- Electricity in Ether - Nikola Tesla Hairpin Circuit
- Free Energy Aether - Cold electricity
- Aether Energy and Secrets of Cold War Technology
- Cold electricity - Radiant Energy from Spark Gap
When Aether is configured Aetheric structure, we get Ether.
The theory of Ether solves the conundrums of physics in a different way from today's ordinary physics. The current we understand in physics is just a phenomenon of Electricity in Ether. Cold electricity is another type of electricity in Erher.
Cold electricity is derived from Aether, but it is not the usual type of electricity we know in ordinary physics. "Cold" electricity is generated from electrical radiation (called by Tesla), which later became known as radiant energy. One striking difference between Cold electricity and conventional electricity is that in Cold electricity there is no Electron current, but electricity is still transmitted from one place to another. We will consider the following experiment, to prove it.
HV has blasted my mobile phone, however I think the message came across. A/C is Dielectric discharge.
In this video I share with you my updated knowledge of the works of Nikola Tesla to my understanding (Work still in progress).
Please note, it is only my opinion & belief in Tesla’s teachings.
So A/C electric is nothing more than continuous lighting bolt positive & negative discharge at 50 / 60hz. However the duality of the “Spark” / “Event” means that two events happen at the same time at 90 degrees to each other. One being a Hz wave the other “Scalar” this is what damaged my phone at close range. You may notice with other videos a distortion of both video & audio recordings while filming (Scalar).
AC electric is like static electric potential in a regulated (Alternating) vibrating timeframe or field.
The duality is Hz & Scalar, liken to; you see the light then hear the thunder. … DC. Electrons do not exist ?
Free Energy Aether
The whole secret to Tesla's tech is filtering out the electrons. Here's a brief understanding of Tesla's theory. It actually matches observations from quantum physicists who are on the bleeding edge. They admit there is something that fills space, they call it quintessence. Which is one of the alternate alchemical names for Aether. When space defining Aether is conditioned by Aetheric constructs like matter, or kinetic energy, it is referred to as Ether. Which is what Tesla called the stuff he separated out from the electrons. You see, it is widely accepted that nothing that we consider physical matter, like protons, neutrons, and electrons ever touch each other. They are all surrounded by Ether that manages all the interactions.
With a spark gap, Tesla was able to block the transfer of electrons and then capture and route the Ether that was tuned to electric charge. He considered these Ether particles to be able, when freed in a special spark gap, to travel FTL, which while moving, or trapped in a dielectric material, would not recombine with electrons, or more likely generate new electrons. If it slowed or got trapped on (it traveled on the surface of the conductors) a conductor, then it would create electricity.
Note: FTL = Faster-than-light
If beamed, the Ether travels through the Aether forming what Tesla called stationary waves. Superconducting through the Aether, instantly. He did experiments to verify this. This was his method of transmitting lossless communications and unlimited power anywhere on the planet, or space from his Wardenclyffe tower. The gap was modified from the stout bar set up, and your demo shows why. Before you short it out, there is no filtering of the electrons from the Ether. with the short, the electrons in the total circuit have filled it to capacity and are always set to net out at zero potential. But, that has a delay at light speed, so the gap sees a differential. Tesla noted the spark becomes "flame-like", softer, fluttering like a burning flame. Also whiter, not as blue.
If you want to get the effect without the stout bar, Tesla recommends a unidirectional discharge (normal sparks, like the one you have from an AC source bounce back and forth multiple times in each discharge. Tesla filtered the differential to be DC, and also limited the time of the spark with counter rotating gap points, and he found carbon has a natural tendency to block the electrons, so he used carbon contacts at the gap. He also found nitrogen to capture electrons, so he blew nitrogen gas across the gap, and finally, he used a strong electromagnet to pulse simultaneously with the discharge across the gap to bend the electrons away from the target. The Ether does not bend like the electrons. This one aspect is what convinced Tesla, he was not dealing with electricity, it's lack of response to magnetic fields.
On the other hand, keep in mind that all interactions are Ether interactions. So magnetic fields are stationary Ether waves... they are a specific pattern of Ether that affects matter with a matching pattern of Ether. These waves are broadcast from sparks or energy releases. Ionizing and nuclear reactions that release electrons and protons and neutrons (including the release of electrons from neutrons) all produce magnetic waves in the Aether. Tesla discovered he could manipulate these wave forms with his spark gap, and target the specific functions that emitted the waves.... Like a sound resonating with a tuned string. For example he could make the air glow sky blue, or white, like daylight, or red like a sunset. He accomplished remote nuclear control. (Yes, anything could be done to anything from anywhere.) This would have destroyed the industrialists who were invested in monopolizing things... and the threat is still real today... Be safe, you are playing with more than just high voltage.
Introducing a simple diagram for a free energy generator - "cold" electricity. You can build it on a small scale.
