Radiant (“Dark”) Energy
The electrical, Radiant, energy throughout the universe, which Tesla referred to and would use to provide power wirelessly at Wardenclyffe has recently been re-discovered and called Dark Energy (“because it cannot be seen”).Of all the great inventions and discoveries of Nikola Tesla, nothing stood out with greater potential benefit to the whole of humanity than his discovery of Radiant (“Dark”) Energy. Only after conducting exhaustive experimental trials for three years, did Tesla announce this stupendous discovery in a paper published in December, 1892, entitled “The Dissipation of Electricity”.
Incredibly, most academicians of the day completely missed the mark in understanding the true significance of his paper. Noted scientists such as Sir Oliver Lodge, mistakenly thought that Tesla was referring to high frequency AC electricity in the operation of the Tesla Transformer, a huge blunder that remains to this day in the misnaming and misinterpretation of the Tesla Coil.
Tesla quote: power is everywhere in unlimited quantitiesThe transformer that Tesla referred to in the 1892 paper did not operate on magnetic/electric field induction created by alternating currents. It operated in an entirely new domain of physics based on abrupt discharges of electrostatic potentials and the subsequent release of kinetic Radiant Energy from the omnipresent ether/cosmos. Tesla was now operating under entirely new rules which he referred to as “dynamic”electro-static forces and had, by now, completely abandoned any further interest in the AC waveform. The genesis of the Lodge misunderstanding, however, began a few years earlier with the publication of certain mathematical formulas by a brilliant Scotsman named James Clerk Maxwell.
The Blue Spike Phenomena - Radiant Electricity
Blue Spike Phenomena
Tesla’s introduction to the phenomena of Radiant Energy began with early observations by linesmen working for Thomas Edison, Tesla’s former employer, in 1884. Before Tesla’s inventions of the Poly-phase AC motors and generators became the industry standard and overtook Thomas Edison’s use of DC generators, the DC electrical system was the only system available to deliver electricity to America’s homes and factories. Due to the resistance offered by long transmission lines, Edison had to produce very high DC voltages from his generators in order to deliver enough voltage and current to its final destination. He also had to provide additional “pumping” stations along the way to boost the sagging voltage which dwindled from line losses. A curious anomaly occurred in the very first instant of throwing the power switch at the generating station: Purple/blue colored spikes radiated in all directions along the axis of the power lines for just a moment. In addition, a stinging,ray-like shocking sensation was felt by those who stood near the transmission lines. In some cases, when very large DC voltages surged from the generators, the “stinging” sensation was so great that occasionally a blue spike jumped from the line and grounded itself through a workman, killing him in the process.Tesla realized almost immediately that electrons were not responsible for such a phenomena because The blue spike phenomena ceased as soon as the current started flowing in the lines. Something else was happening just before the electrons had a chance to move along the wire. At the time, no one seemed to be very interested in discovering why these dramatic events of static electric discharge were taking place, but rather, engineering design efforts were focused on eliminating and quenching this strange anomaly which was considered by everyone to be a nuisance – except Tesla. Tesla saw it for what it was, a powerful, yet unknown form of energy which aroused his curiosity more and more, every time it happened. The phenomena only exhibited itself in the first moment of switch closure, before the electrons could begin moving. There seemed to be a “bunching” or “choking” effect at play, but only briefly. Once the electrons began their movement within the wire, all would return to normal. What was this strange energy that was trying to liberate itself so forcefully at the moment of switch closure?.
Radiant Electricity
Tesla’s Experiments - Radiant Electricity:In 1889 Tesla began experimenting with capacitors charged to high voltages and discharged in very short time intervals. These very short pulses produced very sharp shockwaves which he felt across the front of his whole body. He was aware that closing a switch on a high-voltage dynamo often produced a stinging shock. This was believed to be static electricity and it occurred only at switch-on and only for a few milliseconds. However, in those few milliseconds, bluish needles of energy stand out from the electrical cables and they leak to ground, often through the bodies of any people standing nearby, causing immediate death if the installation is large. While the generators of that time were rated at some thousands of volts, these discharges were millions of volts in intensity. The generator problem was eliminated by the used of highly insulated switches which were provided with a very large ground connection.
Tesla was intrigued by this phenomenon which appeared to match the effect of his capacitor discharges. He calculated that the voltages produced were hundreds of times greater than could be supplied by the capacitor or generator. It was clear that the power supplied was being amplified or augmented in some way, but the question was, from where was the extra energy coming?Tesla quote: To understand the Universe
Tesla continued to investigate through experiments, taking precautions against the high voltages being produced. He was soon able to produce these shockwaves whenever he wanted to. The shockwaves produced a stinging sensation no matter where he stood in his laboratory, and hands and face were particularly sensitive to the wave. These waves radiated out and penetrated metal, glass and every other kind of material. This was clearly not an electromagnetic wave, so he called the new wave “Radiant Electricity”.
Tesla searched the literature to find references to this radiant energy but he could not find much. In 1842, Dr. Joseph Henry had observed that steel needles were magnetised by a Leyden Jar spark discharge located on a different floor of the building. The magnetising wave had passed through brick walls, oak doors, heavy stone and iron flooring and tin ceilings to reach the needles located in a vault in the cellar.
In 1872, Elihu Thomson took a large Ruhmkorrf Spark Coil, attached one pole of the coil to a cold-water pipe and the other pole to a metal table top. This resulted in a series of massive sparks which electrified the metal door knob of the room and produced the stinging shockwaves which Tesla was investigating. He found that any insulated metal object anywhere in the building would produce long continuous white sparks discharging to ground. This discovery was written up briefly in the Scientific American journal later that year.
Tesla concluded that all of the phenomena which he had observed, implied the presence of a medium . . . consisting of independent carriers capable of free motion – besides the air, another medium is present. This invisible medium is capable of carrying waves of energy through all substances, which suggests that, if physical, its basic structure is much smaller than the atoms which make up commonplace materials, allowing the stream of matter to pass freely through all solids. It appears that all of space is filled with this matter.
Thomas Henry Moray demonstrated this energy flow passing through glass and lighting standard electric light bulbs.
Harold Aspden performed an experiment known as the “Aspden Effect” which also indicates the presence of this medium. Aspden made this discovery when running tests not related to this subject. He started an electric motor which had a rotor mass of 800 grams and recorded the fact that it took an energy input of 300 joules to bring it up to its running speed of 3,250 revolutions per minute when it was driving no load. The rotor having a mass of 800 grams and spinning at that speed, its kinetic energy together with that of the drive motor is no more than 15 joules, contrasting with the excessive energy of 300 joules needed to get it rotating at that speed. If the motor is left running for five minutes or more, and then switched off, it comes to rest after a few seconds. But, the motor can then be started again (in the same or opposite direction) and brought up to speed with only 30 joules provided that the time lapse between stopping and restarting is no more than a minute or so. If there is a delay of several minutes, then an energy input of 300 joules is needed to get the rotor spinning again.
This is not a transient heating phenomenon. At all times the bearing housings feel cool and any heating in the drive motor would imply an increase of resistance and a build-up of power to a higher steady state condition. The experimental evidence is that there is something unseen, which is put into motion by the machine rotor. That “something” has an effective mass density 20 times that of the rotor, but it is something that can move independently and take several minutes to decay , while the motor comes to rest in a few seconds.
Two machines of different rotor size and composition reveal the phenomenon and tests indicate variations with time of day and compass orientation of the spin axis. One machine, the one incorporating weaker magnets, showed evidence of gaining strength magnetically during the tests which were repeated over a period of several days.
This clearly shows that there is an unseen medium which interacts with everyday objects and actions, and confirms Tesla’s discovery. Tesla continued to experiment and determined that a very short uni-directional pulse is necessary to generate the radiant energy wave. In other words, an alternating voltage does not create the effect, it has to be a DC pulse. The shorter the pulse time and the higher the voltage, the greater the energy wave. He found that using a capacitor and an arc discharge mechanism with a very powerful permanent magnet placed at right angles to the spark, improved the performance of his equipment by a major factor.
Additional experiments showed that the effects were altered by adjusting the duration of the electrical pulse. In each instance, the power of the radiated energy appeared to be constant irrespective of the distance from his apparatus. The energy was in the form of individual longitudinal waves. Objects placed near the equipment became powerfully electrified, retaining their charge for many minutes after the equipment was switched off.
Tesla was using a charging dynamo as a power source and he found that if he moved his magnetic discharger to one side of the dynamo, the radiant wave was positive. If he moved the magnetic discharger towards the other side of the dynamo, the radiant wave became negative in sign. This was clearly a new electrical force which travelled as light-like rays, showing them to be different in nature from the electromagnetic waves of Maxwell.
Investigating the effects of adjusting the duration of the pulses, Tesla found that a pulse train which had individual pulses with durations exceeding 100 microseconds, produced pain and mechanical pressures. At this duration, objects in the field visibly vibrated and were even pushed along by the field. Thin wires subjected to sudden bursts of the radiant field, exploded into vapour. When the pulse duration was reduced to 100 microseconds or below, the painful effect was no longer felt and the waves are harmless.
With a pulse duration of 1 microsecond, strong physiological heat was felt. With even shorter pulse durations, spontaneous illuminations capable of filling rooms with white light, were produced. Even shorter pulses produced cool room penetrating breezes with an accompanying uplift in mood and awareness. These effects have been verified by Eric Dollard who has written about them in some detail.
In 1890, Tesla discovered that if he placed a two-foot long single-turn deep copper helix coil near his magnetic disrupter, the thin-walled coil developed a sheath of white sparks with long silvery white streamers rising from the top of the coil. These discharges appeared to have much higher voltages than the generating circuit. This effect was greatly increased if the coil was placed inside the disrupter wire circle. The discharge seemed to hug the surface of the coil with a strange affinity, and rode up its surface to the open end. The shockwave flowed over the coil at right angles to the windings and produced very long discharges from the top of the coil. With the disrupter charge jumping one inch in its magnetic housing, the coil streamers were more than two feet in length. This effect was generated at the moment when the magnetic field quenched the spark and it was wholly unknown at that time.
This train of very short uni-directional pulses causes a very strange field to expand outwards. This field resembles a stuttering electrostatic field but has a far more powerful effect than would be expected from an electrostatic charge. Tesla was unable to account for the enormous voltage multiplication of his apparatus using any of the electrical formula of his day. He therefore presumed that the effect was entirely due to radiant transformation rules which would have to be determined through experimental measurements. This he proceeded to do.
Tesla had discovered a new induction law where radiant shockwaves actually auto-intensified when encountering segmented objects. The segmentation was the key to releasing the action. Radiant shockwaves encountered a helix and “flashed over” the outer skin, from end to end. This shockwave did not pass through the windings of the coil but treated the surface of the coil as a transmission path. Measurements showed that the voltage increase along the surface of the coil was exactly proportional to the length travelled along the coil, with the voltage increase reaching values of 10,000 volts per inch of coil. The 10,000 volts which he was feeding to his 24 inch coil were being magnified to 240,000 volts at the end of his coil. This was unheard of for simple equipment like that. Tesla also discovered that the voltage increase was mathematically linked to the resistance of the coil winding, with higher resistance windings producing higher voltages.
Tesla then began to refer to his disrupter loop as his special “primary” and to the long helical coil as his special “secondary” but he never intended anyone to equate these terms to those referring to electromagnetic transformers which operate in a completely different way.
