Free Energy: Tesla Flywheel Generator, Tesla Valve, Tesla Coil, Tesla Tower


  • Now keep these in mind. Where on fucking earth do you have an infinite supply of power?
  • Like these are things that dreams, and nightmares are made of.
  • All this was foreseen.
  • This is the dream of a Tesla Tower.
  • This is where Elon's batteries come in, greatly enhancing the worlds power.

The free energy that Tesla discovered is Ether energy. The universe is Ether and other forms of Ether, including dielectric, stress of special Ether - Plasma, force and pressure mediation. Electricity must be defined in terms of Ether, otherwise, there will be contradictions such as academic science educating humanity today. The universe as Ether also means the Electric Universe.

Free Energy - Ether energy with stress is Plasma
Ether energy with stress is Plasma

Energy, and effectively all life, is sun based. Oil is Sun energy, converted to Trees, converted to Oil. Hydro dams are Water, converted to steam, converted to rain, converted to high altitude ponds, converted to low altitude flow. Plants, life itself, are plants, converted food, converted to animals. And animals are largely DNA, converted by radiation into variance, converted into evolution.

However, think of this water equation, mostly. Tesla was at the Niagara Falls when he created his first power generator, basically. This is the inspiration that Tesla relied on to dome Ether. AC power as a causal interface in Ether: dielectric reflection.

Regarding dielectric and alternating electric reflections: Nature of Tesla AC Generator: Ether Energy in Alternating Current Generators

Now think of two other devices, the Tesla Valve and the Tesla Coil. The Tesla Valve is a system which uses the speed of flow against itself, causing gushing water to loop backwards, slowing the gush, using a series of offshoots. In action, it's amazing.

Tesla Valve | The complete physics:

Visually, it's a straight path. Yet, when an immense pressure is applied to one side, these twisted offshoots convert it into a trickle (never a full stop), yet in the other direction, the flow continues like passing through water.

A Tesla Coil, however, is quite astounding. Musk has his battery, yet before that, Tesla made his own super battery, one capable of receiving unlimited amounts of energy, discharging excess in spikes, yet retaining a residual, steady state of charge for a long time.

You can think of a Tesla Coil like an Energy Dam. In overflow, it spikes, in regulation it drains.

Side note, the fundamental regulator of a Tesla Coil is a musical vibration of energy, bouncing it against itself, like the rocking and pushing of a tree. In the same way you can't push a tree down with one great push, neither could you store infinite energy with one great surge... instead you bounce the energy back and forth, until the coil overloads and spikes - like the felling of a tree.

Now keep these in mind. Where on fucking earth do you have an infinite supply of power?

However, if one did, you'd have the perfect implements for accepting such power. A Tesla Valve for regulation, and a Tesla Coil for storage. Unlike anything else known to man, these are designed to absorb infinite energy, not a steady state.

Side note, there is also the Tesla Flywheel generator, which I think is fairly commonly known, but also stores infinite amounts of movement and converts it as energy.

Tesla Flywheel Generator:

Revealed At Last: Ancient Invention Generates Energy-On-Demand

✔ Nikola Tesla’s method of magnifying electric power by neutralizing the magnetic counter-forces in an electric generator

Generates Energy-On-Demand: Easy Power Plan Will Change Our World Forever - Tesla Flywheel generator

✔ Currents are 180 out of phase with each other, Lenz's law naturally is broken
✔ Principle of Resonance to achieve Overunity
✔ Generate generators without rotating motion, but based on the principle of rotating magnets. Because magnetism varies based on electronic circuit design: coils, capacitors, Negative resistance, etc.The change of magnetism does not require the rotation of the magnet.

OK, one more piece of crux before mainlining some knowledge.

Benjamin Franklin invented the Lightning Rod, and likewise the Egyptians the Pyramids. In both designs, you have the capability to create a really tall object, and connect it to a really low place, underneath Earth (for those that don't know, Lightning Rods go into the ground about as high as they go up, basically).

Now let's think a second.

Earth is filled with Heat & Negative Energy. The Sky (water vapor friction) is filled with Cold & Positive Energy.

Osmosis means should these two connect, a flow is created, for balance. And should they remain far apart for a long time, a spike is created in Lightning to assert a force balancing equation.

Like a battery.

For those that don't know, modern batteries are a positive charge attempting to connect to a negative charge, and it is this steady state flow producing power.

Side note, this is what Tesla used via vibrations to create earthquakes, rocking Earth against Earth like a baby to sleep.

Now, for summation. His final invention was the Tesla Tower, a fucking huge lightning rod in a location in which Water Vapor engaged in great friction, in the mountain town of Colorado.

Now imagine - a power source which is, not reliant upon water, or other sources of mechanical, visible wear, but is instead merely a HUGE metal conductor, osmosify'ing all the negative energy from Earth and all the positive energy from sky.

Like these are things that dreams, and nightmares are made of.

One might suspect you'd get a spike of power so great, that it fries everything in the surrounding area on planet earth, and fundamentally alters our ecosystem.

It could be unstoppable. It could terrorize a village with great weather patterns so electromagnetic that they beg you to stop.

All this was foreseen.

As Tesla writes in his autobiography (like 30 pages, humorous, easy read), he says his inspiration for the electro motor was a vision of earth spinning around an energy source, balancing said energy effortless while simultaneously creating a magnetic center, through rapid, frictionless rotation. Like a rhythmic wave.

Let's simply imagine a lightning rod of absurd proportions. Passing a flow into a Tesla Valve. Passing a power into a Tesla Coil. Passing a discharge into a power line; powering a city, a nation, a global planet.

This is the dream of a Tesla Tower.

In his drawings, he drew six of them. Earth is some 400 miles high (in atmosphere), and if these were proportionally correct these objects were about 400 miles likewise. With a giant current flowing across them at a space level.

In effect, a giant battery. A giant battery, connect via Metallic Towers, stabilized through space-current transfer and Tesla Valve like systems. Stored via water pumping or Tesla Coils, and subsequently utilized by Coil or water discharge at a rate sufficient for human consumption.

Some assert nearly 20% of the worlds power is wasted through spiking and de'spiking (known as transformers). Amplifying, de'amplifying.

This is where Elon's batteries come in, greatly enhancing the worlds power.

However, Tesla hard foreseen all. By 1915 the end game was plain, and perhaps the ancients who erected the pyramids knew it too.

One day, the earth and similar objects will get converted into a power system, unlike... unlike anything one could imagine. A battery, a grid, stable force; worthy of the imagination of Tesla.

Frictionless, infinite, perpetual, astonishing cosmic energy - captured, stored, and regulated for organic consumption.

And now, you've met Nikola Tesla, the American immigrant and prophet to our universe.

Recommended for you:

Plan of Homemade AC Generator:

✔ The Real Nature of Tesla AC Generator

✔ Combination of induction motor and alternator
✔ Combination between generators
✔ Or maybe called Overunity for the system. Mother Nature doesn't care about people calling or naming phenomena. Overunity or Free Energy, or Zero Point Energy (ZPE) are just a few different words

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