The theory of Ether solves the conundrums of physics in a different way from today's ordinary physics. The current we understand in physics is just a phenomenon of Electricity in Ether. Cold electricity is another type of electricity in Erher.
Cold electricity is derived from Aether, but it is not the usual type of electricity we know in ordinary physics. "Cold" electricity is generated from electrical radiation (called by Tesla), which later became known as radiant energy. One striking difference between Cold electricity and conventional electricity is that in Cold electricity there is no Electron current, but electricity is still transmitted from one place to another. We will consider the following experiment, to prove it.
Electricity in Ether - Nikola Tesla Hairpin Circuit
Radiant Energy in Hairpin Circuit - Wireless Power Transmission (Experiment):
Credit to Nikola Tesla’s Showcase “Stout Bar Hairpin Circuit” HV has blasted my mobile phone, however I think the message came across. A/C is Dielectric discharge.
In this video I share with you my updated knowledge of the works of Nikola Tesla to my understanding (Work still in progress).
Please note, it is only my opinion & belief in Tesla’s teachings.
So A/C electric is nothing more than continuous lighting bolt positive & negative discharge at 50 / 60hz. However the duality of the “Spark” / “Event” means that two events happen at the same time at 90 degrees to each other. One being a Hz wave the other “Scalar” this is what damaged my phone at close range. You may notice with other videos a distortion of both video & audio recordings while filming (Scalar).
AC electric is like static electric potential in a regulated (Alternating) vibrating timeframe or field.
The duality is Hz & Scalar, liken to; you see the light then hear the thunder. … DC. Electrons do not exist ?
Free Energy Aether - Cold electricity
Aether Energy and Secrets of Cold War Technology
Look on line for Gerry Vassilatos "Secrets of Cold War Technology", Chapter 1 on Nikola Tesla. You might want to take notes on the technical comments, it's written by a non-technical author, but he highlights the differences in Tesla's thinking and "modern"electrical theory. That change in spark is reviewed, and its not exactly that electrons do not exist, its that the set-up stops them from transferring at the gap when you short out the voltage (the electron differential) in the circuit.Free Energy Aether
The whole secret to Tesla's tech is filtering out the electrons. Here's a brief understanding of Tesla's theory. It actually matches observations from quantum physicists who are on the bleeding edge. They admit there is something that fills space, they call it quintessence. Which is one of the alternate alchemical names for Aether. When space defining Aether is conditioned by Aetheric constructs like matter, or kinetic energy, it is referred to as Ether. Which is what Tesla called the stuff he separated out from the electrons. You see, it is widely accepted that nothing that we consider physical matter, like protons, neutrons, and electrons ever touch each other. They are all surrounded by Ether that manages all the interactions.
With a spark gap, Tesla was able to block the transfer of electrons and then capture and route the Ether that was tuned to electric charge. He considered these Ether particles to be able, when freed in a special spark gap, to travel FTL, which while moving, or trapped in a dielectric material, would not recombine with electrons, or more likely generate new electrons. If it slowed or got trapped on (it traveled on the surface of the conductors) a conductor, then it would create electricity.
Note: FTL = Faster-than-light
If you want to get the effect without the stout bar, Tesla recommends a unidirectional discharge (normal sparks, like the one you have from an AC source bounce back and forth multiple times in each discharge. Tesla filtered the differential to be DC, and also limited the time of the spark with counter rotating gap points, and he found carbon has a natural tendency to block the electrons, so he used carbon contacts at the gap. He also found nitrogen to capture electrons, so he blew nitrogen gas across the gap, and finally, he used a strong electromagnet to pulse simultaneously with the discharge across the gap to bend the electrons away from the target. The Ether does not bend like the electrons. This one aspect is what convinced Tesla, he was not dealing with electricity, it's lack of response to magnetic fields.
On the other hand, keep in mind that all interactions are Ether interactions. So magnetic fields are stationary Ether waves... they are a specific pattern of Ether that affects matter with a matching pattern of Ether. These waves are broadcast from sparks or energy releases. Ionizing and nuclear reactions that release electrons and protons and neutrons (including the release of electrons from neutrons) all produce magnetic waves in the Aether. Tesla discovered he could manipulate these wave forms with his spark gap, and target the specific functions that emitted the waves.... Like a sound resonating with a tuned string. For example he could make the air glow sky blue, or white, like daylight, or red like a sunset. He accomplished remote nuclear control. (Yes, anything could be done to anything from anywhere.) This would have destroyed the industrialists who were invested in monopolizing things... and the threat is still real today... Be safe, you are playing with more than just high voltage.
Cold electricity - Radiant Energy from Spark Gap
Introducing an electrical circuit to harness Radiant Energy - old electricity:Introducing a simple diagram for a free energy generator - "cold" electricity. You can build it on a small scale.
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