There was an attribute which baffled Tesla for a time. His measurements showed that there was no current flowing in the long copper “secondary” coil. Voltage was rising with every inch of the coil, but there was no current flow in the coil itself. Tesla started to refer to his measured results as his “electrostatic induction laws”. He found that each coil had its own optimum pulse duration and that the circuit driving it needed to be “tuned” to the coil by adjusting the length of the pulses to give the best performance.
Tesla then noticed that the results given by his experiments paralleled the equations for dynamic gas movements, so he began wondering if the white flame discharges might not be a gaseous manifestation of electrostatic force. He found that when a metal point was connected to the upper terminal of the “secondary” coil, the streamers were directed very much like water flowing through a pipe. When the stream was directed at distant metal plates, it produced electronic charges which could be measured as current at the receiving site but in transit, no current existed. The current only appeared when the stream was intercepted. Eric Dollard has stated that this intercepted current can reach several hundred or even thousands of amps.
Tesla made another remarkable discovery. He connected a very heavy U-shaped copper bar directly across the primary of his disrupter, forming a dead short-circuit. He then connected several ordinary incandescent filament bulbs between the legs of the U-shaped bar. When the equipment was powered up, the lamps lit with a brilliant cold white light. This is quite impossible with conventional electricity, and it shows clearly that what Tesla was dealing with was something new. This new energy is sometimes called “cold electricity” and Edwin Gray sr. demonstrated how different it is by lighting incandescent-filament bulbs directly from his power tube, submerging them in water and putting his hand in the water. Cold electricity is generally considered to be harmless to humans. Ed Gray’s power tube operates by generating radiant electricity waves by using a spark gap, and collecting the energy using three encasing copper cylinders surrounding the spark gap. The cylinders are drilled with many holes as that enhances the pick-up and the load is driven directly from the current in the cylinders. When lighting bulbs, Ed used an air-cored transformer made of just a few turns of very heavy wire. I, personally, am aware of two people who have independently reproduced Ed’s power tube.
Tesla viewed the streamers coming off his coils as being wasted energy so he tried to suppress them. He tried a conical coil but found that this accentuated the problem. He then tried placing a copper sphere at the top of his coil. This stopped the streamers but electrons were dislodged from the copper sphere, creating really dangerous conditions. This implied that metals generate electron flows when struck by the coil streamers (as had been seen when the streamers had been aimed at remote metal plates and current was generated as a result).
Tesla designed, built and used large globe lamps which required only a single external plate for receiving the radiant energy. No matter how far away these lamps were from the radiant source, they became brilliantly lit, almost to the level of an arc lamp and far, far brighter than any of the conventional Edison filament lamps. By adjusting the voltage and the pulse duration of his apparatus, Tesla could also heat or cool a room.
Tesla’s experiments suggest that a method of extracting free-energy is to use a Tesla coil which has a metal spike instead of the more common metal sphere at the end of the “secondary” coil. If the Tesla coil is fed with sufficiently short uni-directional pulses and the “secondary” coil pointed at a metal plate, then it should be possible to draw off serious levels of power from the metal plate, just as Tesla discovered. This has been confirmed by Don Smith who uses two metal plates separated by a layer of plastic dielectric, forming a capacitor. He states that a well designed Tesla coil is capable of producing currents as high as the voltages and he demonstrates a hand-held 28 watt Tesla Coil played on the first plate producing a substantial continuous spark discharge between the second plate and ground.
Cold electricity
Overview of refrigeration
So it seems Cold Electricity has more meanings to diffrent people. BEDINI and Tesla's Radiant Energy (better name would be Cold Electricity, since Radiant energy is confusig to some extent) has nothing to do with the terminology used in conventional science (as described in Wikipedia).It is related to Radiant Electricity phenomena and Negative Energy, i.e. energy absorption from surrounding environment and not conventional energy dissipation phenomenaHere is enlisted summary of my remarks, I have learned from Peter Lindemann, Eric Dollard, Tom Bearden and John Bedini:
- Cold electricity is related to NEGATIVE Dissipative Energy
- Cold electricity is related to over-unity, when we have COP>1
- Normal, conventional electricity devices always dissipate some heat into surrounding environment, while radiant energy devices ABSORBS heat from the surrounding environment (NOTE: energy absorption and not energy dissipation phenomena are present)
- Cold electricity works with over-unity devices, and it always ABSORBS heat from the surrounding environment, therefore name COLD
- This type of electricity was first demonstrated by Nikola Tesla in 1890's.
