the body’s atoms, away from the pre-existing “equilibrium position”, which the atoms would occupy in the absence of gravity—just as Maxwell said.

The “equilibrium position” for the electrical particles of ponderable matter vary according to the dielectric constant. A change in dielectric constant results in a change in the equilibrium position, through an electric displacement, which eventually may result in a new equilibrium position. The time-relative aspect of gravity is due to the inertia of a falling body at any stage of its fall, which forces the gradual increase in pitch of its micro helical tubules.

In summary, inside an earth-bound body at rest relative to the earth, there is a difference in polarization and displacement effects, from those which exist outside the body in free space. Since earth’s electric field is graduated through the intermediate space, between the negative at earth’s surface, and the positive at the ionosphere, the dielectric properties are subjected to graduated strains.

The effects of electrical displacement and gravity vary accordingly, somewhat like Newton’s “inverse square” law. It is here that a difference between the “force of gravity” and the effects of inertia and momentum become apparent. Traditionally, inertia has always been considered (according to Newton’s First Law of Motion) the tendency of a body “at rest” or in “constant velocity” relative to the earth, to continue its state of rest or constant velocity, unless acted upon by an external force.

Since all bodies at rest relative to the earth are already moving at the same “constant velocity” of the earth however, only changes in movement relative to the earth are at issue, and any such changes affect the patterns of flow within mass of the tubes of force, as it moves through the ether, at any given time. Since only a body which moves in respect to the earth has been traditionally said to have “momentum” (“the product of a body’s mass and velocity”), this rule is wrong, since all bodies “at rest” relative to earth already have “momentum” as well as “inertia”.

Momentum and inertia are due to the exact same “tendency”, which relates ultimately to a frame of reference to the universal ether, but for convenience—since we don’t have an absolute “fix” on the ether yet—we use the moving earth as a frame of reference from which to measure a body’s rate of change relative to the ether, as the earth maintains its relatively constant velocity.

There is a special case on earth, because the ether within the reach of earth’s electric field has been “conditioned”—that is, its dielectric constant has been subjected to electric strain. This comports with Tesla’s statements concerning the effects of “rapidly varying electrostatic forces” emanating from earth. The earth has momentum within the sun’s frame of reference, just as a moving car has momentum within the earth’s frame of reference.

Some physicists have mistakenly applied a “field of influence’ idea, thinking this “field of gravitational influence” somehow isolates a body from references outside this field. I believe that earth’s “gravitational field” is a product of its moving electric field (a “current”) as it influences the ether within it, and that the so-called “gravity field” extends no further than earth’s electric field.

Momentum is due to the setting up inside a body, of micro helical tubular vibrations of atomic structures, composed of electrical particles— electrons and protons—as the body passes through the ultra fine ether.

The micro helical rotation of these tubules are the product of the magnetic rotation of the plane of polarization identified by Faraday. Any variance from earth’s uniform motion results in a resistance to change in micro helical pitch, since the rotating tubes of force spin around so much of the irrotational ether cores (“Onmi”) over a given period of time, and a change in motion requires them to rotate around a commensurately greater or lesser quantity of Omni, depending on whether the change is an acceleration or deceleration.

The tubules possess electromagnetic force which is locked into the discrete flow pattern between the Omni and the tubules, which are coupled to the ‘ponderable matter’ structure which is the recipient of the momentum. It is probable that the linkage between matter and the ether is effected by a current—perceived as “electric charge”— which passes through the matter constantly at a rate which is commensurate to the relative velocity difference.

Though the flow patterns of the microhelical tubules are always gradually changing—because of the continual reorientation of the earth as it moves in its “uniformly compound” changing ways, these changes are sensually imperceptible because they are gradual over time, with effects which are virtually constant. Though the changes are too slow to sense, the action of the tides is probably related to them.

The natural gravity force is always normally toward the earth, which is negatively charged, within earth’s electric/gravity field, due to the polarity of that field, since the negative component of the ether in free space is electrically displaced upward by the repulsion of like charges, while the inertial characteristics of the more massive positive component is forced and attracted downward, and is more resistant to changes in displacement. As the ether enters a body at rest on earth, its displacement changes because of the change in dielectric constant, just as Maxwell said.

As the dielectric constant of the body changes, the electric displacement of the ether within the entrained atomic structure of the body changes, creating a downward force as each of the negative electrical components of the ether move downward, creating an increased attractive force on protons above, and an increased repulsive force on electrons below.

The moving ether particles create the gravity force, similar to how an inverted aerodynamic airfoil creates a down-force on an airplane. Due to the greater velocity of the electromagnetic interaction at C however, this down-force is irrespective to the direction of earth’s movement relative to the ether, since the interaction between the electrical components of matter and the ether at C, is due to the conditioning of the ether by earth’s electric field, which is vertically polarized, and creates the same proximate effect on mass over time, irrespective as to earth’s orientation relative to the ether. Though the velocity of earth relative to the ether is thousands of miles per hour, it is not fast enough to “outrun” the electromagnetic interaction.

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Orbiting Planets and Satellites

The concept that a satellite in orbit around earth is “held” in orbit by “earth’s field of gravity”, seems false. The logical implication of my analysis is that the orbital path taken by a body is because it “sees” that path as one of least resistance, as if it were a straight and level path.

Since for a given radius above earth the ether is displaced to a certain degree, an orbiting body would experience an accelerating force which would be met by inertia, if it were to move upward, and a decelerating force which would be met by momentum, if it were to move downward, so its path in force-free constant velocity remains at a constant radius or level of etheric displacement, as the path of least resistance.

Since the determinative factor which limits a body’s motion is the reactance of its internal electrical content with the ether at its particular degree of displacement by earth’s electric field, at a given altitude, an orbiting body “sees” its orbital path along a path of like displacement, as a straight and level path, even though it is a straight and orbiting path. This path is rather concentric to the earth at a certain altitude. This is similar to how Einstein said that space and time are “wrapped” around a large spinning body as it moves through space, except Einstein believed in no ether, without which “empty space” would have nothing to “wrap”.

One of the revealing facts obviated by films of astronauts floating in the so-called “gravity-free” space of an orbiting space station, is the contradictory assertion that the space station is “held” in orbit by earth’s gravity. If the earth’s gravity exerted sufficient force to hold the station in orbit, the internal environment would not be “gravity free”, but would pull the astronauts down to the floor, instead of allowing them to float all around inside, as we’ve seen so many times on TV.

Yet, there is sufficient elasticity within the internal masses of the astronauts’ bodies, between electrical content and the ether, to allow movement in that manner. Maxwell said this elasticity resides in the magnetic fields.

Read more: Occult Ether Physics - Electropuls

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