- Radiant energy is the capturing of a spike, only a sharp transient, in the spike. Charging the battery with Radiant energy CREATES a NEGATIVE Dissipative Energy effect phenomena to the battery, because there's no heat in the battery.
- Whenever we have "slow-charge-and-instantaneous discharge" process, radiant energy phenomena occur.
- Radiant energy has nothing to do with electron flow and it is NOT conventional electric current
Cold electricity is often observed as a cooling phenomenon at an electric spark. It is related to the utilization of the Potential Energy of atomic and subatomic magnetic dipoles. Until a strong magnetic field can overcome the forces of random thermal motion, alignment will not form between magnetic-dipoles to utilize this potential energy of magnetic dipoles. A slow charge and VERY SHORT DISCHARGE less than one microsecond (< 1 μs) - high voltage spark is required to make a magnetic field strong enough to cause this alignment. Potential Energy is restored by absorption of infrared photons AMBIENT HEATH ABSORPTION, i.e.COOLING.
Radiant Energy Machine - by Sol Millin, BNE coordinator, Byron Bay, Australia ( Cold electricity )
The “radiant energy engine” is the creation of a very sudden and frequent interruption to a dc voltage. Various dc voltage sources and voltage interruption devices have been used by researchers. Apparently, if you interrupt the dc voltage 10,000 times a second you have a potential “radiant energy engine”. Now 100 microseconds is a time interval of 1/10,000th of a second which with current electronic circuit design is considered trivial to produce. Using the most common oscillator chip in the world the NE555 this can be achieved easily.A simple circuit will output a variable frequency dc 12 volt square wave between 1kHz and 40kHz for experimentation. You can use this wave form to drive your radiant energy engine through a simple Mosfet circuit which allows this wave form to be delivered at a very high amperage (up to 20 amps). The output wave form can be designed to be “ON” for a very very short period of time, thus consuming very little current in the primary circuit. Back emf from the primary circuit and some of the radiant energy from the secondary circuit can be used to charge a potential source (eg. 12 volt battery) which can alternate with the primary current source (another 12 volt battery) to hopefully produce an OU (over unity) radiant energy machine.
What we have to do then apparently is raise the primary voltage to some thousands of volts and apply this clean cut off (with no back emf) to our “radiant energy transceiver” which apparently creates a disturbance in Space itself that ‘moves’ electrons in the output (transmitter) aspect of the “radiant energy transceiver”. The input and output circuits of the transceiver are electrically isolated from each other. The load of the “radiant energy machine” is run off of the output of the radiant transmitter.
So the potential interruptions in the primary circuit which by the way use very very little current, ‘move’ the radiant energy in the secondary circuit which supplies energy to the load.
Sounds like the same concept of oscillation that Stanley Meyer was using to fracture water. From what I understand by watching a video about Meyer he used very high DC voltage and very low amperage (milliamps) to get water to split into Hydrogen and Oxygen. In the video it talks about the oscillation of the current and I believe he used some sort of dielectric to prevent emf, from what I have read. I am a novice at all of this so please forgive me if I have stated something technically incorrect. I am attempting to build his original fuel cell from the patent blueprints but am not sure of exactly how to deliver the DC current wave form. If any one knows what type of device I could use to vary the current and interrupt it at the correct rate please post here. Unfortunately I understand Meyer was murdered. The video alludes to the idea that he was offered a billion dollars for his invention and he turned it down. I’m not interested in the money either. I want free energy for everyone.
Other ways to create Cold electricity
Tesla's basic Cold electricity
Simple Cold Electricity - very detailed explanation:
This is my simplified version of cold electricity circuit. I hope this makes the replication easier.
Cold Electricity - Circuit Details:
Detailed explanation of my circuit. I hope this video explains my circuit clearer for replication.
Tesla's Cold electricity was developed by Edwin Gray:
Nikola Tesla is Edwin Gray’s indirect, primary, source:In 1957, a Russian immigrant to the USA, one Alexei Poppoff, showed Edwin Gray a circuit which he said he had been shown by Nikola Tesla. Tesla in his Philadelphia and St Louis lecture in 1893 showed how loads can be powered when a high voltage source is pulsed by magnetically-quenched sparks – this creates DC pulses of very short duration.
Edwin Gray joined up with his next-door neighbor Marvin Cole, who held a Masters degree in Mechanical Engineering and who, unlike Gray, was able to understand the circuitry.
Peter Lindemann points out that Ed Gray’s power conversion tube circuit is effectively a copy of Nikola Tesla’s circuit.
The Ed Gray Power System, the power tube presented to the public by Edwin Gray, operates by generating a series of very short, very sharp pulses using a spark gap.
From 1958 to 1972 Marvin Cole, Ed’s neighbor, working alone, designed and built ever more powerful prototype engines, and it was a small one of these which was tested by Cal-Tech. In this period, Marvin also developed ever more powerful power supplies, which are the really important item in all of this.
In 1967, Ed Gray rejoins Marvin Cole and together from 1967 to 1972, they solicited venture capital and promoted the technology.
Early in 1972, for unknown reasons, Marvin Cole disappeared [was murdered?] and never saw Gray again.
Edwin Gray's Energy System:
- The blue wires represent the current path that powers the load.
- The red wires represent the current discharge path that occurs when the spark gap in the conversion tube fires.
- When the capacitor is discharged an intense magnetic field is created within the tube. This field instantly halts current flow to the load.
Thomas H. Moray invented a specialized high efficiency 6,000-hertz power supply. It turns out that Edwin Gray's device also produced this same exact frequency. Certain electrical equipment such as solid state radio, television and light bulbs will operate on this 6,000-hertz electrical current.
The overall efficiency of the Gray device is extremely high. From one of his company press releases we are told that it will power loads four times longer in comparison to a standard DC to AC inverter power supply. This particular press statement indicates that he was planning to market a device that outputted a 6Khz frequency, as compared to the standard 60Hz frequency coming from the public utility power grid.
Both the Moray and Gray energy systems harness a very old source of energy in very unique ways. They are the solution to our power needs using an inexpensive renewable energy. The advantages over other systems are many. The World is indeed moving at a suicidal pace, we need this technology more than ever. It will light lights, run motors and electrical appliances.
Getting back to the Gray device. It is a fact that when you put a high potential current across two opposite elements, ionization will occur between them. The high voltage elements 12 & 34 develop a pre-discharge plasma glow between them. This is a given unless the elements were to exist within an extreme vacuum environment. The Gray conversion tube acts no differently. When a glow pre-discharge is present the tube is switched in the on mode and current flows. Without this ionization between the cylinder and rod in the conversion tube no current will flow through the load.
Discharge occurs across the spark gap 62 once this capacitor reaches the breakdown voltage of the gap. Once the arc is broken it begins to recharge the cycle repeats and the cycle repeats so long as the batteries remain charged. The current path flows along the red wire shown in Figure - 7. Ionization drops in the conversion tube 14. The load current is halted. When this discharge takes place the anode 12 is heated. Most of you are acquainted with the fact that the space between a hot filament emits electrons and a cold electrode by which these electrons are attracted is unilaterally conductive. Current can flow only from the hot filament to the cold electrode. It is known that when an electron moves through a magnetic field, whose lines of force are at right angles to its direction of motion, the electron is constrained to move in a circular path.
In fact, if the field is made strong enough the electron may be forced to stay in the field and revolve in a circular orbit whose diameter is smaller than the field. If a magnetic field is applied transversely to the motion of the electrons the electrons may be deflected to such an extent as to prevent them from reaching the plate and to constrain them to return to the filament. A.W. Hall of the General Electric Co. was the first to use this principle in highly efficient vacuum tube converter he called a magnetron. The sudden discharge in the converter tube generates an intense magnetic field that very abruptly halts current flow to the load. Directly thereafter the magnetic field collapses.
The collapsing field in conjunction with the reappearance of the pre-glow discharge instantly generates an electrical surge of power. This surge is unidirectional and can run motors and light bulbs with extreme efficiency because DC resistance does not limit this type of current and wasteful heat loss is practically non-existent. The output if feed into a tank circuit can produce high frequency currents. Old storage batteries are preferred because they can hold up to high voltage discharges. In time the recovered spark discharge will clean off the sulfur that has formed on their plates.
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Summary of The Electro-Radiant Event
1. The Electro-Radiant Event is produced when a high-voltage, direct current is discharged across a spark-gap and interrupted abruptly before any reversals of current can occur.
2. This effect is gready increased when the source of direct current is a charged capacitor.
3. The Electro- Radiant Event leaves wires and other circuit components perpendicular to the flow of current.
4. The Electro-Radiant Event produces a spatially distributed voltage that can be thousands of times higher than the initial spark discharge voltage.
5. It propagates instantaneously as a longitudinal, electrostatic "light-like my" that behaves similarly to an incompressible gas under pressure.
6. Electro-Radiant effects are solely characterized by impulse duration and voltage drop in the spark-gap.
7. Electro-Radiant effects penetrate all materials and create "electronic responses" in metals like copper and silver. In this case, "electronic responses" means that an electrical charge will build up on copper surfaces exposed to Electro-Radiant emissions
8. Electro-Radiant impulses shorter than 100 microseconds are completely safe to handle and will not cause shock or harm.
9. Electro-Radiant impulses shorter than 100 nanoseconds are cold and easily cause lighting effects in vacuum globes.
This is real; a wonderful accumulation of knowledge is reproduced here! I too have studied Tesla's radiant energy, Eric Dollard, and various related things. In my third year of explorarion of these topics, I'm no electrical engineer, but I'm currently working on a revision of Tesla's Magnetically quenched spark gap that allows for finite control of the pulse duration and Voltage. I already have the bulk of my apperatus completed, but some additional circuitry is still in the works.
ReplyDeleteOnce completed, my hypothesis is that it will act as an over unity device, a means of encrypted power/signal transmission without connection to ground or a Tesla Coil, and possibly an anti-gravity field generator. The theory for each of them is rooted in what's called E-infinity theory (the modern day aether theory equivilant but more), as well as Eric Dollard's theory of gravity and EM field structures, Tesla's radiant energy, and the study of torsion feilds in relation to antigravity claims such as John Searl and Mark McCandlish. You'll notice the common thread of all of these studies are just two: the organization of energy into sharp transient pulses, and the topology of the fields resultant of the apperatus-- best considered for higher dimensional curvature.
I would love to work together, seeking solutions, but I warn you I haven't any formal training in any of this. However, I have two allies already who I speak to from time to time for advise; one is an electrical guru who knows this stuff, amd the other is a math guru who knows E-infinity theory and related math. Email me and let's talk!
Go and get a life!!
ReplyDeleteHi is it possible to get videos from this site?
ReplyDeleteCan you provide any contemporary references to the "blue spike" phenomenon? I've read many journals and publications of the time and have not encountered it...
ReplyDeleteIncandescent bulbs glow but do not emit heat. On the other hand, incandescent bulbs absorb heat, which causes them to glow and Cold. It is a real but rare phenomenon because the technology is hidden or suppressed. Learn more:
DeleteCold Electricity by Edwin